
Canny 边缘检测方法

Canny算子是John F.Canny 大佬在1986年在其发表的论文 《Canny J. A computational approach to edge detection [J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1986 (6): 679-698.》提出来的。


  • 低错误率。所有边缘都应该被找到,并且应该没有伪响应。也就是检测到的边缘必须尽可能时真实的边缘。
  • 边缘点应被很好地定位。已定位边缘必须尽可能接近真实边缘。也就是由检测器标记为边缘的点和真实边缘的中心之间的距离应该最小。
  • 单一的边缘点响应。这意味着在仅存一个单一边缘点的位置,检测器不应指出多个边缘像素。


①高斯模糊 - GaussianBlur
②灰度转换 - cvtColor
③计算梯度 – Sobel/Scharr








在John Canny提出的Canny算子的论文中,非最大值抑制就只是在 0 ∘ 、 9 0 ∘ 、 4 5 ∘ 、 13 5 ∘ 0^\circ、90^\circ、45^\circ、135^\circ 09045135四个梯度方向上进行的,每个像素点梯度方向按照相近程度用这四个方向来代替。这四种情况也代表着四种不同的梯度,即
G y > G x G_y>G_x Gy>Gx,且两者同号。
G y > G x G_y>G_x Gy>Gx,且两者异号。
G y < G x G_yGy<Gx,且两者同号。
G y < G x G_yGy<Gx,且两者异号。
由于A、B两点的位置是通过梯度来确定的,那么A、B两点的梯度值也可以根据Q点的梯度计算,因此假设Q点在四个方向上的梯度分别为 G 1 G_1 G1 G 2 G_2 G2 G 3 G_3 G3 G 4 G_4 G4
G y > G x G_y>G_x Gy>Gx时, w = G x G y , G 1 = ( i − 1 , j ) , G 2 = ( i + 1 , j ) w=\frac{G_x}{G_y},G_1=(i-1,j),G_2=(i+1,j) w=GyGx,G1=(i1,j),G2=(i+1,j)
两者同号时: G 3 = ( i − 1 , j − 1 ) , G 4 = ( i + 1 , j + 1 ) G_3=(i-1,j-1),G_4=(i+1,j+1) G3=(i1,j1),G4=(i+1,j+1)
两者异号时: G 3 = ( i − 1 , j + 1 ) , G 4 = ( i + 1 , j − 1 ) G_3=(i-1,j+1),G_4=(i+1,j-1) G3=(i1,j+1),G4=(i+1,j1)
G y < G x G_yGy<Gx时, w = G y G x , G 1 = ( i , j − 1 ) , G 2 = ( i , j + 1 ) w=\frac{G_y}{G_x},G_1=(i,j-1),G_2=(i,j+1) w=GxGy,G1=(i,j1),G2=(i,j+1)
两者同号时: G 3 = ( i + 1 , j − 1 ) , G 4 = ( i + 1 , j − 1 ) G_3=(i+1,j-1),G_4=(i+1,j-1) G3=(i+1,j1),G4=(i+1,j1)
两者异号时: G 3 = ( i − 1 , j − 1 ) , G 4 = ( i + 1 , j + 1 ) G_3=(i-1,j-1),G_4=(i+1,j+1) G3=(i1,j1),G4=(i+1,j+1)
g A = w ∗ G 1 + ( 1 − w ) ∗ G 3 g B = w ∗ G 2 + ( 1 − w ) ∗ G 4 g_A=w*G_1+(1-w)*G_3\\ g_B=w*G_2+(1-w)*G_4 gA=wG1+(1w)G3gB=wG2+(1w)G4

ef NMS(gradients, direction):
    """ Non-maxima suppression

        gradients: the gradients of each pixel
        direction: the direction of the gradients of each pixel

        the output image
    W, H = gradients.shape
    nms = np.copy(gradients[1:-1, 1:-1])

    for i in range(1, W - 1):
        for j in range(1, H - 1):
            theta = direction[i, j]
            weight = np.tan(theta)
            if theta > np.pi / 4:
                d1 = [0, 1]
                d2 = [1, 1]
                weight = 1 / weight
            elif theta >= 0:
                d1 = [1, 0]
                d2 = [1, 1]
            elif theta >= - np.pi / 4:
                d1 = [1, 0]
                d2 = [1, -1]
                weight *= -1
                d1 = [0, -1]
                d2 = [1, -1]
                weight = -1 / weight

            g1 = gradients[i + d1[0], j + d1[1]]
            g2 = gradients[i + d2[0], j + d2[1]]
            g3 = gradients[i - d1[0], j - d1[1]]
            g4 = gradients[i - d2[0], j - d2[1]]

            grade_count1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1 - weight)
            grade_count2 = g3 * weight + g4 * (1 - weight)

            if grade_count1 > gradients[i, j] or grade_count2 > gradients[i, j]:
                nms[i - 1, j - 1] = 0

    return nms



def double_threshold(nms, threshold1, threshold2):
    """ Double Threshold
    Use two thresholds to compute the edge.

        nms: the input image
        threshold1: the low threshold
        threshold2: the high threshold

        The binary image.

    visited = np.zeros_like(nms)
    output_image = nms.copy()
    W, H = output_image.shape

    def dfs(i, j):
        if i >= W or i < 0 or j >= H or j < 0 or visited[i, j] == 1:
        visited[i, j] = 1
        if output_image[i, j] > threshold1:
            output_image[i, j] = 255
            dfs(i-1, j-1)
            dfs(i-1, j)
            dfs(i-1, j+1)
            dfs(i, j-1)
            dfs(i, j+1)
            dfs(i+1, j-1)
            dfs(i+1, j)
            dfs(i+1, j+1)
            output_image[i, j] = 0

    for w in range(W):
        for h in range(H):
            if visited[w, h] == 1:
            if output_image[w, h] >= threshold2:
                dfs(w, h)
            elif output_image[w, h] <= threshold1:
                output_image[w, h] = 0
                visited[w, h] = 1

    for w in range(W):
        for h in range(H):
            if visited[w, h] == 0:
                output_image[w, h] = 0
    return output_image


