

英文 中文
I like to get my christmas shopping done early. 我想早点完成圣诞购物
Do you have anything that's in the spirit of the season? 你有什么符合节日精神的商品吗
Uh, how about these crystals? 呃这些水晶如何
Ha ha! Looks like broken glass. 哈哈看起来就像碎玻璃
What are you, a cop? 怎么你是警察吗
Oh! What is that new thing? 噢这是什么新玩意儿
Grunkle stan. Can we go to the diner? 斯坦叔公我们能去餐厅吗
We're huuungry. 我们好饿饿饿
Huuuungry. 饿饿饿
Yeah, sure. Soon as this yahoo makes up his mind. 当然可以只要等这个笨蛋决定好买什么就行
You have this in another animal? 这东西有其他动物的款式吗
I'm fine locking him inside if you are. 我乐意把他锁在房里如果你们同意的话
Puma shirt, panther shirt. 美洲狮衬衫美洲豹衬衫
Puma shirt, panther shirt. 美洲狮衬衫美洲豹衬衫
Puma shirt... 美洲狮衬衫
Panther shirt. 美洲豹衬衫
Shoo! 走开
Git! 讨厌鬼
Coffee! Coffee! 咖啡咖啡
Coffee! Coffee! 咖啡咖啡
Go! Go! Go! Go! 开始开始
Lazy Susan! There's my little ray of sunshine! 懒苏珊你就是我的一缕阳光
Where we youyesterday? 你昨天哪儿去啦
I got hit by a bus! 我被公交车撞到了
Ha ha ha ha! Hilarious! 哈哈哈哈太好笑啦
Thank you. 谢谢
You do split plates, right? 你们允许买半份是吧
Maybe. 也许吧
Wink. 眨眼
Great! We'll all split one-fourth of the number seven, 好那我们要七号餐的四分之一
Plus a free salad dressing for the lady 还有给这位小姐一份免费沙拉
And a small plate of ketchup for the boy. 跟给这位男孩一小碟番茄酱
But grunkle stan, I want pancakes. 斯坦叔公我想吃煎饼
With the fancy flour they use these days? 那些昂贵的面粉制品吗
What am I, made of money? 你以为我是钱做的吗
玩游戏 赢免费煎饼!
Don't worry, guys. Pancakes are on me. 别担心伙计们煎饼包在我身上
I'm gonna win some by beating that manliness tester. 我要挑战男子气概测试器给大家赢煎饼
-Manliness tester? -Beating? -男子气概测试器-挑战
He says--he says he's-- 他说他说他要
What? What's so funny? 干嘛有什么好笑
No offense, Dipper, but you're not exactly manly Mannington. 迪普无意冒犯但是你可不是有男子气概的曼宁顿
Hey! I am too manly... Manny, 喂我也是有男子气概的曼尼
Or whatever it is you said. 或者是你说的其他东西
Look, face the music, kid. 面对现实吧孩子
You got no muscles, you smell like baby wipes, 你没有肌肉你闻起来像婴儿卫生纸
And let's not forget last Tuesday's... Incident. 而且我们不要忘了上星期二的那个事件
Disco girl, coming through, that girl is you. 迪斯科女孩快过来那女孩就是你
Don't come in, don't come in. 别进来别进来
You were listening to girly Icelandic pop sensation Babba? 你在听冰岛女子流行音乐组合巴芭的歌
No, I wasn't. It's not important! 不我没有这事不重要
Look, come on, guys, I'm plenty masculine! 听着伙计们我充满阳刚气概
You see this chest hair? 看到这些胸毛了吗
-Put it away! Put it away! -So smooth! My eyes! -快遮住快遮住-太光滑太刺眼了我的眼睛啊
Oh, man. 唉天哪
Fine, family of little faith. 行一点信心也不给的家人
Get ready to eat your words... 准备好食言吧
And a plate of delicious pancakes. 还有一大碟煎饼
All right, Dipper. 好了迪普
Time to manhandle this... Man handle. 是时候用男人的方式握住这跟握杆了
And a-one, and a-two... 一二
Quit stallin'! 别磨蹭了
Oh, what?! This thing must be broken. 什么这机器肯定是坏了
It's totally broken, guys. It's like a million years old. 这机器完全坏了伙计们就像一百万岁那么老
Probably ran out of steam power or-- 估计是没了蒸汽动力或者
It's rickety, man. You shouldn't even-- 这东西坏了你根本不用
Yes! Pancakes for everyone! 好呀每人一份煎饼
I need to get some chest hair, and fast. 我得长点胸毛立马就要
I'm fine! Heh heh. 我没事哈哈
Everything's fine. 什么事也没有
Sheesh! How am I related to that? 老天我怎么会跟那家伙是亲戚呢
Come on, Grunkle Stan. 拜托斯坦叔公
I'm sure deep down you have a soft side too. 我确信你内心深处也有温柔的一面
Ha! Nothing in here but a cold, dark, empty soul. 哈这里面除了一具冰冷黑暗空洞的灵魂外什么都没有
Food! 食物来啦
Thanks there, sugar pie. 谢了甜心
I mean, honey wasp kitten baby. 我是说甜蜜黄蜂猫咪小宝贝
