本文是在学习路径规划算法中的一篇学习记录,由于对c++掌握粗浅,将整个代码进行了详细的梳理,由于代码中有很多是之前梳理过的《基于ROS的A*算法代码学习》中的,对本文graph_searcher.h注释可参考上一篇的Astar_searcher.h; node.h注释可参考上一篇的node.h; graph_searcher.cpp注释可参考Astar_searcher.cpp; waypoint_generator.cpp可参考上一篇的waypoint_generator.cpp.本文在参考其他博主总结的基础上,整理出了多种代码实现的方法.
记得要source devel/setup.sh,告诉这个窗口你功能包的位置,否则3d Nav Goal插件会找不到.
#include "graph_searcher.h"
#include "backward.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
namespace ob = ompl::base;
namespace og = ompl::geometric;
namespace backward {
backward::SignalHandling sh;
// simulation param from launch file
double _resolution, _inv_resolution, _cloud_margin;
double _x_size, _y_size, _z_size;
// useful global variables
bool _has_map = false;
Vector3d _start_pt;
Vector3d _map_lower, _map_upper;
int _max_x_id, _max_y_id, _max_z_id;
// ros related
ros::Subscriber _map_sub, _pts_sub;
ros::Publisher _grid_map_vis_pub, _RRTstar_path_vis_pub;
RRTstarPreparatory * _RRTstar_preparatory = new RRTstarPreparatory();
void rcvWaypointsCallback(const nav_msgs::Path & wp);
void rcvPointCloudCallBack(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & pointcloud_map);
void pathFinding(const Vector3d start_pt, const Vector3d target_pt);
void visRRTstarPath(vector<Vector3d> nodes );
void rcvWaypointsCallback(const nav_msgs::Path & wp)
if( wp.poses[0].pose.position.z < 0.0 || _has_map == false )
Vector3d target_pt;
target_pt << wp.poses[0].pose.position.x,
ROS_INFO("[node] receive the planning target");
pathFinding(_start_pt, target_pt);
void rcvPointCloudCallBack(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 & pointcloud_map)
if(_has_map ) return;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_vis;
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 map_vis;
pcl::fromROSMsg(pointcloud_map, cloud);
if( (int)cloud.points.size() == 0 ) return;
pcl::PointXYZ pt;
for (int idx = 0; idx < (int)cloud.points.size(); idx++)
pt = cloud.points[idx];
// set obstalces into grid map for path planning
_RRTstar_preparatory->setObs(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z);
// for visualize only
Vector3d cor_round = _RRTstar_preparatory->coordRounding(Vector3d(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z));
pt.x = cor_round(0);
pt.y = cor_round(1);
pt.z = cor_round(2);
cloud_vis.width = cloud_vis.points.size();
cloud_vis.height = 1;
cloud_vis.is_dense = true;
pcl::toROSMsg(cloud_vis, map_vis);
map_vis.header.frame_id = "/world";
_has_map = true;
// Our collision checker. For this demo, our robot's state space
class ValidityChecker : public ob::StateValidityChecker
// 单冒号(:)的作用是表示后面是初始化列表,可以参考https://blog.csdn.net/lusirking/article/details/83988421
// ob::StateValidityChecker父类构造的时候要传入一个状态空间信息(si)
ValidityChecker(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si) :
ob::StateValidityChecker(si) {}
// Returns whether the given state's position overlaps the
// circular obstacle
bool isValid(const ob::State* state) const
// We know we're working with a RealVectorStateSpace in this
// example, so we downcast state into the specific type.
const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType* state3D =
STEP 1: Extract the robot's (x,y,z) position from its state
auto x = (*state3D)[0];
auto y = (*state3D)[1];
auto z = (*state3D)[2];
return _RRTstar_preparatory->isObsFree(x, y, z);
// Returns a structure representing the optimization objective to use
// for optimal motion planning. This method returns an objective which
// attempts to minimize the length in configuration space of computed
// paths.
