越狱Season 1-Episode 20: Tonight

Season 1, Episode 20: Tonight


-Pope: I want him under 24hour surveillance. 

 surveillance: 监视


-Sarah: I have to be there when they kill this man. 

 kill: 杀掉


The least you could do is review his case. 

 least: 最少 review: 检阅 case: 情形


-Caroline: Terrence. 


-Terence: The thing I can't quite figure is 

 quite: 特别 figure: 理解


With the crap storm this thing's become 

 crap: 废话,垃圾 storm: 暴风雨;风暴 become: 变成


Why they haven't killed you. 


-Berwick: Have at him. 


-Trumpets: Now, out of respect for what you once were, 

 respect: 尊敬 once: 一旦


I'm going to let you walk away. 


-Franklin: Why don't you hand me that shank you're holding? 

 hand: 交给 shank: 刀柄 hold: 拿着


-Nika: I'm not even sure why you need it. 

 sure: 确定的 need: 需要


-Michael: Thank you. 


- Keith:Your keys are right over there by your inbox. 

 key: 钥匙  inbox: 收件箱


You got a maintenance guy waiting outside here, 

 maintenance: 维修 guy: (男)人,家伙 outside: 在外面


Says you want him to change the locks. 

 change: 更换 lock: 锁


Want me to call him off? 

 want: 想 


-Sarah: No, send him in. 

 send: 派遣


-Berwick: It's your last chance, Tweener. 

 last: 最后的 chance: 机会

 这是你最后的机会 Tweener

-David: Scofield and his whole PI crew...they'll escape 

 whole: 全部的 PI=prison industry: 监狱工厂 crew: 一起工作的人 escape: 逃亡


-Westmoreland: You know I can't let you leave here, boss. 

 leave: 留下 boss: 老板,老大,头儿


-T-Bag: Dogs. 


The numerous times I've been apprehended 

 numerous: 无数个的 apprehend: 理解


while trying to elude the authorities 

 while: 当…时候 elude: 逃避 authority: 当局,官府


it's always because of the damn dogs. 

 damn: 该死的


Turns out you can run from just about everything 

run: 跑 


in your life except your own particular stink. 

 except: 除了 own: 自己的 particular: 特殊的 stink: 臭味


-Franklin: Yeah, Well, some of us stink more than others. 

 stink: 发出臭味 more: 更多


-T-Bag: Kinte, you can smell like a bouquet of bonbons, 

 smell: 闻起来 bouquet: 花束;酒香 bonbon: 棒棒糖


but unless you get rid of your smell 

 unless: 除非 rid: 清除 smell: 臭味


you might as well send a note to the police 

 might: 可能 send: 发送 note: 便条 police: 警察


with directions and some cab fare. 

 direction: 方向 cab: 出租车 fare: 费用


-John: Theodore's right, man 


-Michael: We got to scrub down our cells. 

 scrub: 用力擦洗 cell: 牢房


-Fernando: What about our bunks? 

 bunk: 铺位 


-T-Bag: Pillows, sheets, everything.

pillow: 枕头 sheet: 床单


Either get rid of your smell or change it. 

 either: 除非  smell: 味道,臭味 change: 更换


-Franklin: Well, how much time we got? 


-Michael: John? 


-John: Three days. That's the soonest 

 soonest: 最快的


I could get us into the Guards' Room for PI. 

guard: 警卫


-Michael: You think you'll have the extra suits by the 

 extra: 额外的 suit: 套服


-Manche: Probably. They should be here tomorrow. 

 probably: 可能,也许 tomorrow: 明天


-Franklin: Good, so we're good to go. 


-Michael: All we got left is figuring out 

 left: leave的过去分词,剩下


how to get through that door in the infirmary. 

 infirmary: 医务室


And how to get Linc out of that box 


-Fernando: And you can do that in three days? 


-Michael: Three days should be plenty of time. 


-Westmoreland: We got to get out of here. 




I don't know how he found it. He just did. 

 found: find的过去分词,发现 


The hole's just sitting there? 

 hole: 洞 sit: 位于


I covered it the best I could, 

 best: 最好


but it's just a matter of time before someone 

 matter: 问题 time: 时间 before: 在…之前


discovers Bellick's missing. 

 discover: 发现 missing: 失踪的


-Michael: What do you mean Bellick's missing? 


-Fernando: Okay, okay, okay. 


