1. 英英释义:worth having and wanted by most people
例句:Hainan is a desirable place for many northeasterners to visit during the winter months.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“desirable”是“desire”的形容词形式,意思是“值得拥有的” “理想的”,是一个口语和写作中都能用到的高频词汇。我们想表示“一份好工作”“一个好结果”时,除了可以用最常见的 good 外,还可以用 desirable,比如“a desirable job/outcome”。
每年要过年的时候,许多东北人都会去海南省避冬,我就可以说: Hainan is a desirable place for many northeasterners to visit during the winter months.
美国畅销书作者马尔科姆•格拉德威尔在 David and Goliath 中提到过一个概念,叫“desirable difficulty”,有些困难和障碍其实是可以帮助我们成长的,正如孟子所说:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,饿其体肤……”我们可以总结书中的话来解释这个概念,比如: The idea of“desirable difficulty” suggests that not all difficulties are negative. Some difficulties
turn out to be desirable.
《经济学人》在 2018 圣诞特刊中就有这样一段话用到了 desirable: The mainstream view is that desirable men are gao-fu-shuai—tall, rich and handsome. And the ideal woman is bai-fu-mei—pale-skinned, rich and beautiful.
desirbale 和 ideal 在这里意思相近,都可以理解为“理想的”,可以放在一起记忆。
释义:something that is desirable has qualities that make you want it
搭配:be /seem a highly/ very desirable location/ job/ outcome/ partner/ man/ woman/ feature/ apartment
It is highly/ hardly desirable for sb/sth to do sth
//regard/ feel/see /think sth as desirable
The main stream view is that desirable men are gao-fu-shuai—tall, rich and handsome. And the ideal woman is bai-fu-mei—pale-skinned, rich and beautiful.
Good pay and interesting work make this a very desirable job.
A good heart is, I believe, much more desirable than education or brains. —L. Frank Baum