




材料:石材 铝板 混凝土

标签:Beijing renovation 北京 改造

分类:住宅建筑 住宅楼 公寓

感谢 盛哲建筑设计(联系邮箱[email protected])予gooood分享以下内容。Appreciations towards SZA (contact:[email protected]) for providing the following description:


On the urban stage, “Iconic” buildings play leading role which attract most attention, but those “unremarkable” buildings act invisible role in our daily life which to a greater extent form our city, affecting our lives. In Beijing, many of these old buildings have been built in recent decades, and a large proportion of them are no longer in line with the needs of urban development, and are faced with the need for functional and structural transformation. A wider range of urban renewal has gradually become a new subject for architects. Vanke, the owner of the project, as a service provider for urban life, has also made urban renewal an important concern in Beijing in recent years. The Xizhimen Port Apartment project is a renovation of “unremarkable” old building.


项目背景 | Project background


Located near Xizhimen Metro station, north of the Second Ring Road. It is a 10-storey building that built in the 80’s, use to be a hotel, a SPA and a KTV. The main structure is an L-shaped building and a three-storey annex building on the east.

▼建筑原貌,original view

城市关系 | Site Strategy

项目南侧是一个两岔路口,自然形成三角形的开放场地比街道高1米, 原本作为停车使用。改造后将三角形场地作为面向街道的小广场,围绕广场设置咖啡及小商店外摆,并结合景观设计用台阶和绿化代替原本的矮墙和坡道,形成一处老街区里难得的城市开放空间。泊寓的主入口位于广场远离街角相对安静的一端;L型主楼背后是一个小的露天内院,包含花园,露天影院,小球场,是公寓租客平日活动交流的主要室外空间。

▼场地平面图,site plan

The south side of the project is a two-fork junction, naturally forming a triangular open space which is raised up 1m from the street, originally used as parking. After the transformation, the Triangle site has become a small square facing the street. Around the square set up coffee and small shops, and combined with stepping landscape, together form a rare nice open space in the old urban district. The main entrance of apartment is located in the quiet corner of the square; behind the L-shaped main building is a small courtyard that includes gardens, open-air cinemas and small playground. This courtyard is the main outdoor space for apartment tenants.

▼公寓楼外观,exterior view

▼西侧采光,view from the west

▼积极的城市界面,anactive urban interface

▼建筑与周边环境融合,the building is integrated into the surroundings


平面改造 | Planning Revision


▼标准层平面图前后对比,typical floor plan before and after renovation

▼东西侧立面增加的窗户带来更积极的城市界面,by adding windows on the east and west side gable, a more active urban interface is presented

The architect made different adjustments to each floor. Port Apartment contains more than 300 rooms, ranging from the smallest 8.5 m2 mini apartment to a 26.8 m2 small suite. By adding windows on the east and west side gable, a more active urban interface is presented, at the same time day lighting for each floor is increased by 50%.

▼设计最大化地挖掘了小尺度户型的可能性,the design maximizes the potential of small-scale units


The ground floor is totally remodeled with many amenities provided, includes a shared kitchen, community living room, small theater, dining hall, and a shared courtyard etc., for the tenants to enjoy time and socialize.

▼丰富的共享空间,the multi-functioanl shared space

▼休息空间,seating area

▼共享厨房,the shared kitchen

立面更新 | Façade renovation


▼立面配色,facade palette

▼标准墙身,typical facade unit

▼窗套内侧从顶部橘红色到底部淡黄色的渐变仿佛月食呈现的色谱,the inside of the window sleeve changes from orange at the top to pale yellow at the bottom, like the color spectrum of the lunar eclipse

▼立面细部,facade detailed view

▼首层入口空间,entrance area

▼生动的色彩和图案带给了立面表情和温度,the vivid color of the exterior


The original building has large number of reinforced beams and columns exposed on the façade, with variant spacing; also the renovated facade needs to find space for the AC unit of each room. So the architect designed aluminum window frame projecting out from façade. The scale of the window frame increases at the building corner, as if the entire building were twisting on the square to form a vivid city sculpture. Bright colors bring façade rich expression, the inside of the window sleeve changes from orange at the top to pale yellow at the bottom, like the color spectrum of the lunar eclipse, and also celebrating Beijing’s golden autumn while the Port Apartment opens in October.

▼夜景,night view

▼南立面图,south facade

▼西立面图,west facade

▼设计示意,design concept


面积: 11,500平方米



建筑设计: 北京盛哲建筑设计咨询有限公司

主创建筑师: 王哲

设计团队: 时微,温泽伟,王梅琳,张艳,韩琪,洪伟







Project Credits

Total Area:11,500 m2


Client:Vanke Beijing

Architect:Beijing SZA Architectural Design consultant

Chief Designer: Wang Zhe

Participating Designer: Shi Wei, Wen Zewei, Wang Meilin, Zhang Yan, Han Qi, Hong Wei

Photography: Jin Weiqi

Construction Drawing: Victory Star

Interior Design: CUN Design

Decoration: Beijing 9h Design

Landscape design: LAC landscape and architecture Design

Logo design: Beijing ShiYu Four-Dimensional City Signs system Co.,Ltd.

More:盛哲建筑设计(联系邮箱[email protected]