Fox River is a big lace. 

 lace: 网状物

Fox River是个很大的地方

-Franklin: Maybe they won't notice for a while. 

 notice: 注意 while: 一会儿


Nothing happens around here without Bellick's sayso. 

 happen: 发生 around: 在周围 


-John: Somebody is gonna notice that he's missing. 

 gonna=going to: 将要


And when they do, they're gonna close this place down 

 close: 关闭 


until they find him. 

 until: 直到..时候 find: 发现


-Fernando: What are we going to do? 


-Michael: As soon as it gets dark... 

 dark: 黑暗的


we go. 


-Franklin: Tonight?

tonight: 今晚


Pretty, we ain't ready to escape tonight. 

 pretty: 漂亮的人 escape: 逃避 tonight: 今晚


Escape already started. 

 already: 已经 start: 开始


-Michael: It started the minute Bellick found that hole. 

 start: 开始 minute: 分钟 found: find的过去分词,发现 hole: 洞


-Franklin: It's gonna end the minute they figure out that he's missing. 

 minute: 分钟 


-Michael: Then stay! 

 stay: 留下


I'll be sure to read the papers in the morning. 

 sure: 确定的 paper: 报纸


See how many years you got when they realized 

 realize: 认出


which crew was working in that room 

 crew: 一起工作的人 room: 房间


and dug that hole. 

 dug: dig的过去式,挖 hole: 洞


-Franklin: So what's the play, man? 

 play: 活动


-Michael: You think you can have the plane ready by tonight? 

 plane: 飞机 tonight: 今晚


-John: Sure. 


-Michael: You had kitchen duty, right? 

 kitchen: 厨房 duty: 脏的


-Franklin: Yeah.

-Michael: What'd you use to scrub down the floors? 

 scrub: 用力擦洗 


-Franklin: I think it was some peroxide or something like that. 

 peroxide: 过氧化物 


-Michael: That'll work. Get as much as you can. 

work: 奏效


I'll work on getting us that key to the infirmary. 

 infirmary: 医务室


The rest of you find whatever you can 

 rest: 其余的 whatever: 无论什么


to get rid of the scent in your cells. 

 scent: 味道 cell: 牢房


-Westmoreland: None of this matters, if we can't get in the guards' room. 

 none: 没有 matter: 事情 guard: 守卫


-Michael: We're gonna leave after dinner, during tier time when the gates are open. 

leave: 离开 dinner: 晚餐 gate: 门


7:00, one by one, through my cell 

through: 通过


-Franklin: Now, we were supposed to go through the guards' room. 

 supposed to: 本应该 guard: 守卫


That was going to give us a head start hours before 

 head: 头 hour: 小时  


they even found out we were missing. 


-T-Bag: We leave through your cell, we ain't got no lead time. 

 through: 通过 lead: 领头的;带头的


7:00. Count's at 8:00, that's... 

 minute: 分钟


-Michael: 60 minutes.


60 minutes to get over that wall 

 wall: 墙


and as far away from here as possible. 


-Fernando: They'll be right on our asses. 

 ass: 屁股


-prison guard: Quit your talking and start your walking. 

 quit: 停止 start: 开始


Ladies, yard time is over! 

 lady: 女士 yard: 院子,操场 over: 结束的


-Michael: They already are. 


-prison guard: Let's go, let's go. 


-Michael: You know, there's one thing 


-Fernando: We didn't talk about out there your brother. 


I mean, he's under 24hour surveillance. 

 surveillance: 监视


I'm just saying, if you can't get to him by tonight, 


we still have to go, you know that, right? 


-Burrows: Hey, boss. 

 boss: 老板,老大,头儿


-prison guard: What do you want? 


-Burrows: My brother's in Gen Pop. 


He's got no clue I was in an accident. 

 clue: 线索  accident: 车祸


-prison guard: So 


-Burrows: Well, is there any way I can get a message to him? 

 message: 信息


-prison guard: Yeah 


Put it in your will. 

will: 遗嘱


-Veronica: And you're sure all those dots connect? 

dot: 点 connect: 联系




Thank you. 


-Nike: Who was that? 


-Veronica: A friend of mine at the title company handled a lot of my firm's business. 

 title: 所有权 company: 公司 handle: 处理 firm: 公司 business: 生意,事务


She dug up an address for that phone number in Blackfoot. 

 dug: dig的过去分词,挖 address: 地址


-Nike: Where is it? 


