

Segment Anything





We introduce the Segment Anything (SA) project: a new task, model, and dataset for image segmentation. Using our efficient model in a data collection loop, we built the largest segmentation dataset to date (by far), with over 1 billion masks on 11M licensed and privacy respecting images. The model is designed and trained to be promptable, so it can transfer zero-shot to new image distributions and tasks. We evaluate its capabilities on numerous tasks and find that its zero-shot performance is impressive – often competitive with or even superior to prior fully supervised results. We are releasing the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and corresponding dataset (SA-1B) of 1B masks and 11M images at https://segment-anything.com to foster research into foundation models for computer vision.



The promptable segmentation task and the goal of real-world use impose constraints on the model architecture. In particular, the model must support flexible prompts, needs to compute masks in amortized real-time to allow interactive use, and must be ambiguity-aware. Surprisingly, we find that a simple design satisfies all three constraints: a powerful image encoder computes an image embedding, a prompt encoder embeds prompts, and then the two information sources are combined in a lightweight mask decoder that predicts segmentation masks. We refer to this model as the Segment Anything Model, or SAM (see Fig. 1b). By separating SAM into an image encoder and a fast prompt encoder / mask decoder, the same image embedding can be reused (and its cost amortized) with different prompts.Given an image embedding, the prompt encoder and mask decoder predict a mask from a prompt in ∼50ms in a web browser. We focus on point, box, and mask prompts, and also present initial results with free-form text prompts. To make SAM ambiguity-aware, we design it to predict multiple masks for a single prompt allowing SAM to naturally handle ambiguity, such as the shirt vs. person example

可提示的分割任务和实际使用的目标对模型体系结构施加了约束。特别是,模型必须支持灵活的提示,需要在平摊实时中计算掩码以允许交互使用,并且必须具有歧义意识。令人惊讶的是,我们发现一个简单的设计满足所有三个约束:一个强大的图像编码器计算图像嵌入,一个提示编码器嵌入提示,然后将两个信息源组合在一个轻量级的掩码解码器中,该解码器预测分割掩码。我们将此模型称为分割一切模型(Segment Anything model,简称SAM)(见图1b)。通过将SAM分为图像编码器和快速提示编码器/掩码解码器,可以使用不同的提示重复使用相同的图像嵌入(并平摊其成本)。给定图像嵌入,提示编码器和掩码解码器在web浏览器中从提示符预测掩码,时间为~ 50ms。我们将重点放在点、框和掩码提示上,并使用自由格式的文本提示来呈现初始结果。为了使SAM能够感知歧义,我们将其设计为预测单个提示的多个掩码,从而允许SAM自然地处理歧义,例如衬衫与人的例子。

Segment Anything Task


We start by translating the idea of a prompt from NLP to segmentation, where a prompt can be a set of foreground / background points, a rough box or mask, free-form text, or, in general, any information indicating what to segment in an image. The promptable segmentation task, then, is to return a valid segmentation mask given any prompt. The requirement of a “valid” mask simply means that even when a prompt is ambiguous and could refer to multiple objects (e.g., recall the shirt vs. person example, and see Fig. 3), the output should be a reasonable mask for at least one of those objects. This requirement is similar to expecting a language model to output a coherent response to an ambiguous prompt. We choose this task because it leads to a natural pre-training algorithm and a general method for zero-shot transfer to downstream segmentation tasks via prompting.

Figure 3: Each column shows 3 valid masks generated by SAM from a single ambiguous point prompt (green circle).


Pre-training. The promptable segmentation task suggests a natural pre-training algorithm that simulates a sequence of prompts (e.g., points, boxes, masks) for each training sample and compares the model’s mask predictions against the ground truth. We adapt this method from interactive segmentation [109, 70], although unlike interactive segmentation whose aim is to eventually predict a valid mask after enough user input, our aim is to always predict a valid mask for any prompt even when the prompt is ambiguous. This ensures that a pre-trained model is effective in use cases that involve ambiguity, including automatic annotation as required by our data engine §4. We note that performing well at this task is challenging and requires specialized modeling and training loss choices, which we discuss in §3



Zero-shot transfer . Intuitively, our pre-training task endows the model with the ability to respond appropriately to any prompt at inference time, and thus downstream tasks can be solved by engineering appropriate prompts. For example, if one has a bounding box detector for cats, cat instance segmentation can be solved by providing the detector’s box output as a prompt to our model. In general, a wide array of practical segmentation tasks can be cast as prompting. In addition to automatic dataset labeling, we explore five diverse example tasks in our experiments in §7.


