
  • 介词 in to at

    • 方位介词

      • 定义:用来表示词与词、句与句的关系的词。

      • in 泛指包含,on泛指接触.

      • 方位介词 - 某地

        • She arrives in Australia. # 大地点用in

        • She arrives at the bus shop. # 小地点用at

      • 方位介词 - 里里外外

        • Mongolia is on the north of China # 蒙古与中国接壤,所以用on

        • Guang dong province is in the southeast of China # 广东在中国里面,所以用in

        • Japan is to the east of China # 在范围外,并且不接壤用to

      • 方位介词 - 上上下下

        • 上方不相接的用 over

        • 下方不相接的用 under

        • 斜上方用above

        • 斜下方用below

        • 上方相接用on

        • 下方相接用 beneath

      • 方位介词 - 前前后后

        • 里the外不the

        • in the front of 在内部的前面

        • in front of 在外部的前门

        • behind 在后面

        • Where are these peple?

        • The man is in the front of the bus. (男人在bus里靠前位置)

        • One of the women is in front of the bus. (女人在bus外面的前方)

        • The other women is behind the bus. (另一个女人在bus的后方)

      • 方位介词 - 中间

        • between 两者之间

        • among 大于三者之间

        • I hear some students will go on a picnic this Sunday.

        • -- Yes,and Zhao Min will be among them. # 在多人之间用 among.

      • 方位介词 - 穿过

        • through 内部穿过
        • across 外部穿过
        • The river runs through our city.
        • I swam across the Chang Jiang river 20 years ago.
      • 方位介词 - 树上

        • The apples are on the tree. 长在树上用on

        • The girl is in the tree. 女孩不是本来就在树上的用in.

        • There is a window in the wall. 窗户在墙的里面,用in

        • There is a map on the wall. 地图在墙上,用on

      • 方位介词 - 旁边

        • near:有一定距离 在...附近
        • beside:距离不远 在...旁边
        • next to:紧挨着的
  • 时间介词

    • in 年 in 月 in 季节,早午晚前还用in

    • 特殊:早下午晚前还用in

    • at用于点钟前

    • on指具体某一天

  • 方式介词

    • in - 接衣服,鞋帽

    • with - 接饰品,伤疤

    • in a yellow hat

    • in a pink dress.

    • with a doll in his hands.

    • with a beautiful necklace.

  • 易混淆介词

    • be made of - 由...制成(能看出原材料)

    • be mead from - 由...制成(看不出原材料)

    • The chair is made of wood.

    • The wine is made from grapes.

    • by 直接+交通工具

    • in / on + 修饰词 + 交通工具

    • I go to school by bike.

    • I go to school on a blue bike.

    • She goes to work by car.

    • She goes to work in a nice car.

    • I'm going to take my children back in my car.

    • except (除了,不包括-)

    • except for (美中不足)

    • besides (除了,包括+)

    • They are boy students except Mary.

    • Mary is beautiful except for her broken tooth.

    • And besides her, the boys are also good students.
