The HZMETALK 508th English Meeting Table topic|Make money outside of the daily work

Make money outside of the dailywork.

Today our topic is making money outside of the dailywork.


1.How much money you make in your life will satisfiy you?

Jimmy :
I want enough money to buy toys as a child,
to buy instrument and books as a boy,
to buy house and car as a man....

Money is never engough. We want get more and more things.

Now, just feed myself and my family.


2.How much money do you make every month, and how will you be satisfied?

Alex: Just earn few money. Work hard and keep learning, then we will make enough money.

3.How to define wealth?如何定义你的财富。





来宾: 每个人在相同时间内的消费能力不同、寿命不同。


森哥:技术。工地等工作场所技术好的收入高。 摆地摊等方式,虽然没有很高的技巧,但是掌握了方法。


6、 Is there any good way to increase your income?(How to get more money?)

Domen (software enginner):

Fund and stork. Earn money with our contry develop. The fund or stork will inceares quick. I have earn money form stork market.

We can also earnmoney by part-time job.

7. What about passive income or income after sleep?(请谈一下主动收入和被动收入。)




8、How to increase your passive income?


First, try to do a creatvie work which can help others.

Second, buy precious thing, ancint things which can get higher value in the further.

In one word ,try to find a way which can use knowlege not power.

9、What type of passive income have you learned or know?


I have no passive income. I know passive income is very import. I also want to earn money.

we have to contribute to the society. Keep on writing, such as on the wechat official accout.

10、If you want to build passive income yourself, what are you going to do?

Jimmy: try to learn more knowledge, think more.

Alex:keep passion on sth.


What's your method to increase your income or passive income.

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