分布式全链路监控 -- opentracing小试








  1. 日志信息
  2. 标签信息
  3. 开始/结束时间



  1. spanId 当前这个span的id
  2. traceId 这个span所属的traceId(也就是这次调用链的唯一id)
  3. baggage 其他的能过跨越多个调用单元的信息



  1. 建立和开启一个span
  2. 从某种媒介中提取和注入一个spanContext







  1. 等待子span完成
  2. 等待某种阻塞方法
  3. 创建并未开始




import io.opentracing.Span;
import io.opentracing.SpanContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * StarAtlasSpan

* the implementation of span * */ public class StarAtlasSpan implements Span { private StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer; private long startTime; private List spanReferences; private String operationName; private StarAtlasSpanContext spanContext; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); public StarAtlasSpan(StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer, long startTime, List spanReferences, String operationName, StarAtlasSpanContext spanContext, Map tags) { AssertUtils.notNull(starAtlasTracer); AssertUtils.notNull(spanContext); this.starAtlasTracer = starAtlasTracer; this.startTime = startTime; this.spanReferences = spanReferences != null ? new ArrayList( spanReferences) : null; this.operationName = operationName; this.spanContext = spanContext; //tags this.setTags(tags); // report extention to be implement //SpanExtensionFactory.logStartedSpan(this); } @Override public SpanContext context() { return this.spanContext; } @Override public Span setTag(String s, String s1) { return null; } @Override public Span setTag(String s, boolean b) { return null; } @Override public Span setTag(String s, Number number) { return null; } @Override public Span log(Map map) { return null; } @Override public Span log(long l, Map map) { return null; } @Override public Span log(String s) { return null; } @Override public Span log(long l, String s) { return null; } @Override public Span setBaggageItem(String s, String s1) { return null; } @Override public String getBaggageItem(String s) { return null; } @Override public Span setOperationName(String s) { return null; } @Override public void finish() { } @Override public void finish(long l) { } private void setTags(Map tags) { if (tags == null || tags.size() <= 0) { return; } for (Map.Entry entry : tags.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(key)) { continue; } Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) { continue; } if (value instanceof String) { //初始化时候,tags也可以作为 client 和 server 的判断依据 this.setTag(key, (String) value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { this.setTag(key, (Boolean) value); } else if (value instanceof Number) { this.setTag(key, (Number) value); } else { logger.error("Span tags unsupported type [" + value.getClass() + "]"); } } } }


import io.opentracing.SpanContext;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * StarAtlasSpanContext
 * the span context implementation to store span information
public class StarAtlasSpanContext implements SpanContext {

    //spanId 分隔符
    public static final String        RPC_ID_SEPARATOR       = ".";

    //======================== 以下为序列化数据的 key ========================

    private static final String       TRACE_ID_KET           = "tcid";

    private static final String       SPAN_ID_KET            = "spid";

    private static final String       PARENT_SPAN_ID_KET     = "pspid";

    private static final String       SAMPLE_KET             = "sample";

    private AtomicInteger childContextIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);

    private String spanId;

    private String traceId;

    private String parentId;

     * 默认不会采样
    private boolean isSampled = false;

    public StarAtlasSpanContext(String traceId, String spanId, String parentId) {
        this(traceId, spanId, parentId, false);

    public StarAtlasSpanContext(String traceId, String spanId, String parentId, boolean isSampled) {
        this.traceId = traceId;
        this.spanId = spanId;
        this.parentId = StringUtils.isBlank(parentId) ? this.genParentSpanId(spanId) : parentId;
        this.isSampled = isSampled;

    public Iterable> baggageItems() {
        return null;

     * 获取下一个子上下文的 ID
     * @return 下一个 spanId
    public String nextChildContextId() {
        return this.spanId + RPC_ID_SEPARATOR + childContextIndex.incrementAndGet();

    public String getSpanId() {
        return spanId;

    public void setSpanId(String spanId) {
        this.spanId = spanId;

    public String getTraceId() {
        return traceId;

    public void setTraceId(String traceId) {
        this.traceId = traceId;

    public String getParentId() {
        return parentId;

    public void setParentId(String parentId) {
        this.parentId = parentId;

    public boolean isSampled() {
        return isSampled;

    public void setSampled(boolean sampled) {
        isSampled = sampled;

    private String genParentSpanId(String spanId) {
        return (StringUtils.isBlank(spanId) || spanId.lastIndexOf(RPC_ID_SEPARATOR) < 0) ? StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING
                : spanId.substring(0, spanId.lastIndexOf(RPC_ID_SEPARATOR));


import io.opentracing.Scope;
import io.opentracing.ScopeManager;
import io.opentracing.Span;

