
#口语粉碎机# L1-Day03



我的答案:The news makes her very sad.

解析答案:The news made her very sad.



句子成分:主语-the news 谓语-makes 宾语 her 宾补 sad 状语 程度副词very




message: a written or spoken piece of information that you send to another person or leave for them

news: information about sth. happened

notice: a written or printed statement that gives information or warning to people (sign)

2. 他儿子要什么,他给什么。

我的答案:He gives whatever his son wants.

解析答案:He denied his son nothing.



句子成分:主语-he 谓语 denied 直接宾语 nothing 间接宾语 his son


两种都可以,思路局限,要什么给什么其实就是从不拒绝, 双重否定表肯定。


deny v. 否认;拒绝承认(否定真实性is not ture) deny a claim 指控

deny doing sth. 不承认做某事

deny 不给予某人某物或做某事的机会 refuse to allow sb. to have or do sth.

There is no denying that this is an important event.

reject v. 不接受不合标准的人或事,拒绝某一想法、请求。~ a proposal/application

refuse v. 拒绝帮助或礼物 refusal


我的答案:Could you give me another ticket?

解析答案:Could/Can you spare me an extra ticket?



句子成分:主语 you 谓语 could spare 直接宾语 an extra ticket (extra作定语) 间接宾语 me


spare 和extra不会用


spare v. 将时间/金钱/房间等抽出;留出 (在麻烦别人时更礼貌)

spare time to do sth. spare sth. for sb./ spare sb. sth.

adj. 闲置的 ~room/money/time

extra adj. 额外的


我的答案:Don't leave things unfinished.

解析答案:Don't leave things half-finished.



句子成分:祈使句, 省略主语we。谓语leave 宾语 things 宾补 half-finished.



leave sb. alone stop annoying sb.随....去;不打扰 let alone 更别提;更不用说(否定句后)

Just leave me alone

None of us want to talk with him, let alone to live with him.

leave sth./sb.+ 介词短语 把......忘在..... I left my book at home/ in the car.

leave sb./sth. adj. leave the door open/empty/untidy...leave questions unanswered

leave sth. to sb. 把某物留给某人(不归还)

leave sb. to sth. I’ll leave you to it.(go away and let you continue with what you are doing)leave behind 留下;抛开 left-behind children

leave for 前往某地

I'm leaving for Chongqing.(现在进行时表将来)



half-finished 半成品的

finished 完结的


我的答案:Do you still regard him as a friend?

解析答案:Do you still consider him a friend of yours?



句子成分:主语 you 谓语 consider 宾语 him 宾补 a friend of yours


consider treat regard 区别

consider sb. sth. think of sb. a particular way (侧重主观感受)

treat sb. sth. behave in a particular way to sb./sth. (行为、对待方式)

regard sb. as sth.


I am a friend of yours. I am a big fan of yours.



我的答案:Don't make the table dirty.

解析答案:Don't get the table dirty.



句子成分:祈使句 省略了主语。谓语 don‘t get 宾语 the table 宾补 dirty


make 也可以。

get 使处于某种状态或情况 He got his fingers caught in the door. (夹手的是门,不是主语he)

make to cause sb. to be ... The news made him happy. 高兴是主语news 带来的。

He is not afraid of getting his finger dirty. 脏的是手指,不是他。


make/have/get 三个使役动词

make/have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 get sb. to do sth.

make sb./sth. +adj. make myself clear/understoond

have sb. doing 让某人一直做某事

have/get sth. done 让某人被别人做


我的答案:The trip cost me lots of money.

解析答案:The trip cost me a lot of money.



句子成分:主语-the trip 谓语 cost 直接宾语 a lot of money 间接宾语 me


journey: travel from A to B, usually a long distance

trip: a visit to a place. for pleasure or a particular purpose


cost, spend, pay, take

8. 我把车卖给了他。

我的答案:I sold my car to him.

解析答案:I sold my car to him./I sold him my car.



句子成分:主语-I 谓语- sold 直接宾语-my car 间接宾语 him



习惯和for 搭配的动词:sell, buy, cook, provide, make


我的答案:The music is so gentle that we feel relaxed.

解析答案:The soft music made us relaxed.



句子成分:主语-the music 谓语 made 宾语 us 宾补 relaxed 定语 soft


relaxed 让我们处于放松的状态。

relax 让我们去放松。


slight (程度)轻微的 slight pause/change of the plan/increase/improvement


我的答案:We find him a truthful friend.

解析答案:We found him a reliable friend.



句子成分:主语-we 谓语 found 宾语 him 宾补 a reliable friend


truthful: someone who not tell lies (honest); sth. gives the true facts a ~answer

reliable: sb./sth. can be trusted or depended on

rely v. rely on/upon sb. trust/depend on sb./sth. to do what you need/expect them to do

reliability n. 可靠性

reliance (dependence) 依赖依靠





1. 有的单词不会翻译。

2. make sb. relax/relaxed;consider/ regard/treat; get/make区别。

3. 避免中式思维。

4. 系动词的种类,宾语 VS 补语

宾语:动作的承受者,在双宾语的结构中,直宾——动作的直接承受者,简宾——动作的方向,最终落脚点 如:give sb sth

宾补:补语是补充说明 通常是主语让宾语怎么样或者做什么,如果去掉句子是不完整的.
