
Before the concept of countries existed, Luzia walked the broad savanna of what is now south-central Brazil. Her remains were buried in the Vermelha Cave about 11, 500 years ago until they were found and studied in the 20th century. Researchers later said her existence challenged the basic understanding of how humans migrated, and when.


Luzia's remains are among nearly 20 million items feared incinerated after a blaze roared through Rio de Janeiro’s National Museum on Sunday, in an inferno that Brazilian officials and scientists are describing as an unbearable erasure of human history potentially caused by years of neglect.

周日,巴西里约热内卢国家博物馆(里约热内卢de Janeiro de Janeiro)发生一场大火,近2000万件文物被火化,Luzia的遗体是其中之一。巴西官员和科学家称,这场大火对人类历史的抹杀令人无法忍受,可能是多年忽视造成的。

The fire was like “a lobotomy of the Brazilian mory, ” said Marina Silva, a former environment minister and candidate in the upcoming presidential election, according to the Guardian. Video of the blaze showed twin columns of towering fire reaching against black sky.

President Michel Temer said Monday the loss was “incalculable to Brazil”.

据《卫报》报道,前环境部长、即将到来的总统大选候选人玛丽娜·席尔瓦(Marina Silva)说,大火就像“切除了巴西人的记忆”。大火的视频显示,两列高耸的火柱直指漆黑的天空。

巴西总统米歇尔•特梅尔(Michel Temer)周一表示,损失“对巴西来说不可估量”。

Police clad in riot gear held back an angry, massive crowd calling for Temer's resignation at the smoldering museum. BBC reporter Katy Wilson said “thousands” at the scene blamed the fire on years of austerity measures for lack of funding and modernization efforts at museum.


Brazil has struggled to emerge from a 2014 recession and the political fallout that followed, and the museum blaze threatens to become a symbol for angry Brazilians frustrated by high unemployment and glacial economic growth.


The museum, which celebrated its 200th anniversary this year, was founded a few years before the country itself. It is the biggest natural history museum in Latin America.

