
今天有幸听了Zhi Huang (黄智)(University of Kentucky)博士的讲座。Doctor Huang的主题是My Reflection on Doing Research。但是对于个人的生活方式、人生追求都有极大的启发。

以下按照Doctor Huang演讲的顺序说一下自己的启发。

Chapter 1 academic career。


2)怎样做一个学者?Passion+Imagination+Persistence,热情(sign of passion : eager to discover,excited with findings ,eager to get up everyday and lose interest in everything after watching anything about the universe)+想象力(sign of Imagination : propose multiple explanations , picture something never seen, link variables never linked)+毅力(sign of persistence : do anything day after day for several years)。不会轻易放弃自己的观点,不要做以后会让自己后悔的决定(尤其是涉及道德方面的问题)。never give up and time will give you whatever you want。

3)Living for doing research。要找的自己活着的意义,Living for it。而不是Do something for living,为了活着而做某一件事情。找到一个自己早上睁开眼就想去做的事业。只有自己真正的热爱,才能做出有意义的产品。不然只会 be low in the field。

4)Career strategies。如何对待自己的事业。Pancakes or Home-runs。要坚定自己的追求,无数颗芝麻还是一颗西瓜。并且一旦做了选择就要坚定的做下去。不要轻易的改变自己的路线。deal 同侪压力。(Hypocrite?Manage Publication Pressure. Moonlighting to keep your dream alive.Research team-psychology/engineer model. Keep writing. Resist pressure )

5)ideas。Good ideas are empirical puzzles. Scientific research is to discover the world around us.Literature is just existing explanation about reality.学会使用已有的文献。遇到问题,首先去搜索现有的文献,查找解决问题的思路或者方案。


Chapter 2 Develop Productive Habits

(1)an exercise of explanation.养成思考并解释现象的习惯。试着用已有的理论解释一切观察到的现象。如果已经能解释了,就当作是脑力劳动,good brain exersises can prevent dementia. 如果不能解释,这或许就是很好的研究idea。

(2)cross boundaries.好的ideas一般来自cross-breeding。How?1.读其他领域或者学科的论文2.参加其他领域或者学科的研讨会。3.日常。read beyond academic pubs。学会把自己放到新的环境里,让自己与外界connect,世间一切都是互联的,在交流的过程中一定会有所启发。永远不要把自己封闭起来。

(3)attend to paradoxes。paradoxes need explanations.合作很重要。合久必分分久必合。(friend makes the worst enemy。一句台词,思考原因然后完成了一片论文。发出来之后一定要拜读一下。)

(4)read detailed stories. 细节的描述更容易使我们看到问题。where?cases,定性研究、practitioner books,interviews。

Chapter 3

(1)deduce from mechanisms

(2)propose alternative explanations

(3)Develop habits to find data.everything organized into rows and columns.

(4)Accumulate data. 

(5)Development habits tomaintain energy. 1.Research is alifetime commitment.你要做的这件事,这是你终生的事业,你需要一个强健的体魄。2.Living a healthy life: exercise regularly.废寝忘食 is BAD! 每天锻炼60-90分钟,从大二一直到现在,接近十年。3.Maintain a good work-life balance.

Chapter 4 Collaboration

1)whom to Co-author。1.Complementary abilities。2.Integrity(Hard work,ethical)

2)Authorship order。越早定好顺序越好

3)Construct productive advisor-student relationships. 建立一个长期双赢的关系,把学生当同事而不是slaves。Limit relationships to professional domains. Help students succeed.成就他们。

4)Consequences。学术造假的后果很严重。1.永久赶出学术界。2.巨大的名声污点。huge reputation stigma.

5)You will be caught. 1.everything is connected now. 2.replication will be more and more valued. 3.Data will be required to be released upon population in many fields. 4. People close to you may report on you. 

Concluding Remarks

(1)Need to be a decent person in order to be a good researcher(做研究先要做人)

(2)1.Humble. 2.Honest. 3.Decent.学者也可以时尚有型有风度. 4.Positive. 5.Disciplined
