

This book is about teaching. And because it is about teaching much of it is devoted to the personal qualities of good teachers.
Believing that teaching is an art, we have emphasized the artists who practice it. This does not mean that we are unmindful of the science of teaching; as with every other art, mastery of teaching is gained through close attention to methods and materials as well as to refinement of native gifts.

Yet we have foused on the qualities, both natural and cultivated, of those who teach rather than on the techniques they use beacause fat too much attention has been given to explaining the process of teaching and not nearly enough to describing the people responsible for that process.

Those people cannot be seperated from what they do. The human factor in teaching is infinitely variable and beyond the reach of scientific inquiry. It is that factor, rather than the professional one, that is the subject of this book.
We have written it for those who teach and for those who wish to consider what makes up the art of teaching and learn to recognize its achievement. Who, specifically, do we have in mind as our readers?

我们把教学实践者当作艺术家,因为我们相信教学是一门艺术。 但是这并不意味着我们忽略了科学在教学中的作用。就像其他艺术一样,掌握教学技法需要密切关注方法、材料以及唤起天赋。
教师不能和教学过程分离。 教育者个人特质多种多样,绝不 是科学所能企及。 本书的主题正在于此,而并非所谓的专业缘故。
这本书是为教师以及那些对教学艺术的组成和教学成就的辨识感兴趣的人而写。 特别的是,谁会成为我们的读者呢?

(The elements of teaching ,James M. Banner,Jr., Harold C.Cannon. )
