

昨天的正确答案是B,答对的小伙伴们太强大了,因为昨天的改写是非典型改写,它将原句的一个主语“The tradition of religious sculpture”进行了解构重组,分拆成三个新主语“Religious sculpture”、“its history”及“some old forms”,这种改写对原句来说是细化了内涵,增加了选择的难度。

今天的题目选自《Variations in the Climate》,由于全球气候变暖的速度越来越快,科学家们将气候变化与人类活动联系了起来。但是,在气候变化中,自然因素到底起到了哪些作用?有哪些自然因素与气候变化相关?太阳系的活动是不是也会影响到地球的气候变化?如果这些问题不能清晰分辨,又怎么能肯定人类活动在气候变化中的占比?研究者们除了不间断地用仪器记录气候变化,还追溯研究了海底的物质、冰川的冰核等,因为这些沉积物记录了千年以来地球上的气候变化。今天的题目看似简单,但也挖了个小陷阱。

Over long periods of time, substances whose physical and chemical properties change with the ambient climate at the time can be deposited in a systematic way to provide a continuous record of changes in those properties overtime, sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

A. Because physical and chemical properties of substances are unchanging, they are useful records of climate fluctuations over time.

B. For hundreds or thousands of years, people have been observing changes in the chemical and physical properties of substances in order to infer climate change.

C. Because it takes long periods of time for the climate to change, systematic changes in the properties of substances are difficult to observe.

D. Changes in systematically deposited substances that are affected by climate can indicate climate variations over time.  

