

英文 中文
The end of the Arctic summer, 北极的盛夏接近尾声
and the sun hasn't set for three months. 三个月以来太阳未曾落下
It's hard to imagine the bitter cold will soon return. 难以想象的是严寒将很快再次袭来
Some will welcome the chills of autumn, 某些动物会泰然接受秋季的萧索
but for most, 而对于大多数而言
time is running out before they will 被迫向南迁徙的日子
have to retreat to the south. 正在一步步逼近
Early autumn in the Canadian Arctic, 时值加拿大极地的初秋
and polar bears are gathering on the coastal strip, 北极熊正聚集在海岸地带
waiting for the sea to freeze. 等待着海面冰封
But a life spent alone on the sea ice 但它们向来特立独行
is no preparation for a crowded beach. 无法适应海滩的拥挤
Such close contact with other bears must be stressful. 与同类的近距离接触会使它们神经紧绷
Surely tempers will flare. 恼羞成怒在所难免
Over half a tonne of bear slams into the other. 超过半吨的公熊猛扑向对方
Polar bears will fight to the death over mates, 北极熊通常会为了争夺配偶而一决死战
but not in autumn. 但秋季是个例外
Now these fearsome predators display 此时这些令人生畏的捕食者们
a surprisingly tolerant side to their natures. 展现出了本性中难得的容忍

Being marooned on land means the bears 被围困在陆地上
no longer have access to the seals they usually hunt 意味着它们无法捕食到海豹
and they have to scrape by on whatever they can find. 只能随便找些食物来填饱肚皮
Like bears the world over, they're not choosy feeders. 像普通的熊类一样它们并不挑食
They even turn vegetarian, 甚至开始食草维生
delicately picking out berries from between the thorns. 小心翼翼地从棘刺中挑出浆果
There are plenty to go around 果子遍地都是
so there's no need to squabble over them. 所以没必要争抢
Any fighting is just for fun. 打斗也只是为了取乐
The bears select sparring partners who are well-matched 公熊会选择与自己实力相当的对手
and they always pull their punches, 而且总是故意放水
no-one wants to get hurt in a play-fight. 因为谁都不想在友谊赛中受伤
Perhaps these bouts are a way of testing rivals 也许这几个回合的较量是为了试探对手
in case they ever meet again out on the sea ice. 以防日后在冰面上会狭路相逢
One thing's for sure, 而毋庸置疑的是
the famous loners 这群独行侠们
are revealing a social, playful side 正流露出合群活泼的一面
we rarely see. 实属罕见
It's all just boisterous fun, 虽说这只是嬉闹
but with so many big males around, 但如此健硕的公熊毕竟危险
the females keep their cubs at a safe distance. 母熊便带幼熊们远离这片是非之地
The wary mother will lead her young 谨慎的熊妈妈会领着孩子们
to a quieter beach along the coast 沿着海岸前往一片更清静的沙滩
while she waits for the ocean to freeze. 等待海面结冰
The sea ice is now at its minimum extent. 目前海冰的面积为最小值
In the Canadian Arctic, 在加拿大极地
vast stretches of coastline are now unlocked 绵延不绝的海岸线解除了冰封
and ready to receive visitors. 对拜访者敞开了怀抱
Belugas - the white whales of the North. 白鲸即北极的白色鲸鱼
They're relying on open water 它们徜徉在无冰海域
to reach an ancient rendezvous. 前去参加既定的约会
It's a journey they make every year 这是它们一年一度的旅程
along traditional routes. 其路线恒久不变
Baby belugas ride piggy-back, 幼鲸骑在母鲸背上
pulled along by their mother's slip stream. 借助母亲造成的水流前行
This one is only a month old, 这只仅有一个月大
and won't turn white for another five years. 要再过五年才会变成白色
Thousands of belugas are being drawn to one special estuary 上千条白鲸正游往加拿大极地
in the Canadian Arctic. 一处特殊的河口
It isn't food that brings them here. 它们并非为了觅食而来

