24、Word Knowledge词汇知识:独角兽


If you have ever watched some fantastic films, such as The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Harry Potterseries, you must have noticed some strange creatures in the stories.


In fact, the creatures contained in these works are largely derived from or greatly inspired by Greek mythology:centaur(人马), minotaur(牛头人), satyrs, nymph, Pegasus, Cerberus, dragon, mermaid... to name a few.


While many mythic creatures are man-eating monsters or evil spirits, others, like unicorns, are powerful and peaceful.


Over two thousand years ago, Greek travelers told tales of unicorns living in far-off lands. They caused no harm to humans, but such a favor was returned only by human hunting unicorns and luring(诱惑) them into traps.


The reason for that was the magical properties(功能) of the unique horn, which was believed to range from detecting(检测) and neutralizing(中和) poisons and curing fevers to prolonging youth and acting as an aphrodisiac(催欲剂).


The word “unicorn” consists of two parts:the prefix uni-, meaning “one”, and the root corn, “horn”.


As a productive prefix, uni- is used to form such English words as universe, uniform, university, unicycle, unify(统一) etc.


Its Greek equivalent was mono-, which appears in words like monologue(独白), monotonous(单调的), monorail, monolingual, monopoly, monogamyetc.



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