
#口语粉碎机# L1-Day28



1. 我以前从来不知道样样皆通,样样稀松。

【我的答案】I never knew that to know everything is to know nothing.

【解析答案】I never knew that to know everything is to know nothing


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-I,状- never ,谓-knew,宾语从句- that to know everything is to know nothing


【拓展内容】定语从句中不定式to know everything做了主语,to know nothing做了表语。

2. 我们当时对他签了那份合同这件事感到很吃惊。

【我的答案】We were surprised at the fact that he signed the contract

【解析答案】We were surprised at the fact that he signed that contract


内部关系: 描述关系

句子成分: 主-We,系- were ,表-surprised,状- at the fact ,fact的同位语从句-that he signed that contract


【拓展内容】surprised adj.惊奇的,惊讶的,觉得奇怪的,感觉意外的。be surprised at/by sb/sth;be surprised to do sth

contract n.1合同,合约,契约enter into/make/sign a contract with sb;contract between A and B;contract for sth;contract to do sth;2contract(on sb)(雇佣杀人的)协议,合同

v.1及物&不及物 (使)收缩,缩小Glass contracts as it cools;2及物 contract sth感染(疾病),得(病);3及物 与...订立合同(或契约);4不及物 订立...的合同(或契约);5及物 (与...)订立(婚约);(与...)缔结(同盟)

3. 对不起,我不知道你那么忙。

【我的答案】 sorry, I didn’t know you were so busy.

【解析答案】Sorry. I didn’t know you were so busy


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-I,谓- didn’t know ,宾语从句-you were so bus


【拓展内容】busy adj.1忙碌的,无暇的be busy with sth/sb;2be busy doing sth忙于(做某事)James is busy practising for the school concert.3 busy+place 人来人往的,熙熙攘攘的 a busy main road 熙熙攘攘的大街;4 a busy day 工作忙的,充满活动的;5正被占用的,占线的 The line is busy—I'll try again later.电话占线,我过会儿再打。6图案,图样 杂乱的,纷繁的,令人眼花缭乱的

v.忙着做某事 busy yourself (with sth);busy yourselef (in/with)doing sth

4. 她以前讨厌当众讲话。

【我的答案】She hated speaking in public.

【解析答案】She hated speaking in public.


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-She ,谓-hated ,宾-speaking ,状-in public.

【对比分析】public adj.1 平民的,大众的,公众的,百姓的;2公共的,公立的;3政府的,有关政府所提供服务的public money;4人人皆知的,公开的;5公之于众的,公开的;6地方 公开场合的,大庭广众的;


【拓展内容】hate doing sth-例:She hates making mistakes.她讨厌出错。

5. 我早就告诉过你(可你就是不听)。

【我的答案】I told you so

【解析答案】I told you so.


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-I,谓- told,宾- you,状- so.



6. 我对你有过信心。

【我的答案】I had faith in you.

【解析答案】I had faith in you


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分:主- I,谓- had ,宾-faith,状- in you


【拓展内容】faith (in sb/sth) trust in sb’s ability or knowledge; trust that sb/sth will do what has been promised 信任;相信;信心;例:I have great faith in you —I know you’ll do well.我对你有信心,我知道你会干好的。7. 橱窗里的灯灭了。

【我的答案】The lights in the window went out.

【解析答案】The lights in the window went out.


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分:主-The lights ,定-in the window,谓- went out.


【拓展内容】light- a thing that produces light, especially an electric light 发光体;光源;(尤指)电灯;例:Suddenly all the lights went out.突然间所有的灯都灭了。

8. 他突然不说话了。

【我的答案】He stopped talking suddenly.

【解析答案】He stopped talking suddenly.


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-He ,谓-stopped,宾- talking ,状-suddenly.


【拓展内容】stop- to end or finish; to make sth end or finish (使)结束,终止;stop doing sth;例:Has it stopped raining yet?雨停了没有?

9. 她一句话没说就离开了房间。

【我的答案】She left the room without saying a word.

【解析答案】She left the room without saying a word.


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分: 主-She,谓- left,宾- the room ,状-without saying a word.



10. 当我们爬上黄山之巅时,看到了云海的壮观景象。(算是附加题。提示词:grand / view)

【我的答案】We had a grand view of clouds when we get to the top of the Yellow Mountain

【解析答案】We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the Yellow Mountain


内部关系: 动作关系

句子成分:主- We,谓- had,宾- a grand view of a sea of clouds,状从- when we climbed to the top of the Yellow Mountain


【拓展内容】grand adj.1 壮丽的,堂皇的,重大的;2(用于大建筑物等的名称)大 the Grand Canyon 大峡谷;3宏达的,宏伟的,有气派的;4傲慢的,高高在上的;5极好的,快乐的,美妙的,出色的;6(对上层社会的人的称呼)大;






2.云海的壮观景象用a grand view of a sea of clouds表达。
