

英语语法可以分为规定性语法(prescriptive grammar)和描述性语法(descriptive grammar)。规定性语法即明确规定出什么正确、什么不正确,这有利于为学习者提供一个正确的语言范本,尤其是在其初级阶段。描述性语法则着重于描述和解释人们实际运用语言的方式,而不是规定语言应当如何使用。这两种语法体系是不一样的,而且后者还会随着时间而不断变化。基于此,将语法书视为权威的做法就同因为“鸟会飞”而坚持“企鹅也会飞”的看法一样荒谬。






Grammar. Why Penguins Can't Fly

① For most students 'a grammar book' means a reference book which can be used when they are in doubt about an English sentence.

② The book will tell them whether a particular form is possible or not. Many possible English sentences will be excluded from that book. The book will, to some extent, artificially simplify the language. Why?

③ Native speakers learn most of their grammar system intuitively, without explicit training, when they acquire the language as children.

④ They instinctively know what can and can't be done with grammar. They don't study the rules.

⑤ It is not the case that the rule exists first, and the language must fit it. The truth is 'native speaker language' exists first, and the grammar book then attempts to describe it.

⑥ With this in mind any grammar structure which native speakers frequently produce can be called 'correct grammar'.

⑦ So why don't we have grammar books that teach us all this 'native-speaker grammar'? For a start it would be an enormous book and it would take a life-time to study it. 

⑧ So the majority of grammar books present a simplified set of standard rules. Rules create a model that can be studied in a given time-frame. Students of English can never hope to fully learn anything approaching the whole of the language but they can study a simplified system.

⑨ This sometimes means they think certain sentences are not possible, when in fact they are quite natural English. 

⑩ The rules in traditional grammar books give us lists of dos and don'ts and many of these rules are regularly violated by native speakers.

⑪ Taking the grammar book as the absolute authority is a bit like insisting that penguins should get up in the air because 'birds fly'.


particular /pəˈtɪkjələ, pərˈtɪkjələr/: adj. 详细的;特别的

exclude /ɪkˈsklu:d/: vt. 排除;排斥

artificially /ˌɑ:.tɪˈfɪʃəl, ˌɑ:rt̬əˈfɪʃəl/: adv. 人工地;人为地;不自然地

intuitively /ɪnˈtʃu:ɪtɪvli/: adv. 直观地;直觉地

explicit /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/: adj. 明确的;清楚的

time-frame /ˈtaɪm ˌfreɪm/: n. 时间范围

dos and don'ts: 行为准则

violate /ˈvaɪəleɪt/: vt. 违反;侵犯

authority /ɔ:ˈθɒrəti, əˈθɔːrət̬i/: n. 权威;权力


1. The definition of "grammar" (Oxford English Dictionary):

· The whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of sentence structure and word structure and sometimes also sounds and meanings

· an analysis or study of the system and structure of how a language is used

· "a grammar", a book on grammar

· a set of strict rules about correct use of a language

2. Descriptive grammar / Prescriptive grammar

· Descriptive grammar is where you look at what native speakers do with their language and you record what native speakers do with grammar and then you see that as the "correct" grammar. In descriptive grammar, "people come first" and rules follow the people.

· Prescriptive grammar is where someone writes some rules and then tells everyone else that they have to speak like that. In prescriptive grammar, "the rules come first".

· An analysis or study of the system and structure of how a language is used (descriptive)

· A set of strict rules about correct use of a language (prescriptive)

3. I would dance.


I would be dancing.


I would have danced.


4. Why the grammar book will artificially simplify the language?

The grammar book will tell you most of the important sentence structures that are useful for a learner of English. To do this, the grammar book must simplify the language–the grammar book looks at the most important building blocks of English and then it explains these building blocks of English one by one–it tells you how to put the words together, what those words mean when they are together and the situations where we can use that structure and the situations where you cannot use that structure.

5. intuitively: naturally, automatically, without thinking about it

Grammar is acquired through a subconscious process.


6. You don't need to know the name of all of different parts of a car to be a good driver.


7. dos and don'ts: rules about how people should and should not behave

My new work place has lots of dos and don'ts; it's quite strict.


8. the highest absolute / authority = expert

He is an authority on European art.


He is an expert on European art.


She is an authority on Italian wine.


She is an expert on Italian wine.


He is the absolute authority on European art.


He is the highest expert on European art.


9. "Sometimes" rules are not rules.

10. Recommended grammar books:

·  Michael Swan's "Practical English Usage"

·  "Collins COBUILD English Grammar"


