【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain

Brain of Human

Feature 特征

  1. nerve center;
  2. billions of neurons;
  3. programs responses;
  4. do things simultaneously.

Division 分区

Cerebrum 大脑

left & right, connected by bundles of nerve fibers

【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第1张图片

Cerebral Cortex 大脑皮层

outermost layer of cerebrum;

deep folds 褶皱: increase the area of the cerebral cortex, create space in this surface layer for more neurones, so that increase the brain’s processing power

(deepest division is used to identify the lobe 脑叶)

Frontal Lobe 额叶

at the front of the brain, immediately above the eyes

coordinate voluntary movements and speech, memory and emotion, higher cognitive skills, and many aspects of personality

BLUE part

Parietal Lobe 顶叶

at the top of the brain, immediately behind the frontal lobes

integrate sensory signals from the skin, process taste, and process some types of visual information


Occipital Lobe 枕叶

at the back of the brain, immediately behind the frontal lobes

process visual information and integrate them into complex visual understanding

PINK part

Temporal Lobe 颞叶

on the sides of the brain, at and below the level of the eyes

carry out some visual processing and interpret auditory information

GREEN part

Visual Pathway 视觉通路

【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第2张图片

graph LR
A(RGC 视网膜神经节细胞)-->B(LGN 丘脑外膝体)--换元-->C(V1 初级视觉皮层)
C-->D(MT, V2, V3)
D--Ventral Pathway 腹侧通路---->E(V4, IT -- 编码物体是什么)
D--Dorsal Pathway 背侧通路---->F(LIP, AIP -- 编码物体怎么运动)

对于视觉的复测通路,传统的观念认为信息自下而上流动的过程(Bottom Up)是一个不断整合信息,逐渐抽象编码直至一个形成一个完整物体的过程。

视网膜上收集到视觉信号,两眼的optic nervers走过类似交叉路口的optic chiasm,然后将信号发到大脑的lateral geniculate nucleus(LGN)的区域中,然后将视觉信号一层层分门别类,整理好后发送到初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortext)

【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第3张图片


【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第4张图片

RGC 视网膜神经节细胞



【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第5张图片

V1 初级视觉皮层

V1内细胞主要对视野内某个区域某一朝向的边缘信息敏感(Orientation Selectivity),此外V1的一部分细胞也会编码这个边缘的运动方向信息。

【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第6张图片

具有方向选择性的V1细胞可以进一步分为简单细胞(simple cells)和复杂细胞(complex cells),前者的感受野是中心-边缘式的一根亮条,对超出该范围的刺激无反应(推测其原因是整合了多个LGN细胞的感受野)。

【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第7张图片


【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第8张图片

V2 第二视觉皮层


【学习笔记】Visual Cortex of Human‘s Brain_第9张图片


V4 第四视觉区域



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