Related tasks

Related tasks. Segmentation is a broad field: there’s interactive segmentation [57, 109], edge detection [3], super pixelization [85], object proposal generation [2], foreground segmentation [94], semantic segmentation [90], instance segmentation [66], panoptic segmentation [59], etc.The goal of our promptable segmentation task is to producea broadly capable model that can adapt to many (though not all) existing and new segmentation tasks via prompt engineering. This capability is a form of task generalization [26]. Note that this is different than previous work on multi-task segmentation systems. In a multi-task system, a single model performs a fixed set of tasks, e.g., joint semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation [114, 19, 54], but the training and test tasks are the same. An important distinction in our work is that a model trained for promptable segmentation can perform a new, different task at inference time by acting as a component in a larger system, e.g., to perform instance segmentation, a promptable segmentation model is combined with an existing object detector



Discussion. Prompting and composition are powerful tools that enable a single model to be used in extensible ways, potentially to accomplish tasks unknown at the time of model design. This approach is analogous to how other foundation models are used, e.g., how CLIP [82] is the text-image alignment component of the DALL·E [83] image generation system. We anticipate that composable system design, powered by techniques such as prompt engineering, will enable a wider variety of applications than systems trained specifically for a fixed set of tasks. It’s also interesting to compare promptable and interactive segmentation through the lens of composition: while interactive segmentation models are designed with human users in mind, a model trained for promptable segmentation can also be composed into a larger algorithmic system as we will demonstrate.


Segment Anything Model

We next describe the Segment Anything Model (SAM) for promptable segmentation. SAM has three components, illustrated in Fig. 4: an image encoder, a flexible prompt encoder, and a fast mask decoder. We build on Transformer vision models [14, 33, 20, 62] with specific tradeoffs for (amortized) real-time performance. We describe these components at a high-level here, with details in §A.


Image encoder .

Motivated by scalability and powerful pretraining methods, we use an MAE [47] pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) [33] minimally adapted to process high resolution inputs [62]. The image encoder runs once per image and can be applied prior to prompting the model


Prompt encoder .

We consider two sets of prompts: sparse (points, boxes, text) and dense (masks). We represent points and boxes by positional encodings [95] summed with learned embeddings for each prompt type and free-form text with an off-the-shelf text encoder from CLIP [82]. Dense prompts (i.e., masks) are embedded using convolutions and summed element-wise with the image embedding


Mask decoder .

The mask decoder efficiently maps the image embedding, prompt embeddings, and an output token to a mask. This design, inspired by [14, 20], employs a modification of a Transformer decoder block [103] followed by a dynamic mask prediction head. Our modified decoder block uses prompt self-attention and cross-attention in two directions (prompt-to-image embedding and vice-versa) to update all embeddings. After running two blocks, we upsample the image embedding and an MLP maps the output token to a dynamic linear classifier, which then computes the mask foreground probability at each image location.


Resolving ambiguity.

With one output, the model will average multiple valid masks if given an ambiguous prompt.To address this, we modify the model to predict multiple output masks for a single prompt (see Fig. 3). We found 3 mask outputs is sufficient to address most common cases (nested masks are often at most three deep: whole, part, and subpart). During training, we backprop only the minimum loss [15, 45, 64] over masks. To rank masks, the model predicts a confidence score (i.e., estimated IoU) for each mask.


Efficiency. The overall model design is largely motivated by efficiency. Given a precomputed image embedding, the prompt encoder and mask decoder run in a web browser, on CPU, in ∼50ms. This runtime performance enables seamless, real-time interactive prompting of our model.


Losses and training.

We supervise mask prediction with the linear combination of focal loss [65] and dice loss [73] used in [14]. We train for the promptable segmentation task using a mixture of geometric prompts (for text prompts see §7.5). Following [92, 37], we simulate an interactive setup by randomly sampling prompts in 11 rounds per mask, allowing SAM to integrate seamlessly into our data engine

