
2021边缘分析:边缘计算的市场和生态报告The 2021 State of the Edge report explores today’s edge computing ecosystem with a focus on the increasingly interconnected domains of critical infrastructure, networks, software, and hardware.

2021年物联网和边缘计算的商业应用市场调研结果 IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey 2021 Results

·IoT technologies are being adopted at an accelerated rate

·Edge computing adoption is also picking up pace. 

·IoT and Edge investment continues a significant upwards trend.

·There is a clear trend towards higher investment levels in the next fiscal year.

·More organizations now see IoT and edge as strategic

·the dominant IoT & edge platforms will either be open source or based on open source.

·The primary benefits of using open source according to respondents include: the ability to customize or influence code in projects (29%); cost advantages (18%); as well as flexibility and agility (14%).

·The top 3 IoT and edge operational challenges are: 1) End-to-end IoT solution monitoring and management; 2) Device management; and 3) Security (network/devices/data).

·There is a trend towards a hybrid cloud strategy. 
