小包子的Scalers Talk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day76 20190106


Lesson 91 Three men in a basket


A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing! 





@[00.204]Helen - 石家庄 - 软件 除了何丹说的那些,我是真听不出来别的了,只觉得你的r都读的好好,尤其r和梅花音的结合完美

@[000]眼睛睁-榆林 谢谢亲的鼓励,你的explain和later都可以浊化哦,还有aircraft和photograph的梅花音,听起来像a

@[00]何丹_四川_教育 balloon中的l感觉像r,soon中的s有点那种汉语拼音里平卷舌的感觉,第二个commanding里的梅花音可以再饱满一些,不过感觉你基础好好呢,坚持练下去肯定会很棒



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