
1. 前言

转载请说明原文出处, 尊重他人劳动成果!

本文将分析kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/internal中的文件, 其中包括node_tree.gocache.go
源码位置: https://github.com/nicktming/kubernetes/tree/tming-v1.13/pkg/scheduler/internal/cache
分支: tming-v1.13 (基于v1.13版本)

2. node_tree

2.1 nodeArray

type nodeArray struct {
    // 所有的节点
    nodes     []string
    // 遍历nodes时的下标位置
    lastIndex int

nodeArray 其实就是一个存节点的数组, 并且留了一个下标在next()中体现

func (na *nodeArray) next() (nodeName string, exhausted bool) {
    if len(na.nodes) == 0 {
        klog.Error("The nodeArray is empty. It should have been deleted from NodeTree.")
        return "", false
    if na.lastIndex >= len(na.nodes) {
        return "", true
    nodeName = na.nodes[na.lastIndex]
    return nodeName, false

如果遍历到最后一个则返回空 并且返回该数组已经遍历结束. 因此需要有一个lastIndex来表示下一个要遍历的节点的位置.

2.2 NodeTree

type NodeTree struct {
    // key 是一个zone value是一个nodeArray(一个存有该zones下所有的array)
    tree      map[string]*nodeArray // a map from zone (region-zone) to an array of nodes in the zone.
    // 所有的zones
    zones     []string              // a list of all the zones in the tree (keys)
    // 遍历zones的时候的下标所在位置
    zoneIndex int
    // 节点的个数
    NumNodes  int
    mu        sync.RWMutex

zones: 存着所有的zones, 与treekey组成的数组是一样的.
zoneIndex: 与nodeArray中的lastIndex类似, 它存着zones数组中要遍历的下一个zone的下标.


2.2.1 AddNode
func (nt *NodeTree) AddNode(n *v1.Node) {
    defer nt.mu.Unlock()

    1. 获得该节点所在的zone
    2. 如果该zone不存在 添加到zones 和 tree中
    3. 如果该zone存在 
      3.1 检查该node是不是已经在tree中nodearray中 
      3.2 如存在则直接返回 不存在则添加

func (nt *NodeTree) addNode(n *v1.Node) {
    zone := utilnode.GetZoneKey(n)
    if na, ok := nt.tree[zone]; ok {
        for _, nodeName := range na.nodes {
            if nodeName == n.Name {
                klog.Warningf("node %v already exist in the NodeTree", n.Name)
        na.nodes = append(na.nodes, n.Name)
    } else {
        nt.zones = append(nt.zones, zone)
        nt.tree[zone] = &nodeArray{nodes: []string{n.Name}, lastIndex: 0}
    klog.V(5).Infof("Added node %v in group %v to NodeTree", n.Name, zone)

很常规的添加节点方法, 还有删除节点, 增加删除zone方法就不介绍了, 基本上就是Map的一些操作.

2.2.3 Next
// 从头开始 (因为已经整个Map遍历完了)
func (nt *NodeTree) resetExhausted() {
    for _, na := range nt.tree {
        na.lastIndex = 0
    nt.zoneIndex = 0

// Next returns the name of the next node. NodeTree iterates over zones and in each zone iterates
// over nodes in a round robin fashion.

// Next() 返回下一个节点
// 遍历整个zones中的每个node 
// 说白了就是把整个Map结构想像成一个List 然后遍历它
func (nt *NodeTree) Next() string {
    defer nt.mu.Unlock()
    if len(nt.zones) == 0 {
        return ""
    numExhaustedZones := 0
    for {
        if nt.zoneIndex >= len(nt.zones) {
            nt.zoneIndex = 0
        zone := nt.zones[nt.zoneIndex]
        // We do not check the exhausted zones before calling next() on the zone. This ensures
        // that if more nodes are added to a zone after it is exhausted, we iterate over the new nodes.
        nodeName, exhausted := nt.tree[zone].next()
        if exhausted {
            if numExhaustedZones >= len(nt.zones) { // all zones are exhausted. we should reset.
        } else {
            return nodeName
2.2.4 总结

可以看到NodeTree其实就是一个Map结构, 存储着所有zone中所有的节点. 类似于javaMap>的数据结构.

