
1.You mustn't tell anyone the price!It's between you and me.


2. My little brother is between jobs.


3. I'm between relationship .


4. I'm exhausted.我很疲惫。

I'm totally beat. 我已经筋疲力尽了。

I really need a break. 我真得歇歇了。

It's killing me. 可把我累死了!

I have no energy. 我没有力气。

I must have tired myself out.我一定疲劳过度了。

5. 这个用英语怎么说?How do you say it in English?

我英语不好。I am not good at English.

我想我不行。I don't think I can.

6. 【正确称呼老师】

中小学的老师:男老师称为Mr. XX,女老师称为Miss XX.

大学里的教授:称为Professor XX

博士导师:称为Dr.  XX

PS:XX是老师的姓氏,不是名字。比如小学老师叫 Tom Brown,那他应被称为 Mr. Brown,而不是Mr. Tom。



成年人:Bye 、see you 、see you later、Later

8. 【现在几点了?】

What ‘s the time?  Could you tell me the time?

9. 【当然啦】

Of course隐含的意思就是:当然知道了,你以为我是个傻子吗. 具有强烈的挑衅意味。

正确表达:Certainly 、Sure 、Definitely

10. 【break up】

1)The line's bad, your voice isn't very clear, you're breaking up.




Sorry the line's bad.不好意思,电话信号不太好。

We have a bad connection.通话的信号太差了。

2)I heard a new restaurant is opening this week. Shall we go?这周有个新餐厅要开啦,要不要去试试菜?

I think I'll leave it,because I'm so broke.我觉得我就算了,我穷死了!

3)Buying a new pair of shoes at a discount price won't break the bank.


4)Peter got up every morning before daybreak.Peter每天早上天还没亮就起床了。

5)So break a leg, I'll be in the front row.祝你演出成功!我会坐在最前排。

11. This is our common desire. 这是我们的共同愿望。

Your desire is the same as ours. 我们双方的愿望都是一致的。


A: Are we going to Sanya or Yunnan?我们去三亚还是云南?

B: I don't care. It's your call.我随意,你们来决定。

A:Shall we eat soup or porridge?我们喝粥还是喝汤?

B:It's okay for me. You make the call.我都可以,你来决定。

She made a difficult call.她做了一个艰难的决定。



Watch the step. You may fall over yourself.小心台阶!你可能会摔倒!

Hey! Watch your tongue, OK? 嘿!说话注意点,好吗?

Watch your language注意你的言行

You need to watch him - he's a strange character.你应该注意他——他的脾气有点怪。

14. 【put】

So, do we have a deal?那么,我们达成协议了?

Sure, put it there.当然,我们握手庆祝一下吧。

How should I put it, it's really hard to say whether we agree with his plan or not.


Lily's dress, the red one she wore at the annual meeting, really puts 10 years on her.


The house settled down after the children were put to bed.


I'm going to take the dog down to the vet's and have her put to sleep.


The boring meeting just put me to sleep.这个会太无聊,我简直要睡着了。

15. That's more like it. 这还差不多。

Take my word for it. 相信我的话,准没错。

Don't ask me how I know. 别问我怎么知道的。

Take it or leave it. 要就拿走,不要拉倒。

16. 【mean】

1)如果你的领导是英国人,对你说You have done a mean job



A mean job=出色的工作,极好的工作

Well done! You have done a mean job.干得漂亮,你的工作很出色!

She's a mean piano player.她是个出色的钢琴演奏家。

2) 如果你的领导是美国人,他对你说You have done a mean job

那你就要当心了.因为mean=糟糕的    a mean job=糟糕的工作

What a mean job you have done! Do you want to be fired?


3) a mean job=极好的工作

a mean thing≠极好的事=卑鄙的事


Playing trick on others is a mean thing to do.


Stop being so mean to me!


a mean person≠一个卑鄙的人=一个吝啬的人


He's too mean to buy a present for his wife.


一个卑鄙的人=a despicable man

He is really a despicable man. He always playing tricks on others.


You are meant for me是"你对我很吝啬"?

Be meant for=为···专门准备的

You are meant for me=你是专门为我准备的=你是我的命中注定

We are meant for each other=我们是命中注定的一对(天造地设的一对)

Jack said to Rose that she was meant for him.Jack对Rose说,她是他的命主注定。

Let's be together. We are meant for each other.我们在一起吧。我们是天造地设的一对。

a mean-looking man≠面相吝啬的人=面相很凶的人

The upstairs bar is heavily guarded by two mean-looking men.


17. I had a bad dream last night.我昨晚做恶梦了(做恶梦是已经发生的事,用have的过去时)

Please make a copy of this document.请你把这个文件打印一份做备份。

Could you help me make a call to Beijing?  请帮我往北京打个电话行吗?

I had a dream of traveling around the world.我梦见我环游世界。

They'll have a meeting this afternoon.他们下午开会。

It's been a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Smith.我非常荣幸和你做生意,史密斯先生。

If you make a promise and should keep it.一旦你做出了承诺,就应该遵守。

You should stay the night, I'll make a bed for you. 你应该留下来过夜,我给你铺张床。

You'd better do exercises for an hour every day. 你最好每天运动一个小时。

Do the cooking做晚饭

My girlfriend does the cooking at home.我女朋友在家做饭。(Cooking是一个过程,用do)

18. I'm out.我不干了。

I don't buy your garbage. 我才不信你的鬼话呢!

Knock yourself out.请便吧。

Hear me out, okay? 你听我把话说完好吧。

Watch your mouth. 说话客气一点。

Whatever you like.随你喜欢。

19. 家庭聚会=family gathering  朋友聚会= friend gathering

家庭派对=home party,意思是邀请亲人或者朋友参加的,有主题性的,在家里面举办的派对,也就是我们现在流行的"轰趴".

20. 【我爱读书】I love reading books.(没错)    I'm a book lover.(更地道)



【这道菜真好吃,你尝点】This dish is very delicious, please try some.(地道)

解析: try表示“尝试”(结果不知道),所以让别人尝一下,就可以用try。


Although the task is too difficult,I have to do it.(没错,中式)

This task is very challenging.(更地道)

【别关门!】Leave the door open.(地道)    Leave=使保留;使保持(某种状态)

21. 【use】


May I use your restroom?可以借用一下卫生间吗?

I use sugar in my coffee.我喝咖啡放糖。

Where can I claim my baggage?我可以去哪里拿我的行李?

Can I reserve a room for tomorrow?我可以订一间明天的房间吗?

I need to top up my phone please.我需要给我手机充值啦。