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import cv2
import imgShow as iS

def smooth(image, sigma = 1.4, length = 5):
    """ Smooth the image
    Compute a gaussian filter with sigma = sigma and kernal_length = length.
    Each element in the kernal can be computed as below:
        G[i, j] = (1/(2*pi*sigma**2))*exp(-((i-k-1)**2 + (j-k-1)**2)/2*sigma**2)
    Then, use the gaussian filter to smooth the input image.

        image: array of grey image
        sigma: the sigma of gaussian filter, default to be 1.4
        length: the kernal length, default to be 5

        the smoothed image
    # Compute gaussian filter
    k = length // 2
    gaussian = np.zeros([length, length])
    for i in range(length):
        for j in range(length):
            gaussian[i, j] = np.exp(-((i-k) ** 2 + (j-k) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
    gaussian /= 2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2
    # Batch Normalization
    gaussian = gaussian / np.sum(gaussian)

    # Use Gaussian Filter
    W, H = image.shape
    new_image = np.zeros([W - k * 2, H - k * 2])

    for i in range(W - 2 * k):
        for j in range(H - 2 * k):
            new_image[i, j] = np.sum(image[i:i+length, j:j+length] * gaussian)

    new_image = np.uint8(new_image)

    return new_image

def get_gradient_and_direction(image):
    """ Compute gradients and its direction
    Use Sobel filter to compute gradients and direction.
         -1 0 1        -1 -2 -1
    Gx = -2 0 2   Gy =  0  0  0
         -1 0 1         1  2  1

        image: array of grey image

        gradients: the gradients of each pixel
        direction: the direction of the gradients of each pixel
    Gx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])
    Gy = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])

    W, H = image.shape
    gradients = np.zeros([W - 2, H - 2])
    direction = np.zeros([W - 2, H - 2])

    for i in range(W - 2):
        for j in range(H - 2):
            dx = np.sum(image[i:i+3, j:j+3] * Gx)
            dy = np.sum(image[i:i+3, j:j+3] * Gy)
            gradients[i, j] = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
            if dx == 0:
                direction[i, j] = np.pi / 2
                direction[i, j] = np.arctan(dy / dx)

    gradients = np.uint8(gradients)

    return gradients, direction

def NMS(gradients, direction):
    """ Non-maxima suppression

        gradients: the gradients of each pixel
        direction: the direction of the gradients of each pixel

        the output image
    W, H = gradients.shape
    nms = np.copy(gradients[1:-1, 1:-1])

    for i in range(1, W - 1):
        for j in range(1, H - 1):
            theta = direction[i, j]
            weight = np.tan(theta)
            if theta > np.pi / 4:
                d1 = [0, 1]
                d2 = [1, 1]
                weight = 1 / weight
            elif theta >= 0:
                d1 = [1, 0]
                d2 = [1, 1]
            elif theta >= - np.pi / 4:
                d1 = [1, 0]
                d2 = [1, -1]
                weight *= -1
                d1 = [0, -1]
                d2 = [1, -1]
                weight = -1 / weight

            g1 = gradients[i + d1[0], j + d1[1]]
            g2 = gradients[i + d2[0], j + d2[1]]
            g3 = gradients[i - d1[0], j - d1[1]]
            g4 = gradients[i - d2[0], j - d2[1]]

            grade_count1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1 - weight)
            grade_count2 = g3 * weight + g4 * (1 - weight)

            if grade_count1 > gradients[i, j] or grade_count2 > gradients[i, j]:
                nms[i - 1, j - 1] = 0

    return nms

def double_threshold(nms, threshold1, threshold2):
    """ Double Threshold
    Use two thresholds to compute the edge.

        nms: the input image
        threshold1: the low threshold
        threshold2: the high threshold

        The binary image.

    visited = np.zeros_like(nms)
    output_image = nms.copy()
    W, H = output_image.shape

    def dfs(i, j):
        if i >= W or i < 0 or j >= H or j < 0 or visited[i, j] == 1:
        visited[i, j] = 1
        if output_image[i, j] > threshold1:
            output_image[i, j] = 255
            dfs(i-1, j-1)
            dfs(i-1, j)
            dfs(i-1, j+1)
            dfs(i, j-1)
            dfs(i, j+1)
            dfs(i+1, j-1)
            dfs(i+1, j)
            dfs(i+1, j+1)
            output_image[i, j] = 0

    for w in range(W):
        for h in range(H):
            if visited[w, h] == 1:
            if output_image[w, h] >= threshold2:
                dfs(w, h)
            elif output_image[w, h] <= threshold1:
                output_image[w, h] = 0
                visited[w, h] = 1

    for w in range(W):
        for h in range(H):
            if visited[w, h] == 0:
                output_image[w, h] = 0

    return output_image

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # code to read image
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    smoothed_image = smooth(img)
    gradients, direction = get_gradient_and_direction(smoothed_image)
    nms = NMS(gradients, direction)
    output_image = double_threshold(nms, 40, 100)
    imageList = []
    origin_img = [img, 'origin_img']
    # smoothed= [smoothed_image, ' smoothed_image']
    # imageList.append(smoothed)
    gradient = [gradients, 'gradients']
    nms = [nms, 'nms']
    output_images = [output_image, 'output_image']
    iS.showMultipleimages(imageList, 25, 25, './ProcessedImg/canny.jpg')

