AppAnalytics Crack

AppAnalytics Crack

  Embarcadero® AppAnalytics is an analytics service for mobile, desktop and wearables. It allows you to track and measure how often apps are used, which platforms they are running, what features customers are using, find and log crashes and more. It helps you understand user behavior by capturing anonymous usage stats from end users. AppAnalytics is an analytics and tracking service, hosted by Embarcadero Technologies and available for RAD Studio, C++Builder, Delphi and Visual Studio.

  AppAnalytics allows you to gather usage information such as:

  How often your application is used.

  The number of active users for your application.

  How often your application crashes.

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  How users navigate the forms and controls in your application.

  Track custom events.

  View all results in a Web browser.

  The RAD Studio integration enables you to use AppAnalytics on all supported target platforms, in Delphi and C++Builder applications. AppAnalytics is supported in FireMonkey and in VCL. AppAnalytics does not collect or transmit any private or personally identifiable information. It is totally anonymous.

  AppAnalytics for Visual Studio

  Visual Studio developers can take full advantage of the Embarcadero AppAnalytics service. AppAnalytics for Visual C++ is available on NuGet for Visual Studio.
