Delivering Happiness C1:2018-03-25

C1: In search profits

When I was growing up, my parents always told me not to worry about making money so that I could focus on my academics. They told me they would pay for all my education until I got my MD or PhD. They also told me they would buy whatever clothes I wanted.

从小Tony父母觉得学业为大,他们可以满足其所有物质要求而专心学习。天下父母初心相似,我爸妈也是一直如此教育,但自己是一步步迈向M.D,而Tony却有着不一样的选择——一切为了赚钱。从小学旧物出售到送报纸,初中出售广告至后来的制作徽章,因一颗热衷于经营自己事业的淘金心,每一个阶段都乐于钻研经营之道赚钱。但对于学业,Tony并未落下,幼时遍才艺俱全,后习得多门语言——法、西、日、拉,为了商机学习Pascal 课程,最终录入哈佛大学。大学期间也有着我们的选课、逃课、、拖延症、刷剧、苦于考试,但是诸多选择和问题面前,Tony的解决之道多分创新。面对不会的十四行诗再创造,他灵机一动套用摩斯密码;面对考前对课本的一无所知,他有别于作弊行为而想出通过收集每个同学对每个主题的些许见解,从而综合全面掌握各个方面。有趣片段:

A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem written in iambic pentameter, meaning each line would alternate in a repeated pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables, while adhering to certain rhyming patterns. It all seemed way too complicated for me, so I decided to just submit fourteen lines of Morse code instead, where the entire poem was nothing but alternating dots and dashes.


On class days, my 8:00 AM alarm was the most unwelcome sound in the world. I would hit the snooze button repeatedly, and then tell myself that I could skip the first class of the day and get the notes from someone else later. Then, an hour later, I would convince myself that since that logic worked so well for the first class, I could apply it to the second class, so I missed that class as well. By the time I was supposed to be getting ready to go to my third class, I reasoned that I had already skipped two classes, so one more class really wasn’t that big a deal. And finally, by the time I was supposed to be headed to my last class of the day, I figured there was no point in only attending one class when I had skipped all the others.


I just wanted a job that paid well and didn’t seem like too much work.

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