Create a Azure Language Understanding Client Application

Create a Language Understanding Client Application

The Language Understanding service enables you to define an app that encapsulates a language model that applications can use to interpret natural language input from users, predict the users intent (what they want to achieve), and identify any entities to which the intent should be applied. You can create client applications that consume Language Understanding apps directly through REST interfaces, or by using language -specific software development kits (SDKs).

Clone the repository for this course

If you have already cloned AI-102-AIEngineer code repository to the environment where you're working on this lab, open it in Visual Studio Code; otherwise, follow these steps to clone it now.

  1. Start Visual Studio Code.

  2. Open the palette (SHIFT+CTRL+P) and run a Git: Clone command to clone the repository to a local folder (it doesn't matter which folder).

  3. When the repository has been cloned, open the folder in Visual Studio Code.

  4. Wait while additional files are installed to support the C# code projects in the repo.

    Note: If you are prompted to add required assets to build and debug, select Not Now.

Create Language Understanding resources

If you already have Language Understanding authoring and prediction resources in your Azure subscription, you can use them in this exercise. Otherwise, follow these instructions to create them.

  1. Open the Azure portal at, and sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription.

  2. Select the +Create a resource button, search for language understanding, and create a Language Understanding resource with the following settings:

    • Create option: Both
    • SubscriptionYour Azure subscription
    • Resource groupChoose or create a resource group (if you are using a restricted subscription, you may not have permission to create a new resource group - use the one provided)
    • NameEnter a unique name
    • Authoring locationSelect your preferred location
    • Authoring pricing tier: F0
    • Prediction locationChoose the same location as your authoring location
    • Prediction pricing tier: F0 (If F0 is not available, choose S0)
  3. Wait for the resources to be created, and note that two Language Understanding resources are provisioned; one for authoring, and another for prediction. You can view both of these by navigating to the resource group where you created them.

Import, train, and publish a Language Understanding app

If you already have a Clock app from a previous exercise, you can use it in this exercise. Otherwise, follow these instructions to create it.

  1. In a new browser tab, open the Language Understanding portal at
  2. Sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription. If this is the first time you have signed into the Language Understanding portal, you may need to grant the app some permissions to access your account details. Then complete the Welcome steps by selecting your Azure subscription and the authoring resource you just created.
  3. Open the Conversation Apps page, next to +New app, view the drop-down list and select Import As LU. Browse to the 10-luis-client subfolder in the project folder containing the lab files for this exercise, and select Then specify a unique name for the clock app.
  4. If a panel with tips for creating an effective Language Understanding app is displayed, close it.
  5. At the top of the Language Understanding portal, select Train to train the app.
  6. At the top right of the Language Understanding portal, select Publish and publish the app to the Production slot.
  7. After publishing is complete, at the top of the Language Understanding portal, select Manage.
  8. On the Settings page, note the App ID. Client applications need this to use your app.
  9. On the Azure Resources page, under Prediction resources, if no prediction resource is listed, add the prediction resource in your Azure subscription.
  10. Note the Primary KeySecondary Key, and Endpoint URL for the prediction resource. Client applications need the endpoint and one of the keys to connect to the prediction resource and be authenticated.

Prepare to use the Language Understanding SDK

In this exercise, you'll complete a partially implemented client application that uses the clock Language Understanding app to predict intents from user input and respond appropriately.

Note: You can choose to use the SDK for either C# or Python. In the steps below, perform the actions appropriate for your preferred language.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, in the Explorer pane, browse to the 10-luis-client folder and expand the C-Sharp or Python folder depending on your language preference.
  2. Right-click the clock-client folder and open an integrated terminal. Then install the Language Understanding SDK package by running the appropriate command for your language preference:


dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Runtime --version 3.0.0

In addition to the Runtime (prediction) package, there is an Authoring package that you can use to write code to create and manage Language Understanding models.


pip install azure-cognitiveservices-language-luis==0.7.0

The Python SDK package includes classes for both prediction and authoring.

  1. View the contents of the clock-client folder, and note that it contains a file for configuration settings:

    • C#: appsettings.json
    • Python: .env

    Open the configuration file and update the configuration values it contains to include the APP ID for your Language Understanding app, and the Endpoint URL and one of the Keys for its prediction resource (from the Manage page for your app in the Language Understanding portal).

  2. Note that the clock-client folder contains a code file for the client application:

    • C#: Program.cs
    • Python:

    Open the code file and at the top, under the existing namespace references, find the comment Import namespaces. Then, under this comment, add the following language-specific code to import the namespaces you will need to use the Language Understanding prediction SDK:




// Import namespaces using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Runtime; using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Runtime.Models;




# Import namespaces from azure.cognitiveservices.language.luis.runtime import LUISRuntimeClient from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials

Get a prediction from the Language Understanding app

Now you're ready to implement code that uses the SDK to get a prediction from your Language Understanding app.