-Veronica: It's not the where that's interesting, it's the how. 

 interesting: 有趣的


It turns out our little place in Montana 


was purchased for $2 million by an offshore holding corporation. 

 purchase: 购买 offshore: 海外的 holding: 受控股公司控制的公司 corporation: 公司


-Nike: That's pretty standard for a transaction 

 pretty: 相当地 standard: 标准的 transaction: 交易


that size, though, right? 

 size: 规模,程度   though: 可是,然而


-Veronica: Sure. Only this holding corporation 


Was bankrolled by a trust 

 bankroll: 为…提供资金 trust: 信托


a trust financed by the estate of Terrence Steadman. 

finance: 为…筹措资金 estate: 财产,资产

公司是Terrence Steadman投资的

Looks like you and I are going to Blackfoot, Montana 


- Louis: Have you seen Bellick today? 


-prison guard: No, Why 


- Louis: Mack was asking. I guess he ain't showed up yet. 

 guess: 想,认为 show: 展示


-prison guard: He's probably just late. 

 probably: 可能


-prison guard: Bellick? I haven't beaten that guy to work in eight years. 

 beat: 打败 guy: (男)人,家伙

Bellick? 这8年我可从没比他早过

Scofield, this ain't Gibson's. Move it. 

 move: 移动

Scofield 不要停快走

-Franklin: They're already starting to ask questions, man. 

 already: 已经 question: 问题


We're not going to make it out of here in seven hours 


without them finding answers. 


-Michael: How we coming with that peroxide? 

 peroxide: 过氧化物 


I'm going to need it before we meet up for yard duty. 

 need: 需要 meet: 遇见  yard: 院子 duty: 职责


-Franklin: Probably not till later. 

till: 直到


You want to tell me what you need it for? 


-T-Bag: Makkos, you going to be eating them there 

 eat: 吃 

Makkos 你还吃这些芽甘蓝吗?

- Makkos: brussels sprouts? No. 

 brussels sprouts: 芋洋白菜,球芽甘蓝


-T-Bag: You mind if I, uh... 

 mind: 介意


- Makkos: Take 'em. 


They smell like crap. 

 smell: 闻起来 crap: 垃圾,粪便


-T-Bag: Do they, now? 


-David: What's up? 


Yo, if you... 


-Michael: Tonight 


-David: What? 


-Michael: Change of plans. 

 change: 改变 plan: 计划


-David: Why, did something happen? 

 happen: 发生


-Michael: Just find Sucre. He'll tell you what you need to do to be ready. 

去找Sucre 他会告诉你要做那些准备

-David: What about...? 


-Michael: Tonight.


-man: What the hell's going on? 

 hell: 地狱


-Caroline: The president changed his mind. 

 president: 总统 change: 改变 mind: 想法


-man: We were given assurances he would veto the energy bill. 

 assurance: 保证 veto: 否决权 energy: 能量,能源 bill: 提案,议案


-Caroline: Assurances can tell you everything 

 assurance: 保证


that a man is going to do, 


until he wakes up in the morning and changes his mind. 

 until: 直到..时间 


Then change it back. 

 change: 改变


I don't think you understand. 

 understand: 明白


The president... 

 president: 总统 


-man: Have you enjoyed our support?

enjoy: 享受,喜欢 support: 支持


-Caroline: Yes. 




-man: Good


We certainly wouldn't want you to take it for granted. 

 certainly: 当然的 grant: 同意,批准


-Caroline: Are you threatening me? 

 threaten: 威胁


-man: Why 


Do you feel threatened? 


Caroline, we've all been through this before. 

Caroline 我们都是过来人

The ebbs and flows of political conscience

 ebb: 潮退 flow: 水流 political: 政治的 conscience: 良心,道德心


but we've found at the end of the day, we get what we want. 

 end: 末端


It's simply a matter of who helps us get it. 

 simply: 简单的 matter: 事情


If you can't convince a doddering old fool 

 convince: 说服 dodder: 摇摆 fool: 傻瓜


finishing up his second term 

 finish: 完成 term: [美国英语]任期


what the best thing is for this country's economy, 

economy: 经济


perhaps you're not the kind of helper we're looking for. 

perhaps: 也许 helper: 帮手


-Michael: Sara... 


I was thinking about something... 


-Sarah: Enough, Michael Enough with thethe lies 

 enough: 足够的 lie: 谎言

够了,Michael 谎言,巧合

and the coincidences and the stories, all of it. 

 coincidence: 巧合


-Michael: It's not what you think. 


