DNNs & Papers in kaldi


Karel's DNN implementation

DNN: egs/wsj/s5/local/nnet/run_dnn.sh

  • steps/nnet/make_fmllr_feats.sh
    storing 40-dimensional fMLLR features to disk
  • steps/nnet/pretrain_dbn.sh
    预训练一个深度信念网络(Deep Belief Network,由多个限制玻尔兹曼机Restricted Boltzmann Machines层组成)。
    论文 Geoff Hinton's tutorial paper
  • steps/nnet/train.sh
    frame cross-entropy training,该阶段训练一个能将帧分类为三音素状态的DNN
    论文 Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition
  • steps/nnet/train_mpe.sh
    sMBR sequence-discriminative training,该阶段联合优化所有的句子来训练整个神经网络,比帧级的训练更接近ASR的目标。
    论文 Sequence-discriminative training of deep neural networks

CNN: egs/rm/s5/local/nnet/run_cnn.sh
论文 Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for LVCSR

Autoencoder training: egs/timit/s5/local/nnet/run_autoencoder.sh

Tandem system: egs/swbd/s5c/local/nnet/run_dnn_tandem_uc.sh
uc = Universal context network
论文 Convolutive Bottleneck Network Features for LVCSR

Dan's DNN implementation

  • egs/wsj/s5/steps/nnet2/train_pnorm_fast.sh
    this is generally a p-norm network
    论文 Improving Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models Using Generalized Maxout Networks
  • nnet3
    论文 Parallel training of DNNs with Natural Gradient and Parameter Averaging

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