英语流利说 Level1 Unit1 Part2


This is Dan.

Dan:Hello. My name is Dan.

Dan is a man.

This is Tina.

Tina:Hi. My name is Tina.

Tina is a woman.

This is Ben.

Ben:Hi. My name is Ben.

Ben is a boy.

This is Lisa.

Lisa:Hello. My name is Lisa.

Lisa is a girl.

This is Dan.

This is Ben.

Dan is a man and Ben is a boy.

This is Tina.

This is Lisa.

Tina is a women and Lisa is a girl.

This man's name is Dan.

Dan. D-a-n.

This woman's name is Tina.


This boy's name is Ben.

Ben. B-e-n.

This girl's name is Lisa.

Lisa. L-i-s-a.

Here are three people.

Here are two people.

Their names are Dan and Tina.

Here are three countries.  France,Japan and Canada.


Q:Who is a woman?

A:Tina is a woman.

Q:Who is a boy?

A:Ben is a boy.

Q:Who is the boy?

A:Ben is the boy.

Q:Who is the girl?

A:Lisa is the girl.

Q:What does the man's name?

A:His name is Dan.

Q:What does the girl's name?

A:Her name is Lisa.

Q:What's this man's name?

A:His name is Dan.

Q:This man's name is Dan.

A:This man's name is Dan.

Q:Which person is a boy.

A:This person is a boy. His name is Ben.

Q:Is this person a woman?

A:This person is a woman.

Q:This person is a girl.

A:This person is a girl.

Q:Which country is France?

A:This is France.

Scene:Listen to the sentence and repeat after.

1.Tina is a woman.

2.Lisa is a girl.

3.This person's name is Dan.

4.The woman's name is TIna.

Lesson2:Vocabulary(Daily Objects)

This is a door.

This is a chair.

This is a key.

This is a desk.

This is a cellphone.

This is a window.

These are stairs.

This is a book.

This is a pencil.

This is a pen.

A bathroom. This is a bathroom.

An elevator. This is an elevator.

A clock. This is a clock.

A watch. This is a watch.

A hand. This is a hand.

A bathroom. b-a-t-h-r-o-o-m.

An elevator. e-l-e-v-a-t-o-r.

A clock. c-l-o-c-k.

A watch. w-a-t-c-h.

A hand. h-a-n-d.


Q:Where is the desk?

A:This is a desk.

Q:Where is the chari?

A:This is a chari.

Q:Where is the key?

A:This is a key.

Q:Where is the window?

A:This is a window.

Q:Where are the stairs?

A:These are stairs.

Q:Where is the pen?

A:This is a pen.

Q:Where is the bathroom?

A:This is a bathroom.

Q:Where is the clock?

A:This is a clock.

Q:Where is the hand?

A:This is a hand.

Q:A bathroom.

A:This is a bathroom.

Q:A watch.

A:This is a watch.

Q:A hand.

A:This is a hand.

Sence:Listen to the sentence and repeat after.

1.This is a bathroom.

2.This is a watch.

3.This is a hand.

Lesson3:Vocabulary(Daily Actions)

Sit down.

Stand up. 

Close the door. 

Open the door.

Pick up the keys.

Put down the keys.

Go up the stairs.

Go down the stairs.

Put up your hand.

Put down your hand.

Open the book.

Close the book.

P.s:文中使用了Pick up来表示拿齐钥匙。为什么不用take up呢?大家都有拿起的意思。原因是因为。Pick是有挑选的动作的。Pick up着重点是“拾起的动作”。而Take up指的是“拿着的动作”。Take up通常也不做这个意思来用。通常Take up表示的是“占据”。


Scene:Listen to the sentence and repeat after.

1.Stand up.

2.Close the door.

3.Pick up the keys.

4.Go down the stairs.

5.Put down your hand.

6.Open the book.

Lesson4:Dialogue(Nice to meet you)

Here are two people. A man and a women.

Dan:Hello. My name is Dan. What is your name?

Tina:Hello,Dan. My name is Tina.


Tina:Yes. My name is Tina. And your name is Dan. Right?

Dan:Yes. My name is Dan. D-a-n.

Tina:It's nice to meet you,Dan.

Dan:It's nice to meet you,Tina.

Tina:Who is that. What is his name.

Dan:His name is Ken.


Dan:Yes. His name is Ken. K-e-n. Who is that?

Tina:Her name is Kim.

Dan:Tina. This is Ken. Ken. This is Tina.

Ken:Hi,Tina.It's nice to meet you.

Tina:Dan. This is Kim. Kim. This is Dan.

Kim:Hi,Dan.It's nice to meet you.

Dan:HI,Kim. It's nice to meet you too.

Listen Carefully(注意听了). It is = It's.


Q:What are their names?

A:Their names are Dan and Tina.

Q:What is her name?

A:Her name is Kim.

Q:Whis is the man's name?

A:His name is Dan.

Q:Is his name Ken or Kim?

A:His name is Ken.

Q:What is his name?

A:His name is Ken.

Q:What is her name?

A:Her name is Kim.

Scene:Listen to the sentence and repeat after.

1.It's nice to meet you.

2.His name is Ken.

3.Who is that?

4.What is his name?

5.What is her name?

6.His name is Ken.

7.The woman's name is Tina.

8.The girl's name is Lisa.

9.Dan,this is Kim.

Lesson5:Letters&Numbers(Letter F-J)

F. a family. fingers. fifteen. France. February.

G. a girl. a game. Germany. green. goat.

H. a hand. hands. hair. a house. happy.

I. ice. ink. India. Ireland. Italy.

J. Japan. jeans(牛仔裤). juice. June. July.


Q:A family.

A:This is a family of four.


A:France is a country.

Q:A girl.

A:This is a girl.

Q:A game.

A:This is a game.


A:This is a goat.

Q:A hand.

A:A hand has five fingers.


A:His hair is gray.


A:This person is happy.

Q:A house.

A:This is a house.


A:People use ink to write.


A:Ice is cold. Not hot.


A:Ireland is a European(欧洲的) country.


A:Italy is a Eurpean country.


A:These are jeans.


A:This is the sixth month


A:July is the seventh month.


A:A glass of juice.

Lesson6:Letters&Numbers(Numbers 11-20)

eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen.

sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. twenty.

你可能感兴趣的:(英语流利说 Level1 Unit1 Part2)