
While learning mysql, I read that you can perform the following statement when adding a column to a mysql table:

ALTER TABLE contacts ADD email VARCHAR(60) AFTER name;



When would you want to do this? Can column order be utilized for query optimization purposes? Should longblobs be the last column to optimize space consumption? Or do these commands exist for some other reason?


The question has nothing to do with the relational model or SQL. It is a performance question.

In some databases, it is more efficient to order the columns in a specific manner because of the way the disk access is performed. Whether there is significant advantage is platform specific, as well. It is a low-level i/o issue related to the way the underlying storage is designed and the way it is accessed by the engine. Proprietary engine providers generally provide this information via their education and training departments.

I think you would have to talk to someone who knows the nitty gritty details of the storage model and i/o methods for MySQL on your specific platform or someone who has bench-marked this on your platform in order to get an answer.

It's entirely possible they lay it down on disk in an optimized manner and hide that column ordering from you.