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr getPathLengthObjective(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si)
return ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr(new ob::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si));
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr getThresholdPathLengthObj(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si)
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr obj(new ob::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si));
return obj;
void pathFinding(const Vector3d start_pt, const Vector3d target_pt)
// ompl使用一般步骤:
// 1.实例化一个状态空间;
// 2.实例化一个控制空间(可选);
// 3.实例化一个空间信息类;
// 4.实例化一个问题描述;
// 5.实例化一个规划器;
// 6.路径简化器.
// 不熟悉ompl库的使用流程可以参考下面的网站简单学习一下:
// https://blog.csdn.net/wjydym/article/details/104593543
// Construct the robot state space in which we're planning.
// 构造一个三维的状态空间
ob::StateSpacePtr space(new ob::RealVectorStateSpace(3));
// Set the bounds of space to be in [0,1].
// 边界条件设置
ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);
bounds.setLow(0, - _x_size * 0.5);
bounds.setLow(1, - _y_size * 0.5);
bounds.setLow(2, 0.0);
bounds.setHigh(0, + _x_size * 0.5);
bounds.setHigh(1, + _y_size * 0.5);
bounds.setHigh(2, _z_size);
// 将设置的边界赋予状态空间space,其中as的作用是类型转换
// Construct a space information instance for this state space
// 构造状态空间信息SpaceInformation,后面的一些操作需要用到状态空间信息
ob::SpaceInformationPtr si(new ob::SpaceInformation(space));
// Set the object used to check which states in the space are valid
// 为状态空间设置状态检查函数StateValidChecker,ValidityChecker肯定要知道状态的信息,也就是si
si->setStateValidityChecker(ob::StateValidityCheckerPtr(new ValidityChecker(si)));
// 载入设置
// Set our robot's starting state
// 设定起点
ob::ScopedState<> start(space);
STEP 2: Finish the initialization of start state
*/ // todo can I simply it?
// 方法1:
// start[0] = (&start_pt)->operator[](0) ;
// start[1] = (&start_pt)->operator[](1) ;
// start[2] = (&start_pt)->operator[](2) ;
// 方法2:
// start[0] = start_pt(0);
// start[1] = start_pt(1);
// start[2] = start_pt(2);
// 方法3:
// start->as()->values[0] = start_pt(0);
// start->as()->values[1] = start_pt(1);
// start->as()->values[2] = start_pt(2);
// 方法4:
start->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](0) = start_pt(0);
start->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](1) = start_pt(1);
start->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](2) = start_pt(2);
// Set our robot's goal state
// 设定终点
ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);
STEP 3: Finish the initialization of goal state
// 方法1:
// goal[0] = (&target_pt)->operator[](0) ;
// goal[1] = (&target_pt)->operator[](1) ;
// goal[2] = (&target_pt)->operator[](2) ;
// 方法2:
// goal[0] = target_pt(0);
// goal[1] = target_pt(1);
// goal[2] = target_pt(2);
// 方法3:
// goal->as()->values[0] = target_pt(0);
// goal->as()->values[1] = target_pt(1);
// goal->as()->values[2] = target_pt(2);
// 方法4:
goal->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](0) = target_pt(0);
goal->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](1) = target_pt(1);
goal->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->operator[](2) = target_pt(2);
// Create a problem instance
STEP 4: Create a problem instance,
please define variable as pdef
// 构造问题实例,传入之前构造的状态空间信息SpaceInformation
auto pdef(std::make_shared<ob::ProblemDefinition>(si));
// Set the start and goal states
// 为问题实例设置起点和终点
pdef->setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);
// Set the optimization objective
STEP 5: Set the optimization objective, the options you can choose are defined earlier:
getPathLengthObjective() and getThresholdPathLengthObj()
// 该语句为本问题设置了一个长度优化器,来自于ompl库自带的路径长度优化类
// 方法1:
// pdef->setOptimizationObjective(getPathLengthObjective(si));
// 方法2:
// Construct our optimizing planner using the RRTstar algorithm.
