12月21號 - 大理古城 - 舞動靜心 - Movement meditation

舞動靜心  - Movement Meditation

舞動曼陀羅 - DANCEmandala

12月21號(星期四) 6-8pm ~ 玉洱路96號(蘭林閣酒店4樓瑜珈室)

December 21 (Thursday) 6-8pm,YuEr Road 96, (Lan Lin Ge Hotel Floor 4 Yoga Studio)







Sense our life pulse ~ Allow our natural authenticity

Follow the rhythm within & in the space

Moving in stillness ~ flow in freedom

Explore~ express~ enliven

Coming home to ourselves

身心放松,让关节与肌肉变得柔软,回归到自己的身体和心灵,体验自己于当下的实相,深入內在世界的不同层面,让无形的能量与体会,透过肢体抒发展現出來。Relax and let go, allow our muscles & joints become soft, coming back to our body & heart, truly experience what is within at the moment. Dive deep into different layers of our inner space, allow life energies to flow & express through our body.

忘記外表型態,放開顧慮或猶豫,拋開好壞的判斷,重視的是內在的感覺與覺察。 Forget about forms & looks, shed worries & hesitations, let go of judgements & the mind. Come back to inner experience and observations.

參加者無須任何跳舞或冥想技巧或經驗。這個舞動空間歡迎你,讓你安然投入自我探索的內在旅程。No need for any dance or meditation experience or skills. This is a contained space which welcomes you to take an inner journey within.

配合每一回舞动的音乐都包含不同的旋律节奏,配合现场同步指引,动中有靜,靜中有动,並在动靜与快慢之間,邀請我們一步一步深入探索自己的內在世界。The music is carefully chosen & arranged, combined with gentle verbal guidance, giving us signposts in our inner explorative journey.

這次的舞動靜心也融入了互動接觸的部分,邀請我們透過身體接觸去感受和經驗自己與他人當下的狀態和相互關係,純粹地以身體去跟自己與他人連接。This time we also invited into the movement meditation some interactive elements through body contact. Through touch, we sense deeply ourselves & our relations with each other. A connection of bodies & energies.

靜心是一條道路,是不斷的修鍊。動態的靜心,也更接近日常生活狀態。讓我們邀請自己走上這條路,覺察到動靜皆自在這種狀態,就在我們裡面,而且,慢慢讓它萌芽紮根,在生活中開花。Meditation is a path, an endless practice. Meditation in movement comes even closer to our daily existence. Take a step into this journey, to realise our awareness in the here & now, let this state of being enroot in our existence, and flourish in our life.

在舞動裡,體現真實;在真實裡,找到自由;在自由中,活出生命。Embody truth in movement, find liberty in the truth, live life in freedom.


Facilitator: Man Yee, born in Hong Kong, left her life in the commercial world for studies in Europe in the 90's, she then become a humanitarian worker around the world. But saving oneself must come before serving the world, she thus began various meditative & connective practices in stillness or movement. In recent years, she started devoting fully into self practice & exploration, continue to learn from different teachers and sharing her experience with people she met.


時間:12月21號 (星期四),晚上 6-8pm

地點:大理古城玉洱路96號 (蘭林閣酒店)4樓瑜珈室



Time: December 21 (Thursday), 6-8pm

Venue: Dali Old Town, Yu Er Road 96 (Lan Lin Ge Hotel) 4th Floor Yoga Room

Energy exchange: 50 yuan per person

報名/連繫 (歡迎預先報名或到場參加):

微信:MyInJourneyer (敏宜)

微信:auguest13 (皎子)

Registration/enquiry (registration in advance or walk in both welcome)

wechat: MyInJourneyer (Man Yee)

wechat: auguest13







- dress easy for movement, & in layers

- you may bring a big shawl to keep warm for lying down

- avoid heavy meals before the session

- bring your own drinking water

你可能感兴趣的:(12月21號 - 大理古城 - 舞動靜心 - Movement meditation)