1 概述
2 运行结果
3 参考文献
4 Matlab代码实现
本文研究声波在硼酸、硫酸镁 (MgSO4) 和纯水中的吸收,只有通过使用声波或俗称声波,才能进行水下通信。由于在水中的高衰减和吸收,无线电波不适合在水下进行通信。因此,声波是水下通信的最佳选择。声波在水中的速度为1500(米/秒或m/s),几乎是无线电波的五倍。然而,声波也面临着许多挑战,如衰减和吸收。
1. 硼酸:硼酸是一种无机化合物,常见的形式是硼酸溶液。硼酸溶液对声波具有一定的吸收能力。吸收的程度取决于溶液的浓度和频率。一般来说,浓度越高,吸收越明显。此外,声波的频率也会影响吸收程度,通常在较高频率下吸收更明显。
2. 硫酸镁(MgSO4):硫酸镁是一种无机化合物,常见的形式是其水合物(MgSO4·nH2O)。硫酸镁溶液对声波也有一定的吸收能力。吸收的程度与溶液的浓度、温度以及声波频率有关。一般来说,高浓度和较高频率下的声波吸收更明显。
3. 纯水:纯水是一种常见的透明介质,对声波的吸收较小。声波在纯水中的传播较为清晰,因为纯水没有杂质或溶解物质,不会产生明显的吸收。
plot3(x,y,z,'mo',... % Plot all the nodes in 3 dimension
'LineWidth',1.5,... % Size of the line
'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... % The color of the outer surface of the node. Currently it is set to black color. "k" stand for black.
'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 0],... % The color of the inside of the node. Currently it is set to yellow color. "[1 1 0]" is a code of yellow color
box on
xlabel(' Length (m)') % X-label of the output plot
ylabel(' Width (m)') % Y-label of the output plot
zlabel(' Height (m)') % Z-label of the output plot
title(' Random deployment of the sensor nodes in the network') % Title of the plot
grid on % Activate the grid in background of the plot
% Hold figure 1
hold on
[1]Francois, R. E., and G. R. Garrison. "Sound absorption based on ocean measurements. Part II: Boric acid contribution and equation for total absorption." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 72, no. 6 (1982): 1879-1890.
[2]Qadir, Junaid, Anwar Khan, Mahdi Zareei, and Cesar Vargas-Rosales. "Energy Balanced Localization-Free Cooperative Noise-Aware Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks." Energies 12, no. 22 (2019): 4263.