STEP 6: Construct our optimizing planner using the RRTstar algorithm,
please define varible as optimizingPlanner
// 构造一个使用RRTstar算法对状态空间进行规划的规划器
ob::PlannerPtr optimizingPlanner(new og::RRTstar(si));
// Set the problem instance for our planner to solve
// 传入问题实例给规划器
// 调用setup()将设置载入。
// attempt to solve the planning problem within one second of
// planning time
ob::PlannerStatus solved = optimizingPlanner->solve(1.0);
// 如果有解,就将得到的路径压入堆栈,将路径在rviz中显示出来
if (solved)
// get the goal representation from the problem definition (not the same as the goal state)
// and inquire about the found path
og::PathGeometric* path = pdef->getSolutionPath()->as<og::PathGeometric>();
vector<Vector3d> path_points;
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < path->getStateCount (); path_idx++)
const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType *state = path->getState(path_idx)->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>();
STEP 7: Trandform the found path from path to path_points for rviz display
// 方法1:
// auto x = state->operator[](0);
// auto y = state->operator[](1);
// auto z = state->operator[](2);
// 方法2:
// auto x = (*state)[0];
// auto y = (*state)[1];
// auto z = (*state)[2];
// 方法3:
auto x = state->values[0];
auto y = state->values[1];
auto z = state->values[2];
Vector3d temp_mat(x,y,z);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "demo_node");
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
_map_sub = nh.subscribe( "map", 1, rcvPointCloudCallBack );
_pts_sub = nh.subscribe( "waypoints", 1, rcvWaypointsCallback );
_grid_map_vis_pub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("grid_map_vis", 1);
_RRTstar_path_vis_pub = nh.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("RRTstar_path_vis",1);
nh.param("map/cloud_margin", _cloud_margin, 0.0);
nh.param("map/resolution", _resolution, 0.2);
nh.param("map/x_size", _x_size, 50.0);
nh.param("map/y_size", _y_size, 50.0);
nh.param("map/z_size", _z_size, 5.0 );
nh.param("planning/start_x", _start_pt(0), 0.0);
nh.param("planning/start_y", _start_pt(1), 0.0);
nh.param("planning/start_z", _start_pt(2), 0.0);
_map_lower << - _x_size/2.0, - _y_size/2.0, 0.0;
_map_upper << + _x_size/2.0, + _y_size/2.0, _z_size;
_inv_resolution = 1.0 / _resolution;
_max_x_id = (int)(_x_size * _inv_resolution);
_max_y_id = (int)(_y_size * _inv_resolution);
_max_z_id = (int)(_z_size * _inv_resolution);
_RRTstar_preparatory = new RRTstarPreparatory();
_RRTstar_preparatory -> initGridMap(_resolution, _map_lower, _map_upper, _max_x_id, _max_y_id, _max_z_id);
ros::Rate rate(100);
bool status = ros::ok();
status = ros::ok();
delete _RRTstar_preparatory;
return 0;
void visRRTstarPath(vector<Vector3d> nodes )
visualization_msgs::Marker Points, Line;
Points.header.frame_id = Line.header.frame_id = "world";
Points.header.stamp = Line.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
Points.ns = Line.ns = "demo_node/RRTstarPath";
Points.action = Line.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
Points.pose.orientation.w = Line.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
Points.id = 0;
Line.id = 1;
Points.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS;
Line.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP;
Points.scale.x = _resolution/2;
Points.scale.y = _resolution/2;
Line.scale.x = _resolution/2;
//points are green and Line Strip is blue
Points.color.g = 1.0f;
Points.color.a = 1.0;
Line.color.b = 1.0;
Line.color.a = 1.0;
geometry_msgs::Point pt;
for(int i = 0; i < int(nodes.size()); i++)
Vector3d coord = nodes[i];
pt.x = coord(0);
pt.y = coord(1);
pt.z = coord(2);