但是为什么又有一些别的属性呢, 主要是为了实现Next()方法, 该方法相当于从Map中一个一个遍历的取节点, 所以才有zoneIndex, lastIndex等属性, 进而就有了nodeArray结构体.


3. cache


type Cache interface {  
    // 将该pod设置为assumed 状态
    AssumePod(pod *v1.Pod) error
    // 设置该Pod bindingFinished=true
    FinishBinding(pod *v1.Pod) error
    // 从cache中删除该Pod(该pod必须为assumed状态)
    ForgetPod(pod *v1.Pod) error
    // AddPod either confirms a pod if it's assumed, or adds it back if it's expired.
    // If added back, the pod's information would be added again.
    AddPod(pod *v1.Pod) error
    // 只能从Added 状态调用
    UpdatePod(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error
    // 只能从Added 状态调用
    RemovePod(pod *v1.Pod) error
    // 从podState中获得一个pod 
    GetPod(pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)
    // 判断该pod是否为assumed 状态
    IsAssumedPod(pod *v1.Pod) (bool, error)
    // 添加一个节点 该节点所有信息会保存起来
    AddNode(node *v1.Node) error
    // 更新节点
    UpdateNode(oldNode, newNode *v1.Node) error
    // 删除节点
    RemoveNode(node *v1.Node) error
    // UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap updates the passed infoMap to the current contents of Cache.
    // The node info contains aggregated information of pods scheduled (including assumed to be)
    // on this node.
    UpdateNodeNameToInfoMap(infoMap map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo) error
    // 从nodes中返回所有pod
    List(labels.Selector) ([]*v1.Pod, error)
    // 从nodes中返回所有符合条件的pod
    FilteredList(filter algorithm.PodFilter, selector labels.Selector) ([]*v1.Pod, error)
    // 备份assumed pods 和 节点
    Snapshot() *Snapshot
    // 返回nodetree
    NodeTree() *NodeTree
type Snapshot struct {
    AssumedPods map[string]bool
    Nodes       map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo

在该数据结构的设计中, pod有5个状态Initial, Assumed, Added, ExpiredDeleted.

//   +-------------------------------------------+  +----+
//   |                            Add            |  |    |
//   |                                           |  |    | Update
//   +      Assume                Add            v  v    |
//Initial +--------> Assumed +------------+---> Added <--+
//   ^                +   +               |       +
//   |                |   |               |       |
//   |                |   |           Add |       | Remove
//   |                |   |               |       |
//   |                |   |               +       |
//   +----------------+   +-----------> Expired   +----> Deleted
//         Forget             Expire


其中Deleted, InitialExpired 实际上该podcache中是不存在的.

另外有一段话说得挺清楚的, 自行理解吧.

// Cache collects pods' information and provides node-level aggregated information.
// It's intended for generic scheduler to do efficient lookup.
// Cache's operations are pod centric. It does incremental updates based on pod events.
// Pod events are sent via network. We don't have guaranteed delivery of all events:
// We use Reflector to list and watch from remote.
// Reflector might be slow and do a relist, which would lead to missing events.
// Note that an assumed pod can expire, because if we haven't received Add event notifying us
// for a while, there might be some problems and we shouldn't keep the pod in cache anymore.
// Note that "Initial", "Expired", and "Deleted" pods do not actually exist in cache.
// Based on existing use cases, we are making the following assumptions:
// - No pod would be assumed twice
// - A pod could be added without going through scheduler. In this case, we will see Add but not Assume event.
// - If a pod wasn't added, it wouldn't be removed or updated.
// - Both "Expired" and "Deleted" are valid end states. In case of some problems, e.g. network issue,
//   a pod might have changed its state (e.g. added and deleted) without delivering notification to the cache.