-Sarah: I know what you did.


The question is, are you man enough to admit it? 

admit: 承认


-Michael: The keys 


-Sarah: Congratulations. 


Is that the first time you've been honest with me? 

 honest: 诚实的


It's not... The second 

 不是... 那是第二次?

What are you after, Michael? 

 after: 以…为追赶(或追求、搜寻、纠缠)的目标


Is it drugs? 

 drug: 毒品


Is it needles? 

 needle: 针线


-Michael: Neither. 


-Sarah: Then what? 


-Michael: Please understand that I never meant... 


I never wanted to involve you in this. 

 involve: 卷入


-Sarah: Well, you've done a pretty poor job of that. 

 pretty: 相当地 poor: 糟糕的


-Michael: I came here to tell you something. 


I'm getting my brother out of here. 




And I need you help 


-Sarah: Michael, uh, honestly, for your own good, 

 honestly: 诚实地,坦率地 own: 你自己 good: 好处,利益


don't say anything more. 

 innocent: 无罪的


-Michael: You know he's innocent.


-Sarah: Do what you're talking about and he won't be. 


-Michael: But he'll still be alive. 

 still: 仍然 alive: 活着的


-Sarah: You understand that I'm required to report 

 understand: 明白 required: 必需的  report: 报告


everything you're telling me. 


-Michael: Yes. 


-Sarah: Then why would you?


-Michael: Because you're the only one that can help. 


And because I know you want to be part of the solution. 

 part: 部分 solution: 解决方法


-Sarah: Yeah, aiding and abetting is not part of the solution. 

 aiding: 帮助 abetting: 唆使 solution: 解决方法


-Michael: Neither is doing nothing 

 neither: 两者皆不


knowing what you know about his case. 

 case: 事情


-Sarah: How dare you put this on me? 

 dare: 胆敢


I did what I could. I gave my father the information from... 

 information: 信息


-Michael: No offense to your father, 

 offense: 冒犯


but the people who are framing Lincoln, 

 frame: 陷害


let's just say they have a higher security clearance. 

 security: 安全 clearance: 清除


-Sarah: So now it's a conspiracy? 

conspiracy: 阴谋 


-Michael: I didn't come here to have a debate.

debate: 辩论


-Sarah: You're asking me to break the law. 

 ask: 请求 break: 违反 law: 法律


-Michael: I'm asking you to make a mistake. 

 mistake: 错误


Not hurt anyone, not steal anything. 

 steal: 偷




forget to lock up. 

 forget: 忘记


Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight. 

 leave: 留着 unlock: 没有锁 


That's it. 




-Sarah: This is where you're breaking out of? 


This room 


-Michael: There are alarm contacts on the glass surrounding the door. 

 alarm: 警报 contact: 触体 glass: 玻璃 surrounding: 周围的


Otherwise I wouldn't need you to... 

 otherwise: 不然 need: 需要


-Sarah: I was part of your plan. 

 plan: 计划 plan: 计划


Was it all an act? 

 act: 装模作样,假装的行为


-Michael: At first, 




I needed to be here. 


But then I wanted to be here with you. 


-Sarah: Right. 


-Michael: And it's killing me to know that you'll never believe that. 

 kill: 使疼痛难忍 never: 从不 believe: 相信


Whatever you may think of me, 


this is about Lincoln. 


Don't make him pay for my mistakes. 

 pay: 付出代价;受到惩罚 mistake: 错误


-man: Yeah 


-John: Hi, it's me. 


There's been an acceleration. 

 acceleration: 加速


-man: How fast we talking about? 

 fast: 快的


-John: Fast. Tonight 


-man: Son of a bitch

 bitch: 婊子


-John: I think what you're trying to say is no problem? 

 problem: 问题


-man: Yeah, of course It'll be taken care of. 


-John: Good. 


The van 

 van: 货车;(载客的)面包车


-man: Waiting up Fitz Street, 200 yards... 

 yard: 码


Behind the old mill 

 mill: 磨坊


-John: Behind the old mill, I got it. 


-man: One question, John 


Don't you want a bigger plane? 

 plane: 飞机


You've only got three seats. 

 seat: 座位


I thought you said there were seven or eight guys. 


-John: Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket. 

 gonna=going to: 将要


-man: You gonna tell me who is? 