Ba-baby cow-- 牛宝贝
Ha ha! Silly! 哈哈傻瓜
-Silly man. -What was that about? -笨男人-那是怎么回事
Nothing. I, uh, don't want to talk about it. 没什么我呃不想谈这个
Talk about what? Why is this table wet? 谈什么为什么这桌子湿了
Wait just a second. 等一下
I think I have an idea happening here. 我想我知道这是怎么回事了
-You... -No! -你-不
-And her... -No! Stop it! -跟她-不别说了
-Aaah! -Oh, boy. -啊-我的老天
You have a thing for lazy Susan! 你对懒苏珊有好感
You do have a soft side! 你确实有温柔的一面
But k-k-keep it down, will ya? 但是别说出去好吗
All right. I admit it, okay? It would be nice if she liked me. 好了好了我承认如果她也喜欢我那就很好
But I've been out of the game for so long I wouldn't know where to start. 但是我已经离场很久了而且我不知道应该从哪儿入手
I mean, look at her. She's so classy. 我是说你瞧她她是多么的优雅
Spin, ya dumb pie! Spin! 转啊你这蠢馅饼快转啊
Grunkle Stan, 斯坦叔公
You are a cranky, gross, weird old man. 你是个脾气暴躁恶心古怪的老男人
But we will get lazy Susan to like you, 但是我们会让懒苏珊喜欢上你的
Because nothing is stronger than the power of... 因为世上没有什么力量比这更强大了
-Love? -Mabel. -爱的力量吗-梅宝的力量
To victory! 为了胜利
Not manly enough. 不够男人
Stupid diner! Stupid lumberjack! 蠢餐厅蠢伐木工
Another hydrant destroyed. 又一个消防栓坏了
It's a gosh-dang mystery! 真是个天大的谜题啊
Wanna take off our uniforms and run around in circles? 想脱掉制服然后围着转圈跑吗
Quit readin' my mind. 不要再读我的心思了
Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking for the mailman. 噢抱歉我在找邮差
Oh. What? Are you saying I'm not a male man? 什么你是说我不是雄性的男人么
Is that what you're trying to say? 这就是你想要说的话吗
I'm not male? I'm not a man? 我不是男的我不是男人
Is that what you're getting at? 这就是你的暗示吗
Are you crying? 你是要哭了吗
No chest hair yet. 还是没有胸毛
Is it physical? Is it mental? What's the secret? 是生理因素吗还是心理因素其中的奥秘是什么
真男人肉干 你根本不够格
You said it, brother. I need help. 你说得对老兄我需要帮助
For the love of all that's holy, run!!!! 看在神圣的爱的份上快跑吧
Wait. Sorry. 等一下抱歉
Please don't eat me! I haven't showered in like a week! 拜托不要吃我我一星期没洗澡了
And I'm-- I'm like all elbows! Elbows and gristle! 而且我瘦得只剩骨头了还有脆骨
Gonna finish that? 要把那个吃完吗
No. 没有
I can't believe it. Part animal, part human. 真不敢相信半人半兽
Are you some kind of minotaur? 你是牛头怪吗
I'm a manotaur! 我是男牛怪
Half man, half, uh... 一半男人一半呃
Half taur! 一半牛
So did I, like, summon you, or... 那么是我引你过来的还是
The smell of jerky summoned me! 是肉干的香味把我吸引过来的
Jerky! 肉干
I smell... 我闻到了
...Emotional issues. 感情问题
I got problems, manotaur. Man-related problems. 我遇到问题了男牛怪有关男子气概的问题
Well, my own uncle called me a wimp, 是这样的我的亲叔公管我叫懦夫
And I kinda flunked this manliness video game thing... Hmm... 而且我挑战男子气概测试游戏算是彻底失败了
Hey! You know, you seem pretty manly. 喂那个你看起来挺有男人味儿的
Maybe you could give me some pointers? 或许你能给我点提示
Hmm. Very well. 嗯那好
Climb atop my back hair, child. 爬到我的背毛上孩子
Uh, okay. 呃好吧
Yes! Yes! 来啊来啊
Dude, watch out! 伙计小心啊
This place is amazing! 这地方太棒了
The gnomes live in the trees, 小矮人住在树里
The mer-people live in the water-- 'cause they're losers!-- 美人鱼住在海里因为他们是废物
But we manotaurs crash in the man cave! 但是我们男牛人住在充满男人味的山洞里
Beasts! I have brought you... 野兽们我给你们带来了
A hairless child! 一个毫毛不长的小孩
This is, uh, Pubitaur, Testosteraur, Pituitaur, 他们是扑鼻牛荷尔蒙牛粘液牛
And I'm Chutzpaur. 我是大胆牛
And you are... My name's Dipper. -那你是-我叫迪普
Weak! 太弱了
The, uh, Destructor? 那个呃破坏者
-Yeah, that's better. -An improvement, yeah. -嗯这就好多了-有进步

