
①这些人鱼有着浅灰色的皮肤,长着一头深绿色凌乱的长发。她们的眼睛是黄色的,一口泛黄的烂牙,脖子上戴着很粗的鹅卵石项链。The merpeople has grayish skin and long, wide, dark green hair. Their eyes were yellow, as were their broken teeth. They wore thick ropes of pebbles around their necks.②人鱼现在从四周围了过来,紧紧地盯着哈利,指着他的手蹼和鱼鳃,互相小声嘀咕着。Merpeople were emerging on all sides now, watching him eagerly, pointing at his webbed hands and gills, talking behind their hands to one another.③广场中间的人鱼在集体合唱,召唤着参赛勇士们;她们身后是一个简陋的雕塑,一个用大圆石雕刻成的巨型人鱼。A choir of merpeople was singing in the middle, calling the champions toward them. Behind them rose a crude sort of statue: a gigantic merperson hewn from a boulder.
