北京大学计算机视觉导论23spring Homework1

1.Convolution operation


a) Implementing Padding Function


zero padding


replication padding


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def padding(img, padding_size, type):
        The function you need to implement for Q1 a).
            img: array(float)
            padding_size: int
            type: str, zeroPadding/replicatePadding
            padding_img: array(float)

    if type=="zeroPadding":
        h, w = img.shape
        padding_img = np.zeros((h + padding_size*2, w + padding_size*2))
        padding_img[padding_size : padding_size + h, padding_size : padding_size + w] = img
        return padding_img
    elif type=="replicatePadding":
        h, w = img.shape
        padding_img = np.zeros((h + padding_size*2, w + padding_size*2))
        padding_img[padding_size : padding_size + h, padding_size : padding_size + w] = img
        padding_img[:padding_size, : padding_size] = img[0][0]
        padding_img[:padding_size, w + padding_size : w + padding_size*2] = img[0][w-1]
        padding_img[h + padding_size : h + padding_size*2, : padding_size] = img[h-1][0]
        padding_img[h + padding_size : h + padding_size*2,w + padding_size : w + padding_size*2] = img[h-1][w-1]
        padding_img[ : padding_size, padding_size : padding_size + w] = img[:1,:]
        padding_img[h + padding_size : , padding_size : padding_size + w] = img[-1:,:]
        padding_img[padding_size : h + padding_size,  : padding_size] = img[:,:1]
        padding_img[padding_size : h + padding_size, w + padding_size : w + padding_size*2] = img[:,-1:]
        return padding_img

b) Implementing 2D Convolution via Toeplitz Matrix




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neural network - 2-D convolution as a matrix-matrix multiplication - Stack Overflow

GitHub - alisaaalehi/convolution_as_multiplication: Step by step explanation of 2D convolution implemented as matrix multiplication using toeplitz matrices

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def convol_with_Toeplitz_matrix(img, kernel):
        The function you need to implement for Q1 b).
            img: array(float) 6*6
            kernel: array(float) 3*3
            output: array(float)
    #zero padding
    padding_img = padding(img,1,"zeroPadding") #padding为1时,卷后size不变 padding_img是8*8

    #build the Toeplitz matrix and compute convolution
    I = img
    F = kernel

    # number columns and rows of the input 
    I_row_num, I_col_num = I.shape 

    # number of columns and rows of the filter
    F_row_num, F_col_num = F.shape

    #  calculate the output dimensions
    output_row_num = I_row_num + F_row_num - 1
    output_col_num = I_col_num + F_col_num - 1
    #print('output dimension:', output_row_num, output_col_num)

    # zero pad the filter
    F_zero_padded = np.pad(F, ((output_row_num - F_row_num, 0),
                            (0, output_col_num - F_col_num)),
                            'constant', constant_values=0)
    #print('F_zero_padded: ', F_zero_padded)

    from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

    # use each row of the zero-padded F to creat a toeplitz matrix. 
    #  Number of columns in this matrices are same as numbe of columns of input signal
    toeplitz_list = []
    for i in range(F_zero_padded.shape[0]-1, -1, -1): # iterate from last row to the first row
        c = F_zero_padded[i, :] # i th row of the F 
        r = np.r_[c[0], np.zeros(I_col_num-1)] # first row for the toeplitz fuction should be defined otherwise
                                                            # the result is wrong
        toeplitz_m = toeplitz(c,r) # this function is in scipy.linalg library
        #print('F '+ str(i)+'\n', toeplitz_m)

    # doubly blocked toeplitz indices: 
    #  this matrix defines which toeplitz matrix from toeplitz_list goes to which part of the doubly blocked
    c = range(1, F_zero_padded.shape[0]+1)
    r = np.r_[c[0], np.zeros(I_row_num-1, dtype=int)]
    doubly_indices = toeplitz(c, r)
    #print('doubly indices \n', doubly_indices)