 * StarAtlasScopeManager

* the scope manager to store and manage the scope information within a thread * */ public class StarAtlasScopeManager implements ScopeManager { /** * the thread local store for the active scope */ final ThreadLocal scopeThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>(); /** * singleton method * * @return */ public static StarAtlasScopeManager getInstance() { return StarAtlasScopeManagerSingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } private StarAtlasScopeManager() { } /** * the method to active a span * * @param span * @param finishOnClose * @return */ @Override public Scope activate(Span span, boolean finishOnClose) { if (!checkCanActivate(span)) { throw new IllegalStateException("a span cannot be activated more than once"); } return new StarAtlasScope(this, span, finishOnClose); } /** * the method to get the current active span * * @return */ @Override public Scope active() { return this.scopeThreadLocal.get(); } /** * check if the span can be activate * if the span exists in the recover chain of the current active scope * then we know that the span has been activate before. * * @param span * @return */ private boolean checkCanActivate(Span span) { StarAtlasScope scope = (StarAtlasScope) this.active(); while (scope != null) { if (scope.span() == span) { return false; } scope = scope.scopeToRecover; } return true; } private static class StarAtlasScopeManagerSingletonHolder { private static final StarAtlasScopeManager INSTANCE = new StarAtlasScopeManager(); } }


  • activate 在当前线程中激活一个span,并返回一个scope封装当前激活的span
  • active 返回当前线程激活的scope
  • checkCanActivate 这是自行实现的一个方法,我们激活一个span封装scope的时候会把激活前线程中激活的scope以scopeToRecover变量存储在新激活的scope中(具体可参考接下来scope的代码)。这样我们就可以根据当前激活的scope以scopeToRecover来不断地追溯到最初,因此当我们激活一个span的时候,我们就可以通过这个span在不在追溯的链路上来判断是否这个span被重复激活了。


import io.opentracing.Scope;
import io.opentracing.Span;

 * StarAtlasScope

* StarAtlasScope is a wrap class for span * It represents a active span in current thread. * And it support close function to deactivate a span * */ public class StarAtlasScope implements Scope { /** * finish the span or not when we close the scope */ private final boolean finishOnClose; /** * the wrapped span */ private final Span span; /** * scope manager */ private final StarAtlasScopeManager scopeManager; /** * the scope to recover on close */ final StarAtlasScope scopeToRecover; StarAtlasScope(StarAtlasScopeManager scopeManager, Span span, boolean finishOnClose) { this.finishOnClose = finishOnClose; this.span = span; this.scopeManager = scopeManager; // store the previous scope to recover this.scopeToRecover = this.scopeManager.scopeThreadLocal.get(); // push the current scope into thread local // may extract into a package level method in StarAtlasScopeManager this.scopeManager.scopeThreadLocal.set(this); } /** * call close means the active period for the current thread and scope comes to an end */ @Override public void close() { // if the current active scope does not equal to this // the close operation can not continue if (scopeManager.active() != this) { throw new IllegalStateException("can not call scope close in an unexpected way"); } if (finishOnClose) { span.finish(); } // recover the scope this.scopeManager.scopeThreadLocal.set(this.scopeToRecover); } @Override public Span span() { return span; } }


  • close 关闭当前的scope,也连带的把封装的span关闭,并且恢复线程中激活的scope到之前。
  • span 返回封装的span


import io.opentracing.*;
import io.opentracing.propagation.Format;

import java.util.*;

public class StarAtlasTracer implements Tracer {

     * traceID的KEY
    public static final String KEY_TRACEID = "SA-TRACEID";

     * 正常 TRACE 开始的 spanId
    public static final String  ROOT_SPAN_ID = "0";

    public ScopeManager scopeManager() {
        return StarAtlasScopeManager.getInstance();

    public Span activeSpan() {
        return this.scopeManager().active().span();

    public SpanBuilder buildSpan(String operationName) {
        return new StarAtlasSpanBuilder(operationName);

    public  void inject(SpanContext spanContext, Format format, C c) {


    public  SpanContext extract(Format format, C c) {
        return null;

     * the implementation of span builder
    private class StarAtlasSpanBuilder implements SpanBuilder {

        private String operationName = StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING;

        private long startTime = -1;

        private List references = Collections.emptyList();

        private final Map tags          = new HashMap();

        private boolean ignoreActiveSpan = false;

        public StarAtlasSpanBuilder(String operationName){
            this.operationName = operationName;

        public SpanBuilder asChildOf(SpanContext parentContext) {
            return addReference(References.CHILD_OF, parentContext);

        public SpanBuilder asChildOf(Span parentSpan) {
            if(parentSpan == null){
                return this;
            return asChildOf(parentSpan.context());

        public SpanBuilder addReference(String referenceType, SpanContext referencedContext) {
            if (referencedContext == null) {
                return this;
            if (!(referencedContext instanceof StarAtlasSpanContext)) {
                return this;
            if (!References.CHILD_OF.equals(referenceType)
                    && !References.FOLLOWS_FROM.equals(referenceType)) {
                return this;
            if (references.isEmpty()) {
                // Optimization for 99% situations, when there is only one parent
                references = Collections.singletonList(new StarAtlasSpanReferenceRelationship(
                        (StarAtlasSpanContext) referencedContext, referenceType));
            } else {
                if (references.size() == 1) {
                    references = new ArrayList(references);
                references.add(new StarAtlasSpanReferenceRelationship(
                        (StarAtlasSpanContext) referencedContext, referenceType));
            return this;

