

  1. Care About Your Craft 关心你的技艺

  2. Think! About Your Work 思考!你的工作

  3. Provide Options,Don't Make Lame Excuses 提供各种选择,不要找蹩脚的借口

  4. Don't Live with Broken Windows 不要容忍破窗户

  5. Be a Catalyst for Change 做变化的催化剂

  6. Remember the Big Picture 记住大版图

  7. Make Quality a Requirements Issue 使质量成为需求问题

  8. Invest Regularly in Your Knowledge Portfolio 定期为你的知识资产投资

  9. Critically Analyze What Read and Hear 批判地分析你读到和听到的

  10. It's Both What You Say and Way You Say It 你说什么和你怎么说同样重要

  11. DRY- Don't Repeat Yourself 不要重复你自己

  12. Make It Easy to Reuse 让复用变得容易

  13. Eliminate Effects Between Unrelated Things 消除无关事物之间的影响

  14. There Are No Final Decisions 不存在最终决策

  15. Use Tracer Bullets to Find the Target 用曳光弹找到目标

  16. Prototype to Lean 为了学习而制作原型

  17. Program Close to the Problem domain 靠近问题领域编程

  18. Estimate to Avoid Surprise 估算,以避免发生意外

  19. Iterate the Schedule with the Code 通过代码对进度表进行迭代

  20. Keep Konwledge in Plain Text 用纯文本保存知识

  21. Use the Power of Command Shells 利用命令Shell的力量

  22. Use a Single Editor Well 用好一种编辑器

  23. Always Use Source Code Control 总是使用源码控制

  24. Fix the Problem,Not the Blame 要修正问题,而不是指责

  25. Don't Panic 不要恐慌

  26. "Select" Isn't Broken "Select"没有问题

  27. Don't Assume it - Prove It 不要假定,要证明

  28. Learn a Text Manipulation Language 学习一种文本操作语言

  29. Write Code That Writes Code 编写能编写代码的代码

  30. You Can't Write Perfect Software 你不可能写出完美的软件

  31. Design with Contracts 通过合约进行设计

  32. Crach Early 早崩溃

  33. If it Can't Happen,Use Assertions to Ensuer That It Won't 如果它不可能发生,用断言确保它不会发生

  34. Use Exceptions for Exceptional Problems 将异常用于异常的问题

  35. Finish What You Start 要有始有终

  36. Minimize Coupling Between Moudules 使模块之间的耦合减至最少

  37. Configure,Don't Integrate 要配置,不要集成

  38. Put Abstraction in Code,Details in Metadata 将抽象放进代码,细节放进元数据

  39. Analyze Workflow to Improve Concurrency 分析工作流,以改善并发性

  40. Design Using Services 用服务进行设计

  41. Alwasy Design for Concurrency 总是为并发进行设计

  42. Separate Views from Models 使视图与模型分离

  43. Use Blackboards to Coordinate Workflow 用黑板协调工作流

  44. Don't Program by Coincidence 不要靠巧合编程

  45. Estimate the Order of Your Algorithms 估算你的算法的阶

  46. Test Your Estimates 测试你的估算

  47. Refactor Early,Refactor Often 早重构,常重构

  48. Design to Test 为测试而设计

  49. Test Your Software,or You User Will 测试你的软件,否则你的用户就得测试

  50. Don't User Wizard Code You Don't Understand 不要使用你不理解的向导代码

  51. Don't Gather Requirements-Dig for Them 不要搜集需求-挖掘它们

  52. Work with a User to Think Like a User 与用户一同工作,以像用户一样思考

  53. Abstractions Live Longger than Details 抽象比细节活得更长久

  54. Use a Project Glossary 使用项目词汇表

  55. Don't Think Outside the Box-Find the Box 不要在盒子外面思考-要找到盒子

  56. Listen to Nagging Doubts-Start When You're Ready 倾听反复出现的疑惑-等你准备好再开始

  57. Some Things Are Better Done than Described 对有些事情“做”胜于描述

  58. Don't Be a Slave to Formal Methods 不要做形式方法的奴隶

  59. Expensive Tools Do Not Produce Better Designs 昂贵的工具不一定制作出更好的设计

  60. Organize Around Functionality,Not Job Functions 围绕功能、而不是工作职务进行组织

  61. Don't Use Mannual Procedures 不要使用手工流程

  62. Test Early.Test Often.Test Automatically. 早测试,常测试,自动测试

  63. Coding Ain't Done Til All the Tests Run 要到通过全部测试,编码才算完成

  64. Use Saboteurs to Test Your Testing 通过“蓄意破坏”测试你的测试

  65. Test State Coverage,Not Code Coverage 测试状态覆盖,而不是代码覆盖

  66. Find Bugs Once 一个bug只抓一次

  67. Treat English as Just Another Programming Language 把英语当作又一种编程语言

  68. Build Documentation In,Don't Bolt It On 把文档建在里面,不要栓在外面

  69. Gently Exceed Your Users' Expectations 温和地超出用户的期望

  70. Sign Your Work 在你的作品上签名
