Unreal Engine & GIS 相关资料

Unreal GIS

  • support gis (datum wgs84)
  • support glob 3d earth
  • map tms wms(local vector maps raster)
    • https://normalvector.com/tutorials/low_poly_world/building_the_globe/
  • train hight (tms wms)
  • gis basic tools (ppi los roller)

51World creates digital twin of the entire city of Shanghai


  • https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/spotlights/51world-creates-digital-twin-of-the-entire-city-of-shanghai

  • https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1NT4y1J7SZ?t=6708
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  • Learn How to Work With Geospatial Data in Unreal Engine


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Unreal Engine & GIS 相关资料_第9张图片

ArcGIS and the next generation of Unreal Engine

  • https://www.eagle.co.nz/blog/arcgis-and-next-generation-unreal-engine


  • https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/terraform?sessionInvalidated=true
  • https://terraformpro.com/

How to export GIS Data to Unreal Engine for Real Time Visualization


Real-world Terrain Visualization with Unreal Engine


Support gis (datum wgs84)

Real World GIS DTED Data into Unreal

QGIS to Unreal Engine (Possibly via Terraform Pro [Free]) Totally Stuck! [closed]
NEW! Creating Real World Landscapes in UE4 from Maps (GIS Data) using TerraForm 2.0 for UE4.24+.

Windows only

  • https://terraformpro.com/tutorials/tutorial-1/the-basics
  • https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/community-content-tools-and-tutorials/1438893-plugin-import-gis-data-into-ue4

General gis tool

OSM 数据

Support glob 3d earth

  • https://www.virtualheroes.com/portfolio/Government/UE4-GLOBE

    • Globe Google Maps in Unreal Engine 4
  • World Composition User Guide

Train hight (tms wms)

  • Build your terrain in Unreal Engine using realworld map data & height maps
  • How to create 3D terrain from heightmap in Unreal Engine 4
  • TUTORIAL Using Maps (GIS Data) to Create Real World Landscapes in UE4 in Less Than a Day!

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine API Reference

  • https://developers.arcgis.com/unreal-engine-sdk/api-reference/

Use Blueprints

  • https://developers.arcgis.com/unreal-engine-sdk/tutorials/use-blueprints/

Use the C++ API

  • https://developers.arcgis.com/unreal-engine-sdk/tutorials/use-the-cpp-api/

ArcGIS Maps SDK for game engines

  • https://earlyadopter.esri.com/project/home.html?cap=0d5c8b23b5014f1da5e164c1e9d921f0


