

英文 中文
Kendall, if the stock drops below 130, 肯德尔 如果股价跌下130美元
you're in breach and we want our money back. 你们违约 我们就把钱要回来
Can we start to negotiate? 我们能好好谈判吗
I know that you said he wasn't great, 我知道你说过他状态不是很好
but I was passing by, so I thought I'd pop up. 但是我路过这边 我就想露个面
I'm afraid that is out of the question. 我觉得这事没得商量
No one apart from Marcia has seen him 除了玛西娅没人见过他
-for the better part of a week. -Relax. -都快一周了-放松点
We don't want to rush the recovery. 我们不想他恢复得仓促
Oh, right, 'cause you like playing boss? 没错 因为你喜欢当老板对吗
You know my brother and I. 我和我弟弟
CEO and COO, and welcome Tom Wambsgans 总裁和首席执行官 大家欢迎汤姆·威姆士丹
who is now sitting up with the grown-ups. 现在要跟大人们平起平坐了
Stock's gone below 130. 股票跌破130美元了
I've had an idea. You give me four billion dollars. 我有个主意 你给我四十亿怎么样
I stay boss, you invest for once in a blue chip corporation. 我还当老板 你投资给一家蓝筹[靠谱]公司 仅一次
I'm going to need voting stock. 我还需要投票股份
I'm also going to need a board seat. 我还要个董事会席位
-Yeah, I wouldn't say that I'm the man, -Mm-hmm. -好吧 我不会说我就是那个人-嗯哼
but if there were a man, he might look a lot like me. 但如果有那么个人的话 他跟我相似度是极高的
After you went down, the stock tanked. 你倒下后股市一泻千里
You took a gamble on that loan. 因为你在那笔贷款上赌了一把
But I found us a private equity solution. 但我找到了用私募股权来解决的办法
You are a fucking idiot. 你是他妈的蠢货
OK, that's right, 很好 很好
along the edge. 沿着边缘
Good. That's good. 好的 很好
Don't patronize me. 别哄我了
Walking's not good. It's fuckin' normal. 走几步路好什么好 太他妈平常了
I'm not. That is good, Mr. Roy. 我没有 罗伊先生 你做得很好
I need to sit down. 我要坐会儿
- Chair. - Logan, -椅子呢-洛根
if you're not well enough for the charity dinner, 如果你身体还没恢复好 去不了慈善晚宴
I maybe go with this handsome young man. 我可以跟这小帅哥一起去的
OK. Now, 好了
this is a little trickier. 这个更难一点
This is the proprioception. 这是本体感受训练
That's side to side. 从一边到另一边
Turn it off. It's like being inside a fuckin' commercial. 把音乐关了 感觉像他妈在拍复建广告
There you go. 来吧
You turn it off yourself. 你自己关掉
Come on. 快来
Where the fuck's she goin'? 她特么要去哪儿
Thank you. 谢谢
Rava, hey, did you decide yet about tomorrow night? 拉瓦 你决定好明晚的事了吗
It's kind of a big night for me. 对我来说还挺重要的
I'm making Dad's RECNY ball speech. 我要为爸的罗伊慈善晚宴致辞
I just kind of assumed your "Hopefully" was a "Yes." 我以为你的"但愿可以"就是"可以"的意思
Are you serious? 当真的吗
...GDP numbers that showed the US economy ...GDP指数显示美国经济
maintained a brisk pace of growth 增长态势喜人
at a 2.8% annual rate. 年增长率为2.8%
- How was L.A.? - Great. -洛杉矶怎么样-挺好的
They're all fuckin' nuts, but great. 都他妈是一群疯子 但挺好的
Can you get onto Lance about my speech? 你能联系兰斯润色下我的讲稿吗
And can we get one of the late night guys to, 去夜谈节目弄几个写手来
- you know, cook me up a bit? - A bit? -替我编场段子啥的-段子
Yeah, a bit. You know, a selection of jokes and riffs? 对 段子 就是即兴笑话大合集
You're gonna do a joke? 你要讲笑话吗
What does that mean? I was fuckin' king of the Lampoon. 瞧你这话问的 朕乃冷嘲热讽之王
Kicked their distribution into shape. 狠狠嘲讽他们的份额
- I cleared your morning because... - Who's that in my dad's...? -我取消了你早上所有的行程 因为...-谁在我爸的...
because your dad wants to see you. 因为你爸要见你
Guessing you didn't know that. 看样子你不知道这回事
No, I didn't know. But, uh... 我不知道 但是...
it's great news. Right? 这算好消息 对吧
- Did you know? - No, but it's great. -你知道吗-不知道 但挺好的
Sure. Oh, sure. 当然 当然
Shouldn't he have told you? 他不该提前告诉你吗
OK, uh, listen, I'll just, um... 好吧 听着 我会...
get myself straight 收拾一下
and go and see the old... fuckin' goat. 去看望咱的老... 领头羊
Ok. 好的
You look good. 你真帅
Uh, well, yeah. Well, thank you. 是啊 谢谢
Whoops. Uh, Grace, um... 糟糕 格蕾丝...
