:偏置修正的二阶矩向量。该向量类似于mh,但是用于修正二阶矩估计的初始阶段偏向。 float * x = (float *)opt->adam.x->data; // view of the parameters
float * g1 = (float *)opt->adam.g1->data; // gradient
float * g2 = (float *)opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squared
float * m = (float *)opt->adam.m->data; // first moment
float * v = (float *)opt->adam.v->data; // second moment
float * mh = (float *)opt->>data; // first moment hat
float * vh = (float *)opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hat
// ref:
static enum ggml_opt_result ggml_opt_adam(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_opt_context * opt,
struct ggml_opt_params params,
struct ggml_tensor * f,
struct ggml_cgraph * gf,
struct ggml_cgraph * gb) {
// these will store the parameters we want to optimize
struct ggml_tensor * ps[GGML_MAX_PARAMS];
int np = 0;
int nx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gf->n_nodes; ++i) {
if (gf->nodes[i]->is_param) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("found param %d: grad->op = %d\n", np, gf->nodes[i]->grad->op);
ps[np++] = gf->nodes[i];
nx += ggml_nelements(gf->nodes[i]);
if ((opt->params.type != params.type) || (opt->nx != nx) || (opt->params.past != params.past)) {
int iter = opt->iter;
ggml_opt_init(opt->ctx, opt, params, nx);
opt->iter = iter;
// constants
const float sched = params.adam.sched;
const float decay = params.adam.decay * sched;
const float alpha = params.adam.alpha * sched;
const float beta1 = params.adam.beta1;
const float beta2 = params.adam.beta2;
const float eps = params.adam.eps;
float * x = opt->adam.x->data; // view of the parameters
float * g1 = opt->adam.g1->data; // gradient
float * g2 = opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squared
float * m = opt->adam.m->data; // first moment
float * v = opt->adam.v->data; // second moment
float * mh = opt->>data; // first moment hat
float * vh = opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hat
float * pf = params.past > 0 ? opt->>data : NULL; // past function values
// update view
ggml_opt_get_params(np, ps, x);
// compute the function value
ggml_graph_reset (gf);
ggml_set_f32 (f->grad, 1.0f);
ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);
opt->adam.fx_prev = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);
opt->adam.fx_best = opt->adam.fx_prev;
if (pf) {
pf[opt->iter % params.past] = opt->adam.fx_prev;
// initialize
if (opt->just_initialized) {
opt->adam.n_no_improvement = 0;
opt->just_initialized = false;
float * fx_best = &opt->adam.fx_best;
float * fx_prev = &opt->adam.fx_prev;
int * n_no_improvement = &opt->adam.n_no_improvement;
int iter0 = opt->iter;
// run the optimizer
for (int t = 0; t < params.adam.n_iter; ++t) {
opt->iter = iter0 + t + 1;
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG ("=== iter %d ===\n", t);
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG ("f = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx0 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[0]->grad, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx1 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[1]->grad, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("param %d: %10.6f, g = %10.6f\n", i,
ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i], 0), ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i]->grad, 0));
const int64_t t_start_wall = ggml_time_us();
const int64_t t_start_cpu = ggml_cycles();
// update the gradient
ggml_opt_get_grad(np, ps, g1);
// m_t = beta1*m_t-1 + (1 - beta1)*g_t
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, m, beta1);
ggml_vec_mad_f32 (nx, m, g1, 1.0f - beta1);
// g2 = g1^2
ggml_vec_sqr_f32 (nx, g2, g1);
// v_t = beta2*v_t-1 + (1 - beta2)*g_t^2
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, v, beta2);
ggml_vec_mad_f32 (nx, v, g2, 1.0f - beta2);
// m^hat = m_t / (1 - beta1^t)
// v^hat = v_t / (1 - beta2^t)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*(alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) + decay*x_t-1)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) - sched*decay*x_t-1
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) + sched*decay*(-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = mix(x_t-1, (-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps), sched*decay)
ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (nx, mh, m);
ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (nx, vh, v);
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, mh, alpha/(1.0f - powf(beta1, opt->iter)));
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, vh, 1.0f/(1.0f - powf(beta2, opt->iter)));
ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (nx, vh, vh);
ggml_vec_acc1_f32 (nx, vh, eps);
ggml_vec_div_f32 (nx, mh, mh, vh);
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, x, 1.0f - decay);
ggml_vec_sub_f32 (nx, x, x, mh);
// update the parameters
ggml_opt_set_params(np, ps, x);
ggml_graph_reset (gf);
ggml_set_f32 (f->grad, 1.0f);
ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);
const float fx = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);
// check convergence