    ## creat doubly blocked matrix with zero values
    toeplitz_shape = toeplitz_list[0].shape # shape of one toeplitz matrix
    h = toeplitz_shape[0]*doubly_indices.shape[0]
    w = toeplitz_shape[1]*doubly_indices.shape[1]
    doubly_blocked_shape = [h, w]
    doubly_blocked = np.zeros(doubly_blocked_shape)

    # tile toeplitz matrices for each row in the doubly blocked matrix
    b_h, b_w = toeplitz_shape # hight and withs of each block
    for i in range(doubly_indices.shape[0]):
        for j in range(doubly_indices.shape[1]):
            start_i = i * b_h
            start_j = j * b_w
            end_i = start_i + b_h
            end_j = start_j + b_w
            doubly_blocked[start_i: end_i, start_j:end_j] = toeplitz_list[doubly_indices[i,j]-1]

    #print('doubly_blocked: ', doubly_blocked)
    def matrix_to_vector(input):
        input_h, input_w = input.shape
        output_vector = np.zeros(input_h*input_w, dtype=input.dtype)
        # flip the input matrix up-down because last row should go first
        input = np.flipud(input) 
        for i,row in enumerate(input):
            st = i*input_w
            nd = st + input_w
            output_vector[st:nd] = row
        return output_vector

    # call the function
    vectorized_I = matrix_to_vector(I)
    #print('vectorized_I: ', vectorized_I)

    # get result of the convolution by matrix mupltiplication
    result_vector = np.matmul(doubly_blocked, vectorized_I)
    #print('result_vector: ', result_vector)
    def vector_to_matrix(input, output_shape):
        output_h, output_w = output_shape
        output = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=input.dtype)
        for i in range(output_h):
            st = i*output_w
            nd = st + output_w
            output[i, :] = input[st:nd]
        # flip the output matrix up-down to get correct result
        return output
    # reshape the raw rsult to desired matrix form
    out_shape = [output_row_num, output_col_num]
    my_output = vector_to_matrix(result_vector, out_shape) #8x8

    #print('Result of implemented method: \n', my_output)

    #lib_output = signal.convolve2d(padding_img, F, "valid")
    #np.savetxt("result/lib_result.txt", lib_output)

    output = my_output[1:-1,1:-1] #6x6
    return output

c) Convolution by Sliding Window

        用Toeplitz矩阵实现卷积可以完全并行,但需要构建一个高度稀疏的Toeplitz矩阵(大小近似为N^2 × N^2),对于大小为N × N的图像。另一种实现卷积的替代方法是通过滑动窗口,在每个窗口内简单地计算图像值和内核之间的点积。在本题中,我们需要实现一个卷积运算符,它可以接受任意形状的2D图像作为输入,并使用k × k卷积核进行卷积。在实现此卷积运算符时,可以假设没有填充。


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def convolve(img, kernel):
        The function you need to implement for Q1 c).
            img: array(float)
            kernel: array(float)
            output: array(float)
    #build the sliding-window convolution here
    h, w = img.shape
    k = kernel.shape[0]
    #构造一个(h-k+1)*(w-k+1) x k^2的矩阵 和把kernel拉成k^2 x 1的向量 最后展平成(h-k+1)x(w-k+1)的结果
    kernel_flat = kernel.flatten() 

    output_h = h-k+1
    output_w = w-k+1
    patch_matrix = np.zeros((output_h*output_w,k**2))
    #每一行都是一个kxk的位置的展开 按kernel会卷到的位置把它填上
    for i, j in np.ndindex((output_h, output_w)):
        patch_matrix[i * output_w + j] = img[i:i+k, j:j+k].ravel()

    output_flat = np.dot(patch_matrix, kernel_flat)
    output = output_flat.reshape(output_h, output_w)
    return output


def convolve(img, kernel):
        The function you need to implement for Q1 c).
            img: array(float)
            kernel: array(float)
            output: array(float)
    #build the sliding-window convolution here
    h, w = img.shape
    k = kernel.shape[0]
    #构造一个(h-k+1)*(w-k+1) x k^2的矩阵 和把kernel拉成k^2 x 1的向量 最后展平成(h-k+1)x(w-k+1)的结果
    kernel_flat = kernel.flatten() 