-John: The three of us still breathing 

 breathing: 呼吸的


-Veronica: Whatever airport's closer to Blackfoot. 

 whatever: 无论什么 closer: 更近


Aisle, window, it doesn't matter, 

 window: 窗户 matter: 有重要性


just get us on the next flight. 

 flight: 航班


Yeah, I'll hold. 

 hold: 拿住


-Nike: Hello? 


-John: Change of plans. We're going to need you 

 plan: 计划 need: 需要


to have the girl at the airstrip tonight. 

 airship: 飞机跑道


-Nike: Tonight 


-John: Was I not enunciating? 

 enunciating: enunciate的分词,表达


-Nike: No, it's just that, uh... 


things could get messy. 

 messy: 麻烦的


-John: so where is Mark? 


-prison guard: Patterson and Pope's secretary 

 secretary: 秘书


- Louis: Come on, man, like you wouldn't hit that. 

 hit: 猜中,说对


I don't know, Vegas, 2:00 a. m. maybe, but... 


-prison guard: if she didn't have such a big booty 

 booty: 臀部,女人肉体


- Louis: Man, the booty is the man's biggest weakness. 

 weakness: 弱点 


I know I would've hit it. 


-Fernando: Find a way to the infirmary yet? 

 infirmary: 医务室


-Michael: I'm working on it 


-David: Yo, you seen Bellick today? 


- Louis: Not yet. 


-David: I need to talk to him. 


Do you know if he went somewhere? 


- Louis: Do I look like his mother? 


The guy hasn't shown up yet. 

  show: 展示


-David:You sure he ain't showed yet? 


'Cause I thought I saw him here this morning, man. 


-Westmoreland: Tweener. 


Need a hand over here. 

 hand: 人手,劳力


Yeah, I'm on it. 


-David: All right? 


-Westmoreland: Fine. 


Just, uh... just sore, that's all. 

 sore: 疼痛的


You live to my age, you'll know all about it. 


-Franklin: You know you got a couple foxes in your hen house, right? 

 fox: 狐狸 couple: 一对 hen: 母鸡


-Michael: Who are we talking about? 


-Franklin: The bastard and the born again. 

 bastard: 王八蛋 born: 出生 again: 再一次


-Michael: They both want out of here. 

 both: 两者都


-Franklin: They'll behave until then. 

 behave: 举止端正 until: 直到


-Michael: Think so?


-Franklin: I just picked this off of TBag yesterday. 

 pick: 挑选 yesterday: 昨天


If I would've been there ten seconds later, 

 second: 秒钟


they'd have been serving, Abruzzi with red sauce over at the morgue. 

 serve: 上菜  red: 红色的 sauce: 酱汁 morgue: 陈尸所


Now I know you want to be shot caller and everything, 

 shot: 开火


and that's cool, 

 cool: 没有问题的


but you got to handle things, man. 

 handle: 处理


Are you picking up what I'm putting down? 


-Michael: Yeah. 


-Franklin: Look, this is it, man. 


Ain't no doovers this time.

 doover: 返工


Can't be no complications. 

 complication: 复杂化


We break out tonight 


or we ain't never getting out. 


- Keith:We got that paperwork in from the county. 

 paperwork: 文件 county: 郡县




-Sarah: Yeah. Sorry. 


- Keith:The paperwork from the county. 

 paperwork: 文件 country: 城市


-Sarah: Right. I got it.


Um... do me a favor, 

 favor: 帮忙


could you take care of that for me? 


I got to get out of here. 

 sure: 确定




-Sarah: Thanks. 


-Keith:Wait, where are you going? 


-Sarah: Out.


-Michael: Put your blues on over your PI gear. 

 blue: 蓝色 PI=prison industry: 监狱工厂 gear: 衣服,衣着


-Franklin: What? 


-Michael: Just do it.


-John: You want to tell us why? 


-Michael: If we don't have time to get the suits we need, 

 suit: 衣服,套服


we're gonna have to make them. 


-Franklin: What the hell are you doing, man?


We got company. 


-Michael: It's okay. 


He's coming with us. 


-Franklin: Hey, whatever happened to "We got too many people"? 

 whatever: 无论如何 happen: 发生 


-Michael: When the plan changed, so did the timing. 

 plan: 计划 change: 改变 timing: 时间选择;时间控制


We'll make sure we all get through. 


