

A man in the city was walking on a country path. He passed a farm and found that the farmer was feeding pigs in a particularly strange way. The farmer stood under an apple tree, picked up a very big pig and let him eat the apple in the tree as much as he could. When one apple was finished, the farmer hugged the pig to the other until the pig was full.

然后,农场主又抱起另一头猪来喂。城里人看了好一会儿,最后他实在忍不住,开口问道:“不好意思,我实在忍不住想告诉你,你这样一头一头地把猪抱起来喂苹果,实在太费劲了。你直接去摇那棵树,然后让猪去吃掉下来的苹果不是更省时间吗?  农场主一脸茫然地看着城里人问道:“对于一头猪来讲,

Then the farmer picked up another pig to feed. The man in the city looked at it for a while, and at last he could not help but ask, "I'm sorry, I can't help but tell you that it's too hard for you to pick up the pig and feed it to the apple like this." Isn't it more time-consuming for you to shake the tree and let the pig eat the apple? The farmer looked blankly at the man in the city and asked, "for a pig,




What's the use of time?