    output_h = h-k+1
    output_w = w-k+1
    patch_matrix = np.zeros((output_h*output_w,k**2))
    #每一行都是一个kxk的位置的展开 按kernel会卷到的位置把它填上
    #for i, j in np.ndindex((output_h, output_w)):
    #   patch_matrix[i * output_w + j] = img[i:i+k, j:j+k].ravel()

    rows, cols = np.meshgrid(np.arange(output_h),np.arange(output_w),indexing='ij')
    a,b = np.meshgrid(np.arange(k),np.arange(k),indexing='ij')

    patch_matrix = img[rows[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] + a[:,:],cols[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] + b[:,:]]
    patch_matrix = patch_matrix.reshape(output_h*output_w,-1)
    output_flat = np.dot(patch_matrix, kernel_flat)
    output = output_flat.reshape(output_h, output_w)
    return output

在 img[rows[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] + a[:,:],cols[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] + b[:,:]]中,每个坐标 (i, j) 都会生成一个大小为 (k, k) 的矩阵,因此最终输出的大小应该是 (output_h, output_w, k, k)

在这个例子中,img是6x6,output_h = output_w = 4k = 3,因此最终输出的大小是 (4, 4, 3, 3)。其中,第一个维度和第二个维度分别对应着每个输出像素的坐标,第三个维度和第四个维度则是每个像素对应的卷积核的值。

d) Gaussian Filter



def Gaussian_filter(img):
    padding_img = padding(img, 1, "replicatePadding")
    gaussian_kernel = np.array([[1/16,1/8,1/16],[1/8,1/4,1/8],[1/16,1/8,1/16]])
    output = convolve(padding_img, gaussian_kernel)
    return output


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e) Sobel Filter



Sobel 算子有两个,一个是检测水平边缘的 ;另一个是检测垂直边缘的。



def Sobel_filter_x(img):
    padding_img = padding(img, 1, "replicatePadding")
    sobel_kernel_x = np.array([[-1,0,1],[-2,0,2],[-1,0,1]])
    output = convolve(padding_img, sobel_kernel_x)
    return output

def Sobel_filter_y(img):
    padding_img = padding(img, 1, "replicatePadding")
    sobel_kernel_y = np.array([[-1,-2,-1],[0,0,0],[1,2,1]])
    output = convolve(padding_img, sobel_kernel_y)
    return output



2.Canny Edge Detector

写一个Canny edge detector,完成其中的3个关键函数。

a)Compute the Image Gradient.





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import numpy as np
from HM1_Convolve import Gaussian_filter, Sobel_filter_x, Sobel_filter_y
from utils import read_img, write_img
import math
def compute_gradient_magnitude_direction(x_grad, y_grad):
        The function you need to implement for Q2 a).
            x_grad: array(float) 
            y_grad: array(float)
            magnitude_grad: array(float)
            direction_grad: array(float) you may keep the angle of the gradient at each pixel
    magnitude_grad = np.sqrt(x_grad**2 + y_grad**2)
    direction_grad = np.arctan2(y_grad,x_grad)*(180/np.pi) #arctan2 return [-pi,pi]
    direction_grad[direction_grad<0] += 180 # 范围0-180
    #simply to 4 directions
    direction_grad[(0<=direction_grad) & (direction_grad<22.5)] = 0
    direction_grad[(22.5<=direction_grad) & (direction_grad<67.5)] = 45
    direction_grad[(67.5<=direction_grad) & (direction_grad<112.5)] = 90
    direction_grad[(112.5<=direction_grad) & (direction_grad<157.5)] = 135
    direction_grad[(157.5<=direction_grad) & (direction_grad<=180)] = 0
    write_img("result/mag.png", magnitude_grad*255)
    write_img("result/dir.png", direction_grad*255)

    return magnitude_grad, direction_grad 

def non_maximal_suppressor(grad_mag, grad_dir):
        The function you need to implement for Q2 b).
            grad_mag: array(float) 
            grad_dir: array(float)
            output: array(float)
    NMS_output = np.copy(grad_mag)

