
appointment 预约

tight 紧凑的

confirm 确认

convenience 方便

calendar 日程表

available 有时间的

arrange 安排

prompt 准时的

schedule 日程安排

convenient 方便的

arrangement 约定

inconvenience 不方便

May I make an appointment?

make an appointment 预约,约会

I‘d like to make an

appointment with the sales manager.

Let me check the schedule, please.

I’d like to meet you at your earliest


What time would be convenient for you?

I’ve got an appointment to see Ms. Edwards

at two o’clock.

I’ve got a two o’clock appointment with Ms.


Interviews are by appointment only.

Can you suggest a time when it will be convenient

to meet?

Could we arrange a specific time to meet?

specific adj.具体的,确切的

I’ve got a previous engagement.

engagement n.约会

I’d like to make an appointment for Mr. Brown

with your boss.

I’d like to meet you at two o’clock in this


I’d like to discuss the new order with you.

Would you like to have lunch together next


have lunch together 一起吃午饭

I’m coming to New York on the 5thand I’d like to call in to discuss the project plan.

call in 短暂拜访

project plan 项目计划


an Appointment to See Mr. Brain

(Je=Jenny Ju=Justin)

Je: Hello. Mr. Brian’s office. Can I help


Ju: Hello. Yes. I was wondering if I could

schedule an appointment to see Mr. Brian.

Je: Okay. Let me check when he has an

opening this week... How is Wednesday at 2 p.m.?

Ju: Okay. No problem.

Je: I will schedule that for you, then. See

you on Wednesday.

Ju: See you. Bye.

schedule v.安排,将...例如计划表

opening n.良机;空缺

see you 再见,回头见
