JTAG (一)杂谈

  • jtag标准
jtag 是一个标准, IEEE1149.1,标准文件可以在 http://standards.ieee.org 获取
JTAG refers to IEEE Std 1149.1-2013. 

It is a standard that defines 
    test logic that can be included in an integrated circuit 
    	to test the interconnections between integrated circuits, test the integrated circuit itself, 
		and observe or modify circuit activity during the components normal operation. 

This specification uses the latter functionality. //  observe ...
The JTAG standard defines a Test Access Port (TAP) that can be used to read and write a few custom registers, 
which can be used to communicate with debug hardware in a component.
jtag 定义了什么
    1. 硬件接口
    标准JTAG采用四线方式,分别是TCK、TMS、TDI和TDO,有一个可选的TRST引脚  // 实测 andes 不支持 TRST
    	tck 是时钟,用来驱动
    	tms 用来状态机切换
    	tdo 用来 芯片 -> 外部 的通信
    	tdi 用于 外部 -> 芯片 的通信
        2. 指令寄存器  //用 SHIFT-IR 时序 与 SHIFT-DR 时序 来写
        3. 多个数据寄存器 //用 SHIFT-DR 时序 与 SHIFT-DR 时序 来写
    3. 芯片内部的jtag状态机
    4. 一个简单的 TAP(测试访问端口)
		riscv 以该TAP为基础,添加,减少了一些寄存器,改造出来了JTAG-DTM // JTAG-DTM 与 TAP 不完全兼容
		arm   以该TAP为基础,添加,减少了一些寄存器,改造出来了JTAG-DP  // JTAG-DTM 与 TAP 不完全兼容
  • jtag标准-1993
  • jtag标准-2013
  • jtag标准官方地址
IEEE 1149.1a-1993 - Supplement to Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture (1149.1)
jtag标准是 jtag组织提出的,arm芯片只是使用了该标准

jtag 定义了jtag 有几个线, 以及 线上的时序
但是没有定义 芯片与调试器的接口为什么,但是如果用了jtag协议,接口中的5个线是少不了的(nrst tck tms tdi tdo)

jtag 定义了 DR 和 IR 和 边界扫描链
	2.IR 和 DR 是 用于 选中debug模块的寄存器, 读写debug模块的寄存器,而 debug 模块就会根据 这些 这些寄存器的读写 做动作
		当 TDI 获取输入的时候, IO 口 会 和外界连接的片外 外设断掉,而只连 TDI
		TDI 获取的输入(例如连续的6个bit) 直接展示在 IO口(例如6个为一个扫描链), 然后 debug模块 会 读取该 6bit
		IR 和 DR  以 边界扫描链 为基础 获取输入

ARM 和 risc-v 和 mips 都会 根据这两点来 往上封装,以 读写 debug模块寄存器为基础封装出来的功能有
	1. halt 住 核心
	2. 读写 cpu 核心 通用寄存器
	3. 读写 内存
  • 概要
  • 概要2
  • 作用

一个含有JTAG Debug接口模块的CPU,只要时钟正常,就可以通过JTAG接口访问
	JTAG接口还常用于实现ISP(In-System Programmable;在线编程),对FLASH等器件进行编程。

  • 接口定义
  • 各种插头转接板定义
如今 JTAG 接口的连接有两种标准,即 14 针接口和 20 针接口




The Test Access Port

The JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) contains four pins that drive the circuit blocks and control the operations specified. The TAP facilitates the serial loading and unloading of instructions and data. The four pins of the TAP are: TMS, TCK, TDI and TDO. The function of each TAP pin is as follows:

TCK - this pin is the JTAG test clock. It sequences the TAP controller as well as all of the JTAG registers.

TMS - this pin is the mode input signal to the TAP Controller. The TAP controller is a 16-state FSM that provides the control logic for JTAG. The state of TMS at the rising edge of TCK determines the sequence of states for the TAP controller. TMS has an internal pull-up resistor on it to provide a logic 1 to the system if the pin is not driven.

TDI - this pin is the serial data input to all JTAG instruction and data registers. The state of the TAP controller as well as the particular instruction held in the instruction register determines which register is fed by TDI for a specific operation. TDI has an internal pull-up resistor on it to provide a logic 1 to the system if the pin is not driven. TDI is sampled into the JTAG registers on the rising edge of TCK.

TDO - this pin is the serial data output for all JTAG instruction and data registers. The state of the TAP controller as well as the particular instruction held in the instruction register determines which register feeds TDO for a specific operation. Only one register (instruction or data) is allowed to be the active connection between TDI and TDO for any given operation. TDO changes state on the

falling edge of TCK and is only active during the shifting of data through the device. This pin is three-stated at all other times.
  • 原理1
  • 原理2-带图

JTAG最初是用来对芯片进行测试的,基本原理是在器件内部定义一个TAP(Test Access Port测试访问口)通过专用的JTAG测试工具对进行内部节点进行测试。

  • 如何使用

一般来说,会将其强制要求的四根线引出到一个插座上去,然后 通过 jlink ulink jlink-ob 等仿真器进行 控制这几个引脚.

这些仿真器的设计原理基本上都是 基于mcu 做的, mcu 控制 四根线序,从而控制被调试的芯片

那如果想用mcu 控制 这四根线,程序怎么写呢?这是下次讨论的内容
可以从 https://github.com/wuxx/nanoDAP.git 这里着手