    NMS_output[(abs(grad_dir - 0) < 1e-6) \
                   & ((np.roll(grad_mag, shift=1, axis=1)>grad_mag) \
                        | (np.roll(grad_mag, shift=-1, axis=1)>grad_mag))] = 0
    #write_img("result/NMS_mag1.png", NMS_output*255)

    NMS_output[(abs(grad_dir - 90) < 1e-6) \
                   & ((np.roll(grad_mag, shift=1, axis=0)>grad_mag )
                        | (np.roll(grad_mag, shift=-1, axis=0)>grad_mag))] = 0
    #write_img("result/NMS_mag2.png", NMS_output*255)
    NMS_output[(abs(grad_dir - 45) < 1e-6) \
                   & ((np.roll(np.roll(grad_mag, shift=1, axis=1), shift=1, axis=0)>grad_mag )\
                        | (np.roll(np.roll(grad_mag, shift=-1, axis=1), shift=-1, axis=0)>grad_mag))] = 0
    #write_img("result/NMS_mag3.png", NMS_output*255)
    NMS_output[(abs(grad_dir - 135) < 1e-6) \
                   & ((np.roll(np.roll(grad_mag, shift=-1, axis=0), shift=1, axis=1)>grad_mag )\
                        | (np.roll(np.roll(grad_mag, shift=1, axis=0), shift=-1, axis=1)>grad_mag))] = 0
    #write_img("result/NMS_mag.png", NMS_output*255)

    return NMS_output 

def hysteresis_thresholding(img) :
        The function you need to implement for Q2 c).
            img: array(float) 
            output: array(float)
    #you can adjust the parameters to fit your own implementation 
    low_ratio = 0.10
    high_ratio = 0.30
    judge = np.zeros_like(img) #高于max 1 低于min -1 介于两者之间 0
    judge[img>high_ratio] = 1
    judge[img0)] = 1 

        num_nxt = np.count_nonzero(judge)
        if num_cnt == num_nxt:
        num_cnt = num_nxt

    output = np.where(abs(judge-1)<1e-6,1,0)
    return output 

if __name__=="__main__":

    #Load the input images
    input_img = read_img("lenna.png")/255

    #Apply gaussian blurring
    blur_img = Gaussian_filter(input_img)

    x_grad = Sobel_filter_x(blur_img)
    y_grad = Sobel_filter_y(blur_img)

    #Compute the magnitude and the direction of gradient
    magnitude_grad, direction_grad = compute_gradient_magnitude_direction(x_grad, y_grad)

    NMS_output = non_maximal_suppressor(magnitude_grad, direction_grad)

    #Edge linking with hysteresis
    output_img = hysteresis_thresholding(NMS_output)
    write_img("result/HM1_Canny_result.png", output_img*255)


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3.Harris Corner Detector

图像处理基础(七)Harris 角点检测 - 知乎


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def corner_response_function(input_img, window_size, alpha, threshold):
        The function you need to implement for Q3.
            input_img: array(float)
            window_size: int
            alpha: float
            threshold: float
            corner_list: list

    # please solve the corner_response_function of each window,
    # and keep windows with theta > threshold.
    # you can use several functions from HM1_Convolve to get 
    # I_xx, I_yy, I_xy as well as the convolution result.
    # for details of corner_response_function, please refer to the slides.

    corner_list = []
    x_grad = Sobel_filter_x(input_img)
    y_grad = Sobel_filter_y(input_img)

    xx_matrix = np.multiply(x_grad,x_grad)
    yy_matrix = np.multiply(y_grad,y_grad)
    xy_matrix = np.multiply(x_grad,y_grad)

    h, w = input_img.shape
    #做滤波 这里直接用长方形的 即均值滤波 1 in window 0 outside
    # 不同的局部窗口会得到不同的M矩阵