-T-Bag: Well, for health reasons, information like that should be 

 health: 健康 reason: 原因 information: 信息


disseminated a little more pronto 

 disseminate: 传播 pronto: 很快的


-Franklin: Uhuh, Fish. 

 fish: 新来的囚犯


One more person means 


there's one more thing that can go wrong. 


He is not coming. 


-Michael: It's not up for discussion. 

 discussion: 讨论 


-Franklin: The hell it ain't.


-Michael: I owe him. 

 owe: 欠


I don't owe you a damn thing. 

 damn: 该死的 damn: 该死的


-Franklin: You're gonna... 


if we get nailed 'cause you didn't want 

 nail: [口语]抓住,逮住


to cut down on your damn guest list. 

 guest: 客人 list: 单子 


Don't worry, it'll be fine. 


-prison guard: Hey 


Hold up, cons. 

 con=convict: 囚犯


I saw some drops of blood on the floor of the PI locker room. 

 drop: (一)滴 blood: 血 locker: 锁


Now who's going to tell me what's going on? 


-Michael: That'd be me, boss. 

 boss: 老板,老大,头儿


I, uh, did it while I was 

 while: 当…时候


loading some equipment back into the shed. 

 load: 装载 equipment: 设备 shed: 车棚


-prison guard: You make sure and get that patched up. 

 patch: 包扎


-Michael: Will do. 


-prison guard: Okay


Move it. 

 move: 移动


-Michael: Are you okay? 


-Westmoreland: Okay enough to make it out of here tonight. 


I swear. 

 swear: 发誓


-Sarah: Hey, Shelly, this is, uh, it's me. 


I, listen, I know I'm supposed to call you as my sponsor 

sponsor: 保证人


in case I have a, um... 


-Pope: Right 


I think we should break a bottle of champagne across its bow. 

 break: 打开 champagne: 香槟 bow: (桶、壶等的)圆形拎环


-Michael: Well, if you're intending to get this thing home 

 intend: 打算


for your anniversary tonight, I wouldn't recommend it. 

 anniversary: 周年纪念 recommend: 推荐


-Pope: No! 


Listen, I want you to know that I... well, 


I feel very fortunate to have met you. 

 feel: 感觉 fortunate: 幸运


-Michael: Yeah. I'm guessing not many structural engineers 

 guess: 猜测 structural: 建筑上的 engineer: 工程师


make their way into Fox River. 

 来Fox River监狱

-Pope: No, no, I don't mean because of your vocation. 

 vocation: 职业


I mean because you're a decent young man 

 decent: 正派的,名声好的


and there are not many of those who make their way into Fox River. 

 来Fox River监狱的人可没有那么好

-Michael: Well, for what it's worth, there are a few down there. 

 worth: 价值 few: 很少


-Pope: Well, that's good to hear. 

 hear: 听见


Listen, I know this goes without saying, 


but, uh... if there's anything you need... 


well, let's just say that I owe you one. 

 owe: 欠


Actually... there is one thing you can do for me. 

 actually: 事实上


-Burrows:So this whole thing this whole time, 

 whole: 整个


was never about me. 

 never: 从不


It was about Dad. 


-Michael: I can't believe... 

 believe: 相信






-Michael: What?


-Burrows:You got something you want to tell me? 


Just told you everything we knew about Dad was a lie 

 lie: 谎言


and you barely blinked. 

 barely: 几乎不 blink: 眨眼


-Michael: We have to go. 




-Burrows:What are you talking about?


-Michael: Bellick found the hole, so either we go now or it's over. 

 hole: 洞 over: 结束了,完了的


-Burrows: Michael... 

 tight: 紧迫的


-Michael: Look, I know it's going to be tight,


but I can do this. 


-Burrows: Michael, stop it. 


-Michael: The chains on your locks, they're, uh... 

 chain: 链条 lock: 锁


-Burrows: Michael! Michael! 

 Michael! Michael!

-Michael: I can do this!


-Burrows: Listen to me! 




You gotta go. 

 gotta=have got to: 必须


-Michael: Don't say that.


-Burrows: Look at me! 


You can't do this. There's not enough time. 

 enough: 足够的


If you stay here, they'll nail you 

 stay: 停留 nail: 使固定;使不动


and you'll rot in here. 

 rot: 腐化;堕落


I'm not asking you, man, I'm telling you. 

 ask: 请求


Leave me behind. 

 leave: 留下




-Trumpets: What the hell you think you doing? 


-Franklin: Nothing, man. 