  1. In the Main function, note that code to load the App ID, prediction endpoint, and key from the configuration file has already been provided. Then find the comment Create a client for the LU app and add the following code to create a prediction client for your Language Understanding app:




// Create a client for the LU app var credentials = new Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Language.LUIS.Runtime.ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(predictionKey); var luClient = new LUISRuntimeClient(credentials) { Endpoint = predictionEndpoint };




# Create a client for the LU app credentials = CognitiveServicesCredentials(lu_prediction_key) lu_client = LUISRuntimeClient(lu_prediction_endpoint, credentials)

  1. Note that the code in the Main function prompts for user input until the user enters "quit". Within this loop, find the comment Call the LU app to get intent and entities and add the following code:




// Call the LU app to get intent and entities var slot = "Production"; var request = new PredictionRequest { Query = userText }; PredictionResponse predictionResponse = await luClient.Prediction.GetSlotPredictionAsync(luAppId, slot, request); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(predictionResponse, Formatting.Indented)); Console.WriteLine("--------------------\n"); Console.WriteLine(predictionResponse.Query); var topIntent = predictionResponse.Prediction.TopIntent; var entities = predictionResponse.Prediction.Entities;




# Call the LU app to get intent and entities request = { "query" : userText } slot = 'Production' prediction_response = lu_client.prediction.get_slot_prediction(lu_app_id, slot, request) top_intent = prediction_response.prediction.top_intent entities = prediction_response.prediction.entities print('Top Intent: {}'.format(top_intent)) print('Entities: {}'.format (entities)) print('-----------------\n{}'.format(prediction_response.query))

The call to the Language Understanding app returns a prediction, which includes the top (most likely) intent as well as any entities that were detected in the input utterance. Your client application must now use that prediction to determine and perform the appropriate action.

  1. Find the comment Apply the appropriate action, and add the following code, which checks for intents supported by the application (GetTimeGetDate, and GetDay) and determines if any relevant entities have been detected, before calling an existing function to produce an appropriate response.




// Apply the appropriate action switch (topIntent) { case "GetTime": var location = "local"; // Check for entities if (entities.Count > 0) { // Check for a location entity if (entities.ContainsKey("Location")) { //Get the JSON for the entity var entityJson = JArray.Parse(entities["Location"].ToString()); // ML entities are strings, get the first one location = entityJson[0].ToString(); } } // Get the time for the specified location var getTimeTask = Task.Run(() => GetTime(location)); string timeResponse = await getTimeTask; Console.WriteLine(timeResponse); break; case "GetDay": var date = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); // Check for entities if (entities.Count > 0) { // Check for a Date entity if (entities.ContainsKey("Date")) { //Get the JSON for the entity var entityJson = JArray.Parse(entities["Date"].ToString()); // Regex entities are strings, get the first one date = entityJson[0].ToString(); } } // Get the day for the specified date var getDayTask = Task.Run(() => GetDay(date)); string dayResponse = await getDayTask; Console.WriteLine(dayResponse); break; case "GetDate": var day = DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString(); // Check for entities if (entities.Count > 0) { // Check for a Weekday entity if (entities.ContainsKey("Weekday")) { //Get the JSON for the entity var entityJson = JArray.Parse(entities["Weekday"].ToString()); // List entities are lists day = entityJson[0][0].ToString(); } } // Get the date for the specified day var getDateTask = Task.Run(() => GetDate(day)); string dateResponse = await getDateTask; Console.WriteLine(dateResponse); break; default: // Some other intent (for example, "None") was predicted Console.WriteLine("Try asking me for the time, the day, or the date."); break; }




# Apply the appropriate action if top_intent == 'GetTime': location = 'local' # Check for entities if len(entities) > 0: # Check for a location entity if 'Location' in entities: # ML entities are strings, get the first one location = entities['Location'][0] # Get the time for the specified location print(GetTime(location)) elif top_intent == 'GetDay': date_string ="%m/%d/%Y") # Check for entities if len(entities) > 0: # Check for a Date entity if 'Date' in entities: # Regex entities are strings, get the first one date_string = entities['Date'][0] # Get the day for the specified date print(GetDay(date_string)) elif top_intent == 'GetDate': day = 'today' # Check for entities if len(entities) > 0: # Check for a Weekday entity if 'Weekday' in entities: # List entities are lists day = entities['Weekday'][0][0] # Get the date for the specified day print(GetDate(day)) else: # Some other intent (for example, "None") was predicted print('Try asking me for the time, the day, or the date.')

  1. Save your changes and return to the integrated terminal for the clock-client folder, and enter the following command to run the program:


dotnet run


  1. When prompted, enter utterances to test the application. For example, try:


    What time is it?

    What's the time in London?

    What's the date?

    What date is Sunday?

    What day is it?

    What day is 01/01/2025?

Note: The logic in the application is deliberately simple, and has a number of limitations. For example, when getting the time, only a restricted set of cities is supported and daylight savings time is ignored. The goal is to see an example of a typical pattern for using Language Understanding in which your application must:

  1. Connect to a prediction endpoint.
  2. Submit an utterance to get a prediction.
  3. Implement logic to respond appropriately to the predicted intent and entities.
  1. When you have finished testing, enter quit.

More information

To learn more about creating a Language Understanding client, see the developer documentation