if (fabsf(fx - fx_prev[0])/fx < params.adam.eps_f) {
return GGML_OPT_OK;
// delta-based convergence test
if (pf != NULL) {
// need at least params.past iterations to start checking for convergence
if (params.past <= iter0 + t) {
const float rate = (pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] - fx)/fx;
if (fabsf(rate) < {
return GGML_OPT_OK;
pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] = fx;
// check for improvement
if (params.max_no_improvement > 0) {
if (fx_best[0] > fx) {
fx_best[0] = fx;
n_no_improvement[0] = 0;
} else {
if (n_no_improvement[0] >= params.max_no_improvement) {
return GGML_OPT_OK;
fx_prev[0] = fx;
const int64_t t_end_cpu = ggml_cycles();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("time iter: %5.3f s\n", ((float)(t_end_cpu - t_start_cpu))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
const int64_t t_end_wall = ggml_time_us();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("wall time iter: %5.3f s\n", (t_end_wall - t_start_wall)/1e6);
#include "ggml.h"
#include "ggml.h"
#define MAX_NARGS 2
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"
// logging
#define GGML_DEBUG 0
#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 1)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...)
#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 5)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...)
#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 10)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...)
#define GGML_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
float frand(void) {
return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
int irand(int n) {
return rand()%n;
void get_random_dims(int64_t * dims, int ndims) {
dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
dims[i] = 1 + irand(4);
void get_random_dims_minmax(int64_t * dims, int ndims, int min, int max) {
dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
dims[i] = min + irand(max-min);
struct ggml_tensor * get_random_tensor(
struct ggml_context * ctx0,
int ndims,
int64_t ne[],
float fmin,
float fmax) {
struct ggml_tensor * result = ggml_new_tensor(ctx0, GGML_TYPE_F32, ndims, ne);
switch (ndims) {
case 1:
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {
((float *)result->data)[i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;
case 2:
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {
((float *)result->data)[i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;
case 3:
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {
((float *)result->data)[i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;
case 4:
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < ne[3]; i3++) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {
((float *)result->data)[i3*ne[2]*ne[1]*ne[0] + i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;
return result;
float get_element(const struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx) {
return ((float *)t->data)[idx];
void set_element(struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx, float value) {
((float *)t->data)[idx] = value;
float run(int val){
return 0.1f;
struct ggml_init_params params = {
/* .mem_size = */ 1024*1024*10, // 设置内存大小为1GB
/* .mem_buffer = */ NULL, // 设置内存缓冲区为空
/* .no_alloc = */ false, // 允许内存分配
struct ggml_context * ctx = ggml_init(params); // 创建一个ggml_context结构体对象
int64_t ne1[4] = {2, 512, 1, 1};
int64_t ne2[4] = {512, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne3[4] = {1, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne4[4] = {256, 3, 1, 1};
int64_t ne5[4] = {3, 1, 1, 1};
int64_t mid_w[4] = {256, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t mid_b[4] = {256, 1, 1, 1};
struct res {ggml_cgraph ge;ggml_tensor * e;ggml_tensor * output;ggml_tensor * intput;ggml_tensor * target;};
res hf_getcompute_graph(){
struct ggml_tensor * X = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 2);// struct ggml_tensor * X = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1); // 创建一个2维随机张量a
struct ggml_tensor * target = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 3);
struct ggml_tensor * proj = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc1_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne2, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc1_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne3, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fcout_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne4, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fcout_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne5, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc3_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc3_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc4_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc4_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc5_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);
struct ggml_tensor * fc5_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);
ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_bias);
ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_bias);