    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            xx_sum = xx_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum() 
            xy_sum = xy_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum()
            yy_sum = yy_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum()
            M = np.array([[xx_sum, xy_sum],
                          [xy_sum, yy_sum ]])
            #角点响应值R = detM - alphax(traceM)^2  alpha是一个常数 一般在0.04~0.06 这里给的是0.04
            theta = np.linalg.det(M)- alpha*(np.trace(M))**2
            if theta > threshold:

    return corner_list # the corners in corne_list: a tuple of (index of rows, index of cols, theta)


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def corner_response_function(input_img, window_size, alpha, threshold):
        The function you need to implement for Q3.
            input_img: array(float)
            window_size: int
            alpha: float
            threshold: float
            corner_list: list

    # please solve the corner_response_function of each window,
    # and keep windows with theta > threshold.
    # you can use several functions from HM1_Convolve to get 
    # I_xx, I_yy, I_xy as well as the convolution result.
    # for details of corner_response_function, please refer to the slides.

    corner_list = []
    x_grad = Sobel_filter_x(input_img)
    y_grad = Sobel_filter_y(input_img)

    xx_matrix = np.multiply(x_grad,x_grad)
    yy_matrix = np.multiply(y_grad,y_grad)
    xy_matrix = np.multiply(x_grad,y_grad)

    h, w = input_img.shape
    #做滤波 这里直接用长方形的 即均值滤波 1 in window 0 outside
    # 不同的局部窗口会得到不同的M矩阵

    #用来在窗口内遍历 window_size=5时 arange是(-2,3) 也就是-2 -1 0 1 2 
    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            xx_sum = xx_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum() 
            xy_sum = xy_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum()
            yy_sum = yy_matrix[i:i+window_size,j:j+window_size].sum()
            M = np.array([[xx_sum, xy_sum],
                          [xy_sum, yy_sum ]])
            #角点响应值R = detM - alphax(traceM)^2  alpha是一个常数 一般在0.04~0.06 这里给的是0.04
            theta = np.linalg.det(M)- alpha*(np.trace(M))**2
            if theta > threshold:
    window_kernel = np.ones((5,5))
    xx_sum_matrix = convolve(padding(xx_matrix,2,"replicatePadding"), window_kernel)
    xy_sum_matrix = convolve(padding(xy_matrix,2,"replicatePadding"), window_kernel)
    yy_sum_matrix = convolve(padding(yy_matrix,2,"replicatePadding"), window_kernel)

    M = np.stack((np.stack((xx_sum_matrix, xy_sum_matrix), axis=-1), np.stack((xy_sum_matrix, yy_sum_matrix), axis=-1)), axis=-2)
    theta = np.linalg.det(M) - alpha * (np.trace(M, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)**2)

    # 将符合条件的角点加入列表中
    i, j = np.where(theta > threshold)
    corner_list = list(zip(i, j, theta[i,j]))

    return corner_list # the corners in corne_list: a tuple of (index of rows, index of cols, theta)


用RANSAC来写一个Plane Fitting(平面拟合)算法。



1. hypothesis generation


2. verification


3.final refinement


import numpy as np
from utils import draw_save_plane_with_points

def get_plane(points):
    p1 = points[:, 0]
    p2 = points[:, 1]
    p3 = points[:, 2]
    a = ( (p2[:,1]-p1[:,1])*(p3[:,2]-p1[:,2])-(p2[:,2]-p1[:,2])*(p3[:,1]-p1[:,1]) )
    b = ( (p2[:,2]-p1[:,2])*(p3[:,0]-p1[:,0])-(p2[:,0]-p1[:,0])*(p3[:,2]-p1[:,2]) )
    c = ( (p2[:,0]-p1[:,0])*(p3[:,1]-p1[:,1])-(p2[:,1]-p1[:,1])*(p3[:,0]-p1[:,0]) )
    d = ( 0-(a*p1[:,0]+b*p1[:,1]+c*p1[:,2]) )
    return np.stack([a, b, c, d], axis=-1)

