I and engineering survey(译,我与工程测量)英中双语

Form February1987to Wuxi municipal. I'determined to build bridge and pave the way. soliciting papers on May4th. I write to walk with you. although he won the prize at the end of the year. but it was published by Wuxi workers. this is the starting point of my life measurement. to increase the elevation of the soul. learning tangible engineering measurement at work. accumulate intangible knowledge in life. calming down is a kind of experience. I once heard the teacher say. since ancient times. sages have become a habit of doing things calmly. from then on. my life began. also accumulate the elevation of life. let enthusiastic life mappers see the lights.


my earliest site survey. it was the spring of1988.312National highway reconstruction and expansion project. I followed enjineer yuan beichang. let him read from the level with a ruler. at that time. the workers often joked with him. say he's too honest. I work late every night. it is because I'm afraid of my wife. just replace cai hong with me. because I am an unmarried youth liuing in the unit. no housework after work. this is the original intention of the leaders. you can approach old yuan. not what the workers said. he taught me to stand at attention. hold the ruler with both hands perpendicular to the ground. visual front instrument operator. look at his gesture and move the ruler up down. left and right. you set the standard. I'll teach you how to adjust the instrument and look at the reading records. teach you the office calculation of leveling. I was really overjoyed to hear that. isn't this the fulfillment of my college dream. don't you do this kind of technical work when you go to college. in made up my mind to listen to him. in front of him. obedience. soon he praised me for being obedient. better than the previous guy. gradually. he let me operate the instrument. reading. recording. calculation. etc. I sometimes go to his house after work. help him carry the briquettes. that's when I started my measurement technology. until2016. I came back from singapore. to Wuxi mashan taihu lake construction. the boss called me to measure. say I'm an old municipal worker. I did it without. explaining. then listen to technician wang. he listens to the boss. their project is the municipal water conservancy bureau. their leaders are also from the municipal government. yes. I know very well. and said I was capable. unfortunately. it's not the right time. in the city. he wants to reuse. just because the municipal at mosphere was not right. in listened and left soon. I don't want to get involved in the past.


the second time into measurement life. it's in singapore. contact measuring equipment. obviously feel out of date. only dominant. basic skills of measurement learned from old yuan. while I was standing firm at the measuring post. the company sent me to sentosa construction site again. later, he returned home. engineering survey has also been done at the construction site. don't have time. to systematically study engineering surveying courses. I am honored to see the open class of Central south university today. precise engineering survey. I carefully prepared the paper and pen. listen to the teacher's wonderful teaching. this is an engineering survey course. for me. it's very extreme. fulfilled my dream of sublimation. from practice to theory. thus. theory and practice are integrated with each other in the era of scientific and technological Renaissance. enrich my life experience. through listening to the class. I have a clear understanding of surveying and mapping. the knowledge of total station curve setting out has been consolidated. master yuan beichang's knowledge of measuring horizontal angle by measuring back method has been reviewed. National highway312. the sixth color weaving factory on both sides. a little girl from funing. I envy my job and salary very much. she told my master yuan lao. her name is bian cuihong. she is16years old and works in the factory. after she left. the master joked. xiao xu. you should do a good job. the little girl is observing your knowledge and cultivation. from this sentence. I know that lao yuan is not afraid of his wife as workers say. but an engineering surveyor's preciseness. cultivation and love. since then. I have become him. an unknown surveyor.


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