ggml_tensor * proj_of_x = ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj,X); // 512*1
ggml_tensor * fc1 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj_of_x,fc1_weight), fc1_bias); // 1*256
ggml_tensor * fc1_ = ggml_view_2d(ctx,fc1,256,1,4*256,0);//ggml_transpose(ctx,fc1); // 256*1
// ggml_tensor * fc2 = ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc3_weight,fc1_); // 256*1 ggml_tensor * fc2 = ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc1_,fc3_weight); // 256*1 & 256*256 =>1*256
ggml_tensor * fc3 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc3_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc1_)), fc3_bias);
ggml_tensor * fc4 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc4_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc3)), fc4_bias);
ggml_tensor * fc5 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc5_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc4)), fc5_bias);
ggml_tensor * fcout = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fcout_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc5)), fcout_bias);// 3*1
ggml_tensor * fcout_ = ggml_sub(ctx,fcout,target);
struct ggml_tensor * e = ggml_sum(ctx, ggml_sqr(ctx, fcout_) ); // 计算张量d的平方和e
struct ggml_cgraph ge = ggml_build_forward(e); // 构建计算图ge
return {ge, e, fcout, X,target};
void hf_out(ggml_tensor * output){
printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 0));// cout<< "res "<<((float *)(fc2->data))[0];
printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 1));
printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 2));
void hf_free(){
ggml_free(ctx); // 释放上下文内存
res a = hf_getcompute_graph();
static int *istrain = new int(1);// delete istrain;
void hf_set_data_random(){
ggml_tensor * input = a.intput;
ggml_tensor * target =;
std::random_device rd; // 获取随机数种子
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // 使用随机数种子初始化随机数生成器
std::uniform_real_distribution dis(0.0, 1.0); // 定义均匀分布函数,范围为[0.0, 1.0)
std::vector digit(512); // 创建大小为512的vector
for (int i = 0; i < digit.size(); i++) {
digit[i] = dis(gen); // 使用分布函数生成随机数,并赋值给vector的每个元素
memcpy(input->data,, ggml_nbytes(input));
digit = {100.3f,200.5f,100.1f};
memcpy(target->data,, ggml_nbytes(target));
*istrain = 1;
void hf_set_data(ggml_tensor * input,ggml_tensor * target,vector& v_in ,vector& v_out){
memcpy(input->data,, ggml_nbytes(input));
memcpy(target->data,, ggml_nbytes(target));
namespace hf_adam{
const string about = "this is a namespace for train only one epoch for adam";
static struct ggml_opt_params opt_params = ggml_opt_default_params(GGML_OPT_ADAM); // 获取默认的优化参数
static struct ggml_opt_context * opt = (struct ggml_opt_context *) alloca(sizeof(struct ggml_opt_context));
// static
static struct ggml_tensor * gfbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));
static struct ggml_tensor * gbbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));
// build forward + backward compute graphs
static struct ggml_cgraph * gf = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gfbuf->data;
static struct ggml_cgraph * gb = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gbbuf->data;
static int np;
static int nx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static inline bool ggml_is_scalar(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor) {
static_assert(GGML_MAX_DIMS == 4, "GGML_MAX_DIMS is not 4 - update this function");
return tensor->ne[0] == 1 && tensor->ne[1] == 1 && tensor->ne[2] == 1 && tensor->ne[3] == 1;
static void ggml_opt_get_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * x) {
int i = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at once
for (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {
x[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p], j);
static void ggml_opt_get_grad(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * g) {
int i = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at once
for (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {
g[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p]->grad, j);
// floating point type used to accumulate sums
typedef double ggml_float;
inline static void ggml_vec_add_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = x[i] + y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_add1_f32(const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = x[i] + v; }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += x[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc1_f32(const int n, float * y, const float v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += v; }
inline static void ggml_vec_sub_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = x[i] - y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_set_f32 (const int n, float * x, const float v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) x[i] = v; }
inline static void ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = x[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_neg_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = -x[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_mul_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = x[i]*y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_div_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = x[i]/y[i]; }