def is_inliers(p,para,threshold): #para (sample_time, 4) 该函数表示一个点对于这sample_time种情况来说是否是内点 返回(sample_time,)大小
    A = para[:,0] #(sample_time,)
    B = para[:,1]
    C = para[:,2]
    D = para[:,3]
    num1 = A*p[0] + B*p[1] + C*p[2] + D #(sample_time,)
    num2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square([A, B, C]),axis=0))  #(sample_time,)
    dis = np.abs(num1)/num2  #(sample_time,1)
    judge_inliers = np.zeros_like(dis) #(sample_time,)
    judge_inliers[dis0.999 解出来大概11.几 这里保证概率 向上取到15 反正向量化跑起来很快
    sample_time = 15 #more than 99.9% probability at least one hypothesis does not contain any outliers 
    distance_threshold = 0.05

    # sample points group
    # 生成随机的points group 每组3个 因为3点确定一个平面
    # 抽sample_time组,每组抽3个 
    selected = np.random.choice(np.arange(noise_points.shape[0]), size=(sample_time,3), replace=False) #(sample_time,3)
    selected_points = noise_points[selected] #(sample_time,3,3)
    # estimate the plane with sampled points group  
    # 用选择的点集来生成平面
    planes_parameter = get_plane(selected_points) #(sample_time,4) 每组的4个ABCD参数 一共sample_time组
    cnt = np.zeros(sample_time) #每组有多少个内点

    #evaluate inliers (with point-to-plance distance < distance_threshold)
    #获得对每组来说 130个点是否是内点 是为1 不是为0
    result = np.apply_along_axis(is_inliers, 1, noise_points, planes_parameter, distance_threshold) #(130,st)
    cnt = np.sum(result,axis = 0) #(st,)
    # minimize the sum of squared perpendicular distances of all inliers with least-squared method 
    # 用内点最多的一组来作为参数 依据该组的局内点用最小二乘法拟合平面 
    max_idx = np.argmax(cnt)
    optimal_points_idx = result[:,max_idx] #(130,) 0 or 1 代表是否是内点
    optimal_points = noise_points[optimal_points_idx==1] #(103,3)这样子

    x = optimal_points[:,0]
    y = optimal_points[:,1]
    z = optimal_points[:,2]
    data = np.column_stack((x, y, np.ones_like(x)))
    result_para, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(data, z, rcond=None)
    optimal_A = result_para[0]
    optimal_B = result_para[1]
    optimal_C = -1
    optimal_D = result_para[2]
    pf = [optimal_A, optimal_B, optimal_C, optimal_D]
    # draw the estimated plane with points and save the results 
    # check the utils.py for more details
    # pf: [A,B,C,D] contains the parameters of palnace function  A*x+B*y+C*z+D=0  
    draw_save_plane_with_points(pf, noise_points,"result/HM1_RANSAC_fig.png") 
    np.savetxt("result/HM1_RANSAC_plane.txt", pf)




北京大学计算机视觉导论23spring Homework1_第19张图片

北京大学计算机视觉导论23spring Homework1_第20张图片

 MLP(全连接神经网络)的反向传播 - 知乎

【官方双语】深度学习之反向传播算法 上/下 Part 3 ver 0.9 beta_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


# Backward : compute the gradient of paratmerters of layer1 (grad_layer_1) and layer2 (grad_layer_2)

        delta_2 = pred_y - gt_y  # delta_2 = dL/dz2
        grad_layer_2 = output_layer_1_act.T.dot(delta_2) # grad_layer_2 = dL/dw2

        delta_1 = delta_2.dot(MLP_layer_2.T) * output_layer_1_act * (1 - output_layer_1_act) # delta_1 = dL/dz1
        grad_layer_1 = input_vector.T.dot(delta_1) # grad_layer_1 = dL/dw1

        MLP_layer_1 -= lr * grad_layer_1 #需要优化的参数 两层的W
        MLP_layer_2 -= lr * grad_layer_2


北京大学计算机视觉导论23spring Homework1_第21张图片
