1.理解HL7(HL7中的基本概念)(conceptual approach)


   1.trigger events

       The Standard is written from the assumption that an event in the real world of healthcare
creates the need for data to flow among systems. The real-world event is called the
trigger event. For example, the trigger event a patient is admitted may cause the need for
data about that patient to be sent to a number of other systems. The trigger event, an
observation (e.g., a CBC result) for a patient is available, may cause the need for that
observation to be sent to a number of other systems. When the transfer of information is
initiated by the application system that deals with the triggering event, the transaction
is termed an unsolicited update



acknowledgments: original mod


when the unsolicited update is sent from one system to another, this acknowledgment mode
specifies that it be acknowledged at the application level. The reasoning is that it is
not sufficient to know that the underlying communications system guaranteed delivery of the
message. It is also necessary to know that the receiving application processed the data
successfully at a logical application level;



The acknowledgment may contain data of interest to the system that initiated the exchange.
For example, if a patient care system has processed the trigger event a lab test is ordered
for a patient, it may send an unsolicited update to a lab application identifying the
patient, the test ordered, and various other information about the order. The ancillary
system will acknowledge the order when it has processed it successfully. For some pairings
of patient care and ancillary department systems the acknowledgment may also include the
ancillary identification number that was assigned. (HL7 does not require Order Entry and
Results Reporting applications to interface in this manner, but it supports those that do.

的确认号。( HL7并不要求预定登录和结果报告程序一定使用这一方式进行工作,但它支持这一方

The HL7 Standard makes no assumptions about the ownership of data. It also makes no
requirements of its own on the subsequent action of the recipient of data, nor does it make
any assumption about the design or architecture of the receiving application system. The
scope of HL7 is restricted to the specification of messages between application systems,
and the events triggering them. HL7 does not explicitly support, but can be used with,
systems that support store and forward and data broadcast facilities (see the HL7
Implementation Support Guide

接收应用系统的设计或建构不作任何规定。 HL7的规定范围仅局限于应用系统之间交流的特定信息,和
相应的触发事件。 HL7没有明确的支持系统,但能应用于支持存储、转发、以及数据公布的系统。( 见

the HL7 Standard makes no functional interpretation of the requirement that a system commit
the data in a message to its database before acknowledging it. All that is required is
that the receiving system accept responsibility for the data, providing the same integrity
test that it would apply to data from any source. To continue the prior example, the
ancillary system may acknowledge the order after placing it in an input queue, expecting to
fully process the order into its database at a future time. The only assumption is that
the input queue is maintained at the same level of integrity as the database


Acknowledgments: enhanced mode
he HL7 acknowledgment paradigm has been extended to distinguish both accept and
application acknowledgments, as well the conditions under which each is required. With a
positive accept acknowledgment, the receiving system commits the message to safe storage in
a manner that releases the sending system from the need to resend the message. After the
message has been processed by the receiving system, an application acknowledgment may be
used to return the resultant status to the sending system


query documentation including messages, segments, special protocols, implementation
considerations and examples have been moved to chapter 5. The unsolicited display messages
were also moved because their message syntax is query-like in nature

查询文档包括信息,信息段,特定协议,执行注意事项和例子(见第 5 章)。主动提供的显示信息也被