static void ggml_opt_set_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], const float * x) {
int i = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to set tensor from array
for (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {
ggml_set_f32_1d(ps[p], j, x[i++]);
static void ggml_vec_dot_f32(const int n, float * s, const float * x, const float * y) {
#ifdef GGML_SIMD
float sumf = 0.0f;
const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
sum[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(sum[j], ax[j], ay[j]);
// reduce sum0..sum3 to sum0
GGML_F32_VEC_REDUCE(sumf, sum);
// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
sumf += x[i]*y[i];
// scalar
ggml_float sumf = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sumf += (ggml_float)(x[i]*y[i]);
*s = sumf;
inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float * y, const float * x, const float v) {
// inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float * restrict y, const float * restrict x, const float v) {
//#if defined(GGML_SIMD)
// const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));
//GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);
//GGML_F32_VEC ax[GGML_F32_ARR];
//GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];
//for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
//for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
//ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(ay[j], ax[j], vx);
//GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
//for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
//y[i] += x[i]*v;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] += x[i]*v;
//inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] *= v; }
inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float v) {
vDSP_vsmul(y, 1, &v, y, 1, n);
#elif defined(GGML_SIMD)
const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));
GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);
for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_MUL(ay[j], vx);
GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] *= v;
// scalar
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] *= v;
inline static void ggml_vec_norm_f32 (const int n, float * s, const float * x) { ggml_vec_dot_f32(n, s, x, x); *s = sqrtf(*s); }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqr_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = x[i]*x[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = sqrtf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_log_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = logf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_abs_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = fabsf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_sgn_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : ((x[i] < 0.f) ? -1.f : 0.f); }
inline static void ggml_vec_step_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : 0.f; }
inline static void ggml_vec_tanh_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = tanhf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_elu_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : expf(x[i])-1; }
inline static void ggml_vec_relu_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : 0.f; }
// ref:
struct ggml_tensor * ps[GGML_MAX_PARAMS];
void ggml_opt_adam(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_opt_context * opt,
struct ggml_opt_params params,
struct ggml_tensor * f,
struct ggml_cgraph * gf,
struct ggml_cgraph * gb) {
// these will store the parameters we want to optimize
if ((opt->params.type != params.type) || (opt->nx != hf_adam::nx) || (opt->params.past != params.past)) {
int iter = opt->iter;
ggml_opt_init(opt->ctx, opt, params, hf_adam::nx);
opt->iter = iter;
// constants
const float sched = params.adam.sched;
const float decay = params.adam.decay * sched;
const float alpha = params.adam.alpha * sched;
const float beta1 = params.adam.beta1;
const float beta2 = params.adam.beta2;
const float eps = params.adam.eps;
float * x = (float *)opt->adam.x->data; // view of the parameters
float * g1 = (float *)opt->adam.g1->data; // gradient
float * g2 = (float *)opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squared
float * m = (float *)opt->adam.m->data; // first moment
float * v = (float *)opt->adam.v->data; // second moment
float * mh = (float *)opt->>data; // first moment hat
float * vh = (float *)opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hat
float * pf = params.past > 0 ? (float *)opt->>data : NULL; // past function values
// update view
ggml_opt_get_params(hf_adam::np, ps, x);
// compute the function value
ggml_graph_reset (gf);
ggml_set_f32 (f->grad, 1.0f);
ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);
opt->adam.fx_prev = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);
opt->adam.fx_best = opt->adam.fx_prev;
if (pf) {
pf[opt->iter % params.past] = opt->adam.fx_prev;
// initialize
if (opt->just_initialized) {
// opt->adam.n_no_improvement = 0; // *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
