Kun Qian, Zhaoyuan He, Xinyu Zhang
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (ACM IMWUT)
原始论文地址: http://xyzhang.ucsd.edu/papers/KQian_UbiComp21_RadarPointCloud.pdf
Video地址:ACM SIGCHI官方频道
3D Point Cloud Generation with Millimeter-Wave Radar
的阅读笔记, 原载于R.X. NLOS的博客
大量参考了作者的 Pre-recorded presentations for UbiComp/ISWC 2021, September 21–26
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Extremely low resolution
❌ due to its small form factor
❌ only generates intensity maps with strong reflection peaks
Blindness due to specular reflection
❌ specularly reflected by most objects
Fusing measurements along the Radar’s moving trajectory
✅ To some extent, alleviate the specular reflection problem (by illuminating from diverse locations)
❌ The imaging resolution is still limited by the physical size of the antenna array
❌ Cannot be fundamentally improved through spatial sampling
Raw radar measurements are directly combined with SAR
✅ low-end vehicle radars
✅ coherently combines measurements of the radar
✅ generate dense and high-resolution 3D point clouds
Radar Speed = Cross Range Movement / Elapsed Time
Observation: Different Tx-Rx pairs experience similar channel responses while moving along the cross-range
▪ The radar has equally spaced 4 antennas
▪ As the radar moves, the 1st antenna pair at time t 1 t_1 t1 coincides with the 2nd antenna pair at time t 0 t_0 t0
⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ pair 1和 pair 2接收的信号很接近,只有一个 t 0 − t 1 t_0 - t_1 t0−t1的时延 ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ 由测量信号可获得 t 0 − t 1 t_0 - t_1 t0−t1
▪ 同时,the radar moves by one antenna spacing ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ 可获得距离 (cross-range movement)
▪ so the speed of the radar can be calculated
Overcoming Specular Reflection in SAR
Challenge 2: SAR requires focusing on the center of the target
root cause of this phenomenon:
the mismatch of the physical aperture of the radar and the effective apertures of the targets
The physical aperture: the physical trajectory of the radar (图中blue segment)
The effective aperture of a target is the segment of the trajectory where the target’s reflection is received ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ Due to specular reflection, the effective aperture is the projection (图中short red segment)
The focusing center can be represented by the parameters l l l and θ \theta θ
✅ can be identified in the spatial frequency spectrum
✅ ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ 从而propose the multi-focusing algorithm to overcome the specular reflection problem and image all objects in the environment
✅ ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ image all objects in the environment
Combining co-registered pixels of the SAR images generated by different antenna pairs to estimate the height of target scatter point
✅ exploit multiple antenna pairs along the vertical direction
✅ For each antenna pair, we generate one SAR image and find pixels with high intensity
✅ Complex pixel values still encode the elevation information ⇒ \Rightarrow ⇒ So we combine the co-registered pixels of all SAR images to form a virtual pixel array and estimate the elevation of the pixels (如下图)
理论方面 :Propose MilliPoint
The first step to enable 高分辨高密度 3D point cloud generation on low-end vehicle Radar based on SAR
Self corss-range tracking
Automatic multi-focusing
3D pointcloud generation
实验方面 :implement and verify the design on an automative radar, and conduct case studies in realstic driving scenes
更多 :envision MilliPoint as a new type of sensor fusion modality