3.1 schedulerCache

3.1.1 结构

整个结构有三个结构体, 包括schedulerCache, podStateimageState.

schedulerCache中主要有assumedPods用一个map结构存储该pod是否是assumed状态. podStatesmap结构存储该pod的状态, 其中包括是否已经完成binding. nodes用一个map存储该节点的总体信息以及有哪些pod. imageStates用一个map存储着该image的信息, 其中包括哪些节点有该image.

type schedulerCache struct {
    stop   <-chan struct{}
    // ttl是assume pod 过期的时间
    ttl    time.Duration
    // period是每隔period调用清理过期的assumed pod
    period time.Duration

    // This mutex guards all fields within this cache struct.
    mu sync.RWMutex
    // a set of assumed pod keys.
    // The key could further be used to get an entry in podStates.
    // 已经assumed pod
    assumedPods map[string]bool
    // a map from pod key to podState.
    // 存着一些pod的状态
    podStates map[string]*podState
    // 每个节点的信息
    nodes     map[string]*schedulercache.NodeInfo
    nodeTree  *NodeTree
    // A map from image name to its imageState.
    // 每个image的信息
    imageStates map[string]*imageState

type podState struct {
    pod *v1.Pod
    // Used by assumedPod to determinate expiration.
    // assumedPod过期时间
    deadline *time.Time
    // Used to block cache from expiring assumedPod if binding still runs
    // bindingFinished为true的时候 过期才会起作用
    bindingFinished bool

type imageState struct {
    // Size of the image
    // iamge 大小
    size int64
    // A set of node names for nodes having this image present
    // 拥有该image的所有节点
    nodes sets.String
3.1.2 AssumePod

可以看到调用assumePod就是将该Pod存入到此三个数据结构中PodState, assumedPodsnodes中.

// 1. 获得key
// 2. 根据podStates来检查该pod是否已经存在 如果存在则返回错误, 因为一个pod不能assume两次
// 3. 调用addPod添加该pod
// 4. 存到podState中 此时(deadline和bindingFinished没有被赋值)
// 5. 存到assumedPods中 表明该pod处于assume状态
func (cache *schedulerCache) AssumePod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
    key, err := schedulercache.GetPodKey(pod)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    defer cache.mu.Unlock()
    if _, ok := cache.podStates[key]; ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("pod %v is in the cache, so can't be assumed", key)

    ps := &podState{
        pod: pod,
    cache.podStates[key] = ps
    cache.assumedPods[key] = true
    return nil

// Assumes that lock is already acquired.
// 1. 从nodes中得到NodeInfo
// 2. 然后将该Pod加入到NodeInfo中
func (cache *schedulerCache) addPod(pod *v1.Pod) {
    n, ok := cache.nodes[pod.Spec.NodeName]
    if !ok {
        n = schedulercache.NewNodeInfo()
        cache.nodes[pod.Spec.NodeName] = n


3.1.3 New 和 run方法
var (
    cleanAssumedPeriod = 1 * time.Second

// New returns a Cache implementation.
// It automatically starts a go routine that manages expiration of assumed pods.
// "ttl" is how long the assumed pod will get expired.
// "stop" is the channel that would close the background goroutine.
func New(ttl time.Duration, stop <-chan struct{}) Cache {
    cache := newSchedulerCache(ttl, cleanAssumedPeriod, stop)
    return cache
func (cache *schedulerCache) run() {
    go wait.Until(cache.cleanupExpiredAssumedPods, cache.period, cache.stop)

func (cache *schedulerCache) cleanupExpiredAssumedPods() {

// cleanupAssumedPods exists for making test deterministic by taking time as input argument.
func (cache *schedulerCache) cleanupAssumedPods(now time.Time) {
    defer cache.mu.Unlock()

    // 从assumed状态的pods中遍历
    for key := range cache.assumedPods {
        ps, ok := cache.podStates[key]
        if !ok {
            panic("Key found in assumed set but not in podStates. Potentially a logical error.")
        // 如果没有完成binding 跳过
        if !ps.bindingFinished {
            klog.V(3).Infof("Couldn't expire cache for pod %v/%v. Binding is still in progress.",
                ps.pod.Namespace, ps.pod.Name)
        // 如果过期时间已经到了 则调用expirePod方法
        if now.After(*ps.deadline) {
            klog.Warningf("Pod %s/%s expired", ps.pod.Namespace, ps.pod.Name)
            if err := cache.expirePod(key, ps); err != nil {
                klog.Errorf("ExpirePod failed for %s: %v", key, err)