opt->just_initialized = false;
float * fx_best = &opt->adam.fx_best;
float * fx_prev = &opt->adam.fx_prev;
int * n_no_improvement = &opt->adam.n_no_improvement;
int iter0 = opt->iter;
// run the optimizer
for (int t = 0; t < 20; ++t) {
// for (int t = 0; t < params.adam.n_iter; ++t) {
cout<< t <iter = iter0 + t + 1;
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG ("=== iter %d ===\n", t);
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG ("f = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx0 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[0]->grad, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx1 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[1]->grad, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::np; ++i) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("param %d: %10.6f, g = %10.6f\n", i,
ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i], 0), ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i]->grad, 0));
const int64_t t_start_wall = ggml_time_us();
const int64_t t_start_cpu = ggml_cycles();
// UNUSED(t_start_wall);
// UNUSED(t_start_cpu);
// update the gradient
ggml_opt_get_grad(hf_adam::np, ps, g1); // np : 8 ,ps: ggml_tensor * [256] ,g1 float * 梯度向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的梯度值,用于计算梯度的一阶矩估计。
// m_t = beta1*m_t-1 + (1 - beta1)*g_t
ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, m, beta1);
ggml_vec_mad_f32 (hf_adam::nx, m, g1, 1.0f - beta1);
// g2 = g1^2
ggml_vec_sqr_f32 (hf_adam::nx, g2, g1);
// v_t = beta2*v_t-1 + (1 - beta2)*g_t^2
ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, v, beta2);
ggml_vec_mad_f32 (hf_adam::nx, v, g2, 1.0f - beta2);
// m^hat = m_t / (1 - beta1^t)
// v^hat = v_t / (1 - beta2^t)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*(alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) + decay*x_t-1)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) - sched*decay*x_t-1
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) + sched*decay*(-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = mix(x_t-1, (-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps), sched*decay)
ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (hf_adam::nx, mh, m);
ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (hf_adam::nx, vh, v);
ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, mh, alpha/(1.0f - powf(beta1, opt->iter)));
ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, vh, 1.0f/(1.0f - powf(beta2, opt->iter)));
ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (hf_adam::nx, vh, vh);
ggml_vec_acc1_f32 (hf_adam::nx, vh, eps);
ggml_vec_div_f32 (hf_adam::nx, mh, mh, vh);
ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, x, 1.0f - decay);
ggml_vec_sub_f32 (hf_adam::nx, x, x, mh);
// update the parameters
ggml_opt_set_params(hf_adam::np, ps, x);
ggml_graph_reset (gf);
ggml_set_f32 (f->grad, 1.0f);
ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);
const float fx = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);
// check convergence
if (fabsf(fx - fx_prev[0])/fx < params.adam.eps_f) {
return ;
// delta-based convergence test
if (pf != NULL) {
// need at least params.past iterations to start checking for convergence
if (params.past <= iter0 + t) {
const float rate = (pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] - fx)/fx;
if (fabsf(rate) < {
return ;
pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] = fx;
fx_prev[0] = fx;
const int64_t t_end_cpu = ggml_cycles();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("time iter: %5.3f s\n", ((float)(t_end_cpu - t_start_cpu))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
// UNUSED(t_end_cpu);
const int64_t t_end_wall = ggml_time_us();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("wall time iter: %5.3f s\n", (t_end_wall - t_start_wall)/1e6);
// UNUSED(t_end_wall);
return ;
struct rgb{ float r; float g; float b;};
void hf_play_init(){
ggml_opt_init(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt_params, 0);
* hf_adam::gf = ggml_build_forward (a.e);
* hf_adam::gb = ggml_build_backward(ctx, hf_adam::gf, true);
hf_adam::np = 0;
hf_adam::nx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::gf->n_nodes; ++i) {
if (hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]->is_param) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("found param %d: grad->op = %d\n", np, gf->nodes[i]->grad->op);
ps[ hf_adam::np++] = hf_adam::gf->nodes[i];
hf_adam::nx += ggml_nelements(hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]);
static bool flag = true;
void hf_play_start_train() {
ggml_cgraph ge =;
ggml_tensor * e = a.e;
ggml_tensor * output = a.output;
ggml_tensor * input = a.intput;
ggml_tensor * target =;
cout<<"------init------" <params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);// ggml_opt_resume_g(ctx, hf_adam::opt, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);
// ggml_opt_adam(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt->params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);
*istrain = 0;
cout<<"oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" <