        public SpanBuilder ignoreActiveSpan() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupport ignore active span right now");

        public SpanBuilder withTag(String key, String value) {
            this.tags.put(key, value);
            return this;

        public SpanBuilder withTag(String key, boolean value) {
            this.tags.put(key, value);
            return this;

        public SpanBuilder withTag(String key, Number value) {
            this.tags.put(key, value);
            return this;

        public SpanBuilder withStartTimestamp(long startTime) {
            this.startTime = startTime;
            return this;

        public Scope startActive(boolean finishOnClose) {
            Span span = this.start();
            return StarAtlasTracer.this.scopeManager().activate(span, finishOnClose);

        public Span startManual() {
            return null;

        public Span start() {
            StarAtlasSpanContext spanContext = null;
            if(this.references.size() > 0){
                // there is a parent context
                spanContext = createChildContext();
            }else if (!this.ignoreActiveSpan
                    && StarAtlasTracer.this.scopeManager().active() != null){
                // use the current span as default parent;
                Scope currentScope = StarAtlasTracer.this.scopeManager().active();
                spanContext = createChildContext();
            }else {
                // it should be the root
                spanContext = createRootSpanContext();
            long begin = this.startTime > 0 ? this.startTime : System.currentTimeMillis();
            StarAtlasSpan span = new StarAtlasSpan(StarAtlasTracer.this, begin,
                    this.references, this.operationName, spanContext, this.tags);
            return span;

        private StarAtlasSpanContext createRootSpanContext(){
            String traceId = TraceIdGenerator.generate();
            return new StarAtlasSpanContext(traceId, ROOT_SPAN_ID, StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING);

        private StarAtlasSpanContext createChildContext() {
            StarAtlasSpanContext preferredReference = preferredReference();

            StarAtlasSpanContext sofaTracerSpanContext = new StarAtlasSpanContext(
                    preferredReference.getTraceId(), preferredReference.nextChildContextId(),
                    preferredReference.getSpanId(), preferredReference.isSampled());
            return sofaTracerSpanContext;

         * choose the preferred reference
         * @return
        private StarAtlasSpanContext preferredReference() {
            StarAtlasSpanReferenceRelationship preferredReference = references.get(0);
            for (StarAtlasSpanReferenceRelationship reference : references) {
                // childOf takes precedence as a preferred parent
                String referencedType = reference.getReferenceType();
                if (References.CHILD_OF.equals(referencedType)
                        && !References.CHILD_OF.equals(preferredReference.getReferenceType())) {
                    preferredReference = reference;
            return preferredReference.getSpanContext();




import io.opentracing.Scope;
import io.opentracing.Span;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

 * StarAtlasTracerTest
public class StarAtlasTracerTest {
     * 测试仅生成root
    public void generateRoot(){
        StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer = new StarAtlasTracer();
        Span root = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("root").start();
        StarAtlasSpanContext context = (StarAtlasSpanContext) root.context();
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getSpanId(), "0");
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getParentId(), "");

     * 测试生成root并activate
    public void generateRootAndActivate(){
        StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer = new StarAtlasTracer();
        Scope rootScope = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("root").startActive(true);
        StarAtlasSpanContext context = (StarAtlasSpanContext) rootScope.span().context();
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getSpanId(), "0");
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getParentId(), "");
        Assert.assertEquals(rootScope, starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().active());

     * 测试生成child并activate
    public void generateChildAndActivate(){
        StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer = new StarAtlasTracer();
        Scope rootScope = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("root").startActive(true);
        StarAtlasSpanContext rootContext = (StarAtlasSpanContext) rootScope.span().context();
        Span child = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("child").asChildOf(rootScope.span()).start();
        StarAtlasSpanContext context = (StarAtlasSpanContext)child.context();
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getSpanId(), "0.1");
        Assert.assertEquals(context.getTraceId(), rootContext.getTraceId());
        Assert.assertEquals(rootScope, starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().active());
        Scope childScope = starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().activate(child, true);
        Assert.assertEquals(childScope, starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().active());
        Assert.assertEquals(rootScope, starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().active());

     * 测试重复激活span
    public void testDuplicatedActivate(){
        StarAtlasTracer starAtlasTracer = new StarAtlasTracer();
        Span root = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("root").start();
        Scope rootScope = starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().activate(root, true);
        Span child = starAtlasTracer.buildSpan("child").start();
        Scope childScope = starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().activate(child, true);
            starAtlasTracer.scopeManager().activate(root, true);
        } catch (Exception e){
            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalStateException);




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