Know your strength Introduction



While guided by our parents, by our teachers, by our managers, and by psychology’s fascination with pathology, we become experts in our weakness and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected.


Each person’s talents are enduring and unique

Each person’s greatest room for growth is in the area of his or her greatest strength.


After all, you can’t lead a strengths revolution if you don’t know how to find, name and develop your own.

The real tragedy of life is not that each of us doesn’t have enough strengths, it’s that we fail to use the ones we have. Benjamin Franklin called wasted strengths ”sundials in the shade”


1.    Capitalize on 这一章就出现了5次,全书一共出现了16次,这么高频一定要掌握。

Because most organization remain startlingly inefficient at capitalizing on the strengths of their people.

to use a situation or something good that you have, in order to get an advantage for yourself:利用….从中获利


1.New Zealand has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism.

2.She capitalized on her knowledge and experience to get a new and better paid job.她凭借自己的学识和经验谋求了一份收入更高的新工作。


2.They look at you with a blank stare 一脸茫然看着你,一脸蒙蔽

3.Be positioned to

This revolutionary organization will be positioned to outperform its peers.


be well/ideally/perfectly positioned to ;be in a situation in which you will be able to do something successfully:

3.   play的几种用法

 20 percent of employees working in the large organization we surveyed feel that their strengths are in play every day.


1. not seriously;in a careless or casual way 

I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was only doing it in play.

2. if a ball is in play, it is within the area where a game can be played

Thesaurus: relating to the ball in sports and games hyponym

Most bizarre of all, the longer the employee stays with an organization and the higher he climbs the traditional career ladder, the less likely he is to strongly agree that he is playing to his strength.

开始查play to,原来是一种个短语

play to your strengths :to do what you are able to do well, rather than trying to do other things 做自己擅长的事,发挥自己的优势

例:It is up to us to play to our strengths and try to control the game.

Let’s play them out and see where they lead

1. if an event or situation is played out or plays itself out, it happens:

It will be interesting to see how the election plays itself out.

4.    Channel

How to change the way you channel each employee’s career.

■to direct something into a particular place or situation 引导;把…导入,将…引入。(在这里的意思还没弄透彻)

•Ditches were constructed to channel water away from the buildings.修造沟渠是为了给建筑物排水。

•If she could only channel all that energy into something useful.要是她能把那些精力都倾注到有用的事情上就好了。

•A lot of money has been channeled into research in that particular field.大笔经费被投入到那个领域的研究中去了。

5.   本章出现的有关能力、优势的几种表达,及其动词搭配

 Their strengths are used

Capitalize on the strength

He is playing to his strength

Capacity that resides in every employee

To maximize a person’s potential

Each person’s talents are enduring and unique

6.Experience well-rounded people 全能的,全方面的

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