// 1. 调用removePod删除该节点 (从nodes中删除)
// 2. 从assumedPods中删除
// 3. 从podStates中删除
// 整个已经从schedulerCache中完全删除
func (cache *schedulerCache) expirePod(key string, ps *podState) error {
    if err := cache.removePod(ps.pod); err != nil {
        return err
    delete(cache.assumedPods, key)
    delete(cache.podStates, key)
    return nil

可以看到后台会启动一个goroutine每隔Period时间将那些过期的assumed Pod设置过期状态, 说白了就是从cache完全删除.

3.1.4 AddPod

有三个状态可以调用AddPod方法, 分别是Initial, expiredAssumed状态.

func (cache *schedulerCache) AddPod(pod *v1.Pod) error {
    key, err := schedulercache.GetPodKey(pod)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    defer cache.mu.Unlock()

    currState, ok := cache.podStates[key]
    switch {
    // assumed pod -> 过来
    case ok && cache.assumedPods[key]:
        if currState.pod.Spec.NodeName != pod.Spec.NodeName {
            // The pod was added to a different node than it was assumed to.
            klog.Warningf("Pod %v was assumed to be on %v but got added to %v", key, pod.Spec.NodeName, currState.pod.Spec.NodeName)
            // Clean this up.
            // 更换nodes的信息
        // 删除assumed 状态 变为added状态
        delete(cache.assumedPods, key)
        // deadline为nil bindingFinished=false
        cache.podStates[key].deadline = nil
        cache.podStates[key].pod = pod
    case !ok:
        // 可以从expired状态/也可以是initial状态 -> 过来
        // Pod was expired. We should add it back.
        ps := &podState{
            pod: pod,
        cache.podStates[key] = ps
        return fmt.Errorf("pod %v was already in added state", key)
    return nil

assumed pod -> AddPod: 表明该Pod已经在它所在的节点上已经运行了, 所以此时由assumed Pod转为Added状态了.
expired pod -> AddPod: 由于某种原因可能是网络原因, 可能会错失一些Event, 该过程中没有调用AddPod并且该Pod已经过期所以在cache已经不存在了, 所以重新加到nodespodStates中.

UpdatePodRemovePod 就不多说了, 是从Added状态中才可以调用, 说白了就是更新一下nodes中信息.

3.1.5 AddNode
func (cache *schedulerCache) AddNode(node *v1.Node) error {
    defer cache.mu.Unlock()

    n, ok := cache.nodes[node.Name]
    if !ok {
        n = schedulercache.NewNodeInfo()
        cache.nodes[node.Name] = n
    } else {

    // 添加到nodetree中
    // 设置imagestates 和 nodeinfo
    cache.addNodeImageStates(node, n)
    return n.SetNode(node)
func (cache *schedulerCache) addNodeImageStates(node *v1.Node, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) {
    newSum := make(map[string]*schedulercache.ImageStateSummary)

    // 遍历该节点下所有的image
    for _, image := range node.Status.Images {
        for _, name := range image.Names {
            // update the entry in imageStates
            state, ok := cache.imageStates[name]
            if !ok {
                state = &imageState{
                    size:  image.SizeBytes,
                    nodes: sets.NewString(node.Name),
                cache.imageStates[name] = state
            } else {
                // 把该节点添加到此image的imageStates中
            // create the imageStateSummary for this image
            if _, ok := newSum[name]; !ok {
                newSum[name] = cache.createImageStateSummary(state)
    // 把该node下的ImageStateSummary放到该node下

就是对于node节点以及其image的维护, 包括UpdateNode, RemoveNode.

3.1.6 List 和 FilteredList

List 和 FilteredList 注意是将nodes中所有节点中符合条件的pods返回
Snapshot 是将所有nodesassumed pods备份

3.2 总结

schedulerCache其实是个工具数据结构, 在kube-scheduler调度的时候会用到, 在后续具体分析调度的时候会有涉及到具体如何使用.
