
    2020年12月26日,高一25班迎来了第一次英语演讲比赛。本期的主题是“No one is an island没有人是一座孤岛”。“没有人是一座孤岛,可以自全,每个人都是大陆的一部分。如果海水冲掉一部分,欧洲就会失去一角。”因此我们每个人都需要理解他人,善待彼此,学会交流与陪伴。本次演讲比赛共有12位同学参加,分别是何铭远,袁循,曹洎伟,卢梓冉,朱慧,粟元露,杨晓莲,王艺菲,詹静芸,易蓉露佳,陈彦羽以及李冰星。同学们将自己对本次演讲主题的理解娓娓道来。整个活动从容而有序,其他同学也积极参与,认真回答问题,激发了对英语学习的热情。

As long as people work together, the COVID-19 will be overcome.Nobody is fighting alone.Only by uniting and fighting together can we bring about the well-being of the people of the whole world. I believe the victory lies ahead.



All in all, we are all accompanied by others in thousands of ways. When we have friends, we always know that we have someone to share our happiness and sadness. Company is the most wonderful thing in our life.



A ture friend will accompany you whenever you need help.No one is perfect in front of others. If we just express who we are, we will have lots of real friends around. So we are supposed to make friends with sincere heart.



Recently, many people think that the society is full filled with indifference. And nobody is willing to help others because they are afraid of the story of The Farmer and The Snake. However, I still believe that the goodness is still in our heart.



I believe that if you are in a bad mood, friends are the people who can ease your sadness. If you are in a good mood, friends are the people who can share the happiness together,



Company is a puff of breeze that calms your heart in baking hot summer; company is a group of sunshine that warms your heart in freezing cold winter. Company is the everlasting confession of love.



I think we should find out the beauty of the world instead of closing yourself and complaining. Look around. There are sunshine,sea, mountains and fields. What a beautiful world!



A child finally grow the desire to take care of his parents,only to realize that they were long gone.Therefore, I want to call upon all of us to spend more time with our parents.



There are burning sunshine, blooming flowers and bright sky. This is a place where you don't need to worry about the other people.



With friends, we know we will always have a heart to undersand.Without them,our life will become empty and boring.



Above all, no matter who you are,we always have friends. No matter what happen, friends are always by your side. No one is alone!