Curiously, it's personal hygiene. 原因说来奇怪是为了个人卫生
When the tide is low they swim into the shallows 退潮时它们便游入浅水
and flail around with great enthusiasm. 激烈地扭动翻滚
They're after a body scrub. 这么做是为了刷洗身体
The gravel acts as a loofah 沙砾相当于丝瓜络
and thrashing their bodies across it 在其间辗转反侧
helps to get rid of their old skin. 有助于褪掉旧皮
Presumably the treatment keeps them clean and streamlined, 想必这不仅会使它们身体洁净线条优美
but it also appears to feel good. 还会带来快感
Bliss! 好福气啊
The water in the estuary is warmer and less salty 相比之下河口的水温度高盐分少
and that seems to soften the skin 这似乎有助于软化皮肤
making the scrub more effective. 提高清洁效率
This secluded estuary 这处隐秘的河口
is only a temporary whale spa, 只是白鲸临时的温泉疗养地
the ocean will soon freeze again 海洋会很快再次冻结
forcing the whales to travel south. 迫使鲸鱼们南迁
Vast seabird colonies are the jewels of the Arctic. 庞大的海鸟群是北极的瑰宝
Brunnich's guillemots have spent the summer months 夏季的几个月里海鸠
packed together on vertical cliffs 聚集在陡峭的悬崖之上
beyond the reach of predators. 远离捕食者的魔爪
They are among the most 它们是北半球
numerous seabirds in the Northern hemisphere. 数量最多的海鸟之一
This colony alone contains 100,000 birds 单是这个鸟群就有十万只
and there are many more like it all along the Arctic coastline. 而沿北极海岸类似的鸟群更是不计其数
In just a few weeks these cliffs will empty. 再过几周这几片悬崖将空空如也
But before the guillemots can leave, 但在幼雏羽翼丰满之前
their chicks must fledge. 海鸠还不能动身
Their feathers are now fully formed, 它们的羽毛已经长成
but their stubby wings are still too short for them 但翅膀还过于粗短
to fly properly - 无法自在飞翔
this will be a challenge. 这是个挑战
It's a 150 metre drop and 这一跳就是一百五十米
they need to make it all the way to the sea. 还得一路跳到海里
Here goes. 起跳
He falls short and survives the crash landing. 他没跳到终点不过也活着着陆了
The chicks are manna from heaven for an Arctic fox. 对北极狐来说雏鸟可是天赐的佳肴
The next chick is accompanied by a parent. 后面一只雏鸟有父母陪伴
Failed again. 又失败了
This looks better! 这跳得好多了
Success! 成功
Aquatic landings are certainly gentler 水上着陆看起来轻盈多了
and foxes can't reach you out here. 狐狸也抓不到你
The chicks will stay in their parents' care for another month. 雏鸟还得跟着父母一个月
The guillemots are not the only ones preparing to leave, 海鸠不是唯一准备离开的旅行者
all across the Arctic millions of summer visitors 整个北极区上百万的夏日游客
are beginning to return south. 都准备启程回南方
The guillemot chicks can't fly yet, 海鸠的雏鸟还不会飞
so they and their families 所以它们和家人
must swim to their winter feeding grounds. 游去过冬的地方
It's a journey that will take them a thousand miles south 一路向南跨越上千公里
to the open ocean and away from the approaching ice. 去寻找开阔的海洋远离逼近的寒冰
The breeding season is over and silence returns to the Arctic. 繁殖的季节已经结束北极又重归宁静
But as the first storms of autumn 但当秋季的第一波风暴
sweep through the deserted nesting grounds, 席卷这片荒芜的筑巢区时
they bring an unexpected bonanza for the few that remain. 给为数不多的留守者带来意想不到的好运
The discovery doesn't remain secret for long. 这个秘密很快就传播开来
It's a huge fin whale carcass. 这是一头巨大的长须鲸的尸体
The polar bears have been drawn from several miles away, 北极熊的鼻子特别灵敏
guided by their extraordinary sense of smell. 从几公里外追寻而至
Bears are arriving all the time, 北极熊不断涌来
but there's plenty of room at this 18 metre long dining table. 但这头十八米长的食物有足够的空间
They're surprisingly relaxed, 它们很少这么轻松和谐
but with enough for everyone there's no need to argue. 因为食物充足所以无须争斗
The tastiest morsels are often underwater. 最美味的肉是泡在水下的部分
Others prefer some greens with their dinner. 有些吃货喜欢加点海草做配菜
After a well-balanced meal, 一顿平衡膳食后
there's nothing better than some good company. 最享受的莫过于跟同伴玩一玩了
Despite their reputation as loners, 北极熊向来是独来独往的
it's surprising just how sociable polar bears can be. 如此和睦的一幕让人甚是惊喜
All across the Arctic the temperature is now dropping 整个北极地区气温骤降
and the sea is beginning to freeze. 海水开始结冰
Every day over 20,000 square miles of ocean 每天随着寒气也逐渐向南方蔓延
turn to ice as the cold spreads south. 超过五万平方公里的海洋为之冻结
At first, a thin, greasy film appears on the surface 一开始水面形成薄薄脆脆的冰膜
Next, pancakes of ice start to appear. 然后出现众多蛋饼一样的冰块
The pancakes lock together and form a continuous sheet. 一块块蛋饼接在一起形成大片冰层
The Arctic Ocean is freezing again. 北冰洋再次冻结
At last the bear family 最后北极熊一家
can return to the sea ice where they belong. 终于回到了它们的冰海之家
It's been six months since the cubs first emerged from the den. 熊崽在洞里出生到现在已六个月了
They've survived the hazards of melting sea ice in spring 它们熬过了冰雪融化险象丛生的春天
and lack of food in summer 以及食物贫乏的夏天
and now, at last, they are in their element again. 现在它们终于可以自在生活了
As the north of our planet turns away from the sun, 地球的北极远离了太阳
the big chill travels south. 冰寒向南部扩散
Temperatures on the tundra start to fall. 冻原的气温开始下降
The shorter days and colder nights trigger a dramatic change 越来越短的白昼和越来越冷的黑夜
in the willows and blueberry bushes. 让柳叶和蓝莓丛发生了奇妙的变化
They stop producing green pigment that harnesses the sun's energy 它们停止分泌吸收太阳能量的绿色素
and red and yellow pigments build up in their leaves. 红色素和黄色素染上了他们的叶子
The tundra blazes with colour 火红的颜色烧遍了冻原
and the whole landscape is transformed. 整个景色都改头换面
A bull muskox marks his territory 一头雄性麝牛用脸上腺体的味道
with scent from glands on his face. 划定了自己的领土
He's preparing for the breeding season. 他在为繁殖的季节做准备
He shadows his harem of females as they graze 他圈起了他的母牛们
the last of the summer grasses. 她们在吃最后一批夏草
He must be on his guard. 他必须警觉
An outsider is arriving, 外敌来临
a large male whose intentions soon become clear. 这个强敌的意图很快表露无疑