OK, see, this is why your staying here doesn't work. 瞧 这就是你待在这里也没用的原因
There are five bathrooms in this place, and you're here. 家里明明有五个洗手间 你却在这儿
Why are you here? Like, right now I have to fart, and I'm not. 你在这儿干嘛 就好比 我现在想放屁 但我放不出来
- I'm physically not farting because you're here. - OK. -我放不出来就因为你在这儿-好吧
I'm just feeling a little oppressed is all, OK? 我只是觉得有点放不开 成不
Thank you. 谢谢你
Do you want me to speak to Connor and confirm table arrangements? 需要我跟康纳说一下 然后确认座次安排吗
- Uh-huh. - We're hosting basically the same as last year, -随便-今年办的规模跟去年的差不多
plus Joyce and Daniel. Is that OK? 就多了乔伊丝和丹尼尔 这样行吗
I didn't go last year, Shiv. 小西 去年我没去
Yes, you did. 你去了的
Remember we had that racist Belgian GS guy? 还记得去年那个高盛集团的种族歧视的比利时人吗
And his wife who wanted to kill herself? 就老婆想自杀那个
Siobhan, I think I would remember 西沃恩 你觉得我会不记得
our first Roy Endowment Creative New York ball together. 我们一起参加的首场"纽约创意展演暨罗伊家族慈善晚宴"吗
I was trapped in Honk Kong, scoping out theme parks. 我当时还在香港 开发主题公园
- Really? - Yeah. Honey, -真的吗-真的 亲爱的
growing up I used to look at the pictures of the RECNY 我可是看着我妈的"名利场"杂志里的
in Mom's "Vanity Fairs." 罗伊慈善晚宴图片长大的
And now, a little boy from St. Paul's going, 然而现在 当年那个圣保罗的小男孩
with the most beautiful gal in the world. 要和世上最美的姑娘去参加晚宴了
- Oh, what the fuck? - What? -搞什么鬼-怎么了
It's quite a haunting image, isn't it? 好一张终生难忘的妙图啊 不是吗
The eye almost seems to follow you around the room. 那只"眼"好像能追着你满屋子跑了
What is this? 什么情况
You know, your client, the future senator? Apparently, 你的客户 未来的参议员 很显然
this is her husband's asshole. 这是她老公的屁眼
What? Fuck off. Can you prove that? 什么 滚蛋 你能证明吗
He posted it himself with the caption: "Check out my asshole." 他自己发出去的 还加了个标题"看本大爷的屁眼"
It was on a site called Filthy Rich. 挂在"肮脏的富人"网上
- Has everybody got it? - Just us, I believe, right now. -大家都有了吗-目前为止 只有咱们有
Leaked to ATN. My buddy thought I'd be intrigued. 被泄露给了泛美 我的小伙伴觉得我会感兴趣
All right, well, bring it on. 好啊 放马过来吧
Ooh, feisty. 真刚烈啊
What, they're not gonna run it? 干嘛 他们不播报吗
It's dirty, it's weird, 这很下流 很诡异
and it's evidence of precisely the kind 而且正好是那种
of disgusting liberal metro butt-love 令人作呕的自由主义进洞之爱
that makes our viewership angry enough to buy pharmaceuticals. 足以让我们这群看客气到买止吐药
- Oh, OK, fuck you very much. - OK, well, -行啊 非常敢射你-好啊
hate to be the bearer of bad news. 真不想当传噩耗的坏人
What do we call it, "An intimate part of his body"? 怎么称呼那东西 "他身上的某处私密部位"吗
No! That sounds like his dick. 别 听起来像是他的小兄弟
Or just his "Anus"? 或者是他的"菊花"
"Anus"? At breakfast? "菊花" 在早餐时间提吗
That's a fucking juice-dropper. 太他妈恶心了
"A very private part of his body." "他身上某个极其隐私的部位"
It's boring. And she needs to get more sleep. 太没新意了 她有点睡眠不足
- Karen. - Yeah? -卡伦-怎么了
- You sleepin' OK? - I thought so. -你睡得还好吗-我觉得挺好
Yeah? Are you sleeping on your face? 是吗 你趴着睡吗
- Boom! Ouch. - I'm just kidding. -诶呦-开个玩笑而已
- You look great. - How about me, darling? -你看起来很好-亲爱的 我怎么样
How do I look? 我看起来如何
FIE, Mark. Fuckable in an emergency. 忍操脸 马克 忍一忍还是能操的脸
Now, if we don't call out this frigid little phony, 如果咱们都不叫上这个冷淡的小骗子
who will? 那谁来
Yeah. Good. 好 挺好
Hey, Dad. 老爹
I didn't know you were coming in. 我都不知道你来了
Did-- Did Gerri? 格丽知道吗
Do I need permission? 我还需要你批准吗
Hey, come on. Screw you. 拜托 别这么臭屁
Just making sure you're not selling 我只想确保你不会
any more of the company from under me. 在我不知情的情况下卖掉更多公司股份
Oh, you want to get into that? 你想参与进来吗
You know, you put a hole in us 是你欠了一屁股债
by taking on a shitload of debt. 给我们挖了个天坑
But look, this is, uh... 不过 听着 这...
it's great to see you. 很开心见到你
Are you sure you're OK? 你确定自己没事吗
Maybe you should get a briefing and get some rest, yeah? 也许你应该先听听简报 休息下 好吗
Yeah, OK. 好啊
Joseph! 约瑟夫
Bring the wheelchair! I need to take a leak! 把轮椅推过来 我要去小便
Hey. So, uh, Dad's back. 那啥 老爸回来了
Back where? Back in the chair? 回哪 回到办公室吗
Seems kind of fast, right? 有点快啊 是吧
But, you know, it's good, obviously. 但是很显然 这样很好
You'd love it if his brain fell out the back of his head. 他的脑仁从后脑勺掉下来时候 你才会开心吧
Jesus. I'm just scared in case... 老天 我只是担心万一...
You're scared in case he tries to push you out 你只是担心 万一他把你踢出局
and your plans for, you know, Uber for news and Facebook for cats 扼杀你的种种计划 比如优步上播新闻 脸书上晒猫
and open plan office. 和广纳建言的办公室

