11月晨读复盘-Good Morning Mr.Chips






1) Greenwich [ˈgrɛnɪtʃ ;ˈgrinwɪtʃ]:n.格林威治

2) wound up:上好闹钟,上足发条(原型:wind up)

3) courteous ['kɝtɪəs]:adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的

4) recollection [,rɛkə'lɛkʃən]:n.回忆,回忆起的事物

5) ordeal [ɔr'dil]:n. 折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验

6) legitimate [ləˈdʒɪtəmɪt]:adj. 合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的

7) implacable [ɪm'plækəbl]:adj. 不能安抚的;难和解的;不能缓和的

relentless, implacable badgering 无休无止不得安宁地死缠烂打

badger:vt. 纠缠不休;吵着要;烦扰

8) scowl [skaʊl]:n. 愁容;怒容;阴沉沉的样子

2. 几个漂亮的描写:

1) When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.

2) It was Brookfield far more than Greenwich time that both he and his landlady kept. 他们好像与世隔绝。(landlady:n.房东太太)

3) You’re such a remarkable old boy that one never knows.(never knows/no one knows. 是固定搭配)

4) give sb. sth. in return

Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield, and Brookfield will give you something in return.

5) take up a firm attitude from the beginning 从一开始就要有个坚决的态度

take up the challenge 应战

6)Decent little beggars individually, but, as a mob, just pitiless and implacable. 一个单独的小乞丐看起来很可怜很好,但是一群就会让人觉得很烦躁,就会对他们毫无同情心了。

3. 词汇拓展:

1) sprightliness:n.快活,愉快(同义替换:exuberance:n. 丰富,茂盛;健康;感情洋溢(或慷慨激昂)的言行;(感情等的)过度(或极度)表现)

2) put in for:申请

3) ragged:adj. 衣衫褴褛的;粗糙的;参差不齐的;锯齿状的;刺耳的;不规则的

4) make a brilliant century:在比赛中得了一百分

5)a vivid recollection:一个美好生动的回忆

6)gather:gather that discipline, gather在这里理解为guess, suppose

7)strong point:强项;strong suit:特长;forte:n.长处,特长


1) 倒装句:

Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world.


eg. Rarely would we say like this. 我们很少这样说。

(because he had been ragged there a good deal.) But Brookfield he had liked, almost from the beginning.


1) Who’re going to die a really natural death. 他以一种自然的状态死亡。

eg. He died a hero. / He died young. / He died a nobody. 他死时很年轻/是个英雄/默默无闻。

5. 语法现象-冠词倒置的用法:


1) 不定冠词a:当单数可数名词前的形容词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough修饰时,不定冠词a放在形容词之后,名词之前。

eg. It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.

eg. She is so good a teacher that we all like her.

eg. I can’t finish the task in so short a time.

2) quite, rather与单数名词连用时,不定冠词a放在他们之后。

eg. He is quite a man. 他是个不寻常的人。

如果quite, rather后面还有形容词,不定冠词通常也是放在后面。

eg. He is quite a good player.

eg. It seems rather a good idea.

3) 在as, though 引导的倒装让步状语从句中,用作表语的名词前有形容词修饰时,不定冠词a也应该放在形容词之后。

eg. Poor a man as he is, he is willing to help others. 尽管他是个穷人,他乐于助人。

4) 当不定冠词a遇到such, many, what引导的感叹句时,要放在这些词之后。

eg. I’ve never seen such a wonderful film.

eg. Many a man is fit for the job.

eg. What a nice present it is!

5) 当名词前的比较级被no, all, far修饰时,不定冠词a也要后置。

eg. He is no less a man than the President. 他和总统一样是人。

6) 定冠词the通常放在half, twice, much, three times, two-thirds等词之后。

eg. The tractor can do half the work. 拖拉机能做一半的工作。

eg. This desk is twice the length of that one. 这张桌子是那张的两倍长。

7) 定冠词the 通常放在all, both, double, exactly, just等词之后。

eg. I offered him double the amount, but he still refused.

eg. All the boys went camping last Sunday.



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