
6 廉价航空服务+审题的要素

Low-cost travel=cheap flights

Explore more career opportunities=findbetter jobs

Low-cost air travel has enabled us totravel across borders more frequently than before. I think cheap flights canbenefit the masses, although we should avoid unnecessary journeys.

People who travel to different countries canhave a better understanding of these countries and explore more career opportunities.Some young people can visit other countries where they can find better jobs andearn higher salaries. Some small business owners can discover businessopportunities during their trips and earn profits by exporting or importingproducts. They are likely to miss out on these opportunities, if the cost offlights is higher.

At the same time, some may argue thatraising airfares can help reduce the environmental impact of the airlineindustry. Higher price have discouraged people from travelling great distancesto other places. Greenhouse gases produced by airplanes can decrease if thenumber of air flights drops. Other problems related to the aviation sector,including noise pollution and the environmental destruction caused by the constructionof airports and other facilities, will also be mitigated.

Personally, I do not think it is necessaryto make air services expensive to potential passengers, because they deserve anaffordable holiday to relax. Many people, especially working people living inlarge cities, lead a hectic life and feel stressed. If air tickets are highlyaffordable, they choose to travel to some exotic locations on holiday and eataway from everyday life. For example, tourists in China can spend a holiday insome tropical countries where they can sample local food, instead of staying athome.

Overall, it would be wrong to impose restrictionson air travel, and above all, cheap airlines can benefit the public. Air companiescan turn to technological innovations as part of the effort to reduce the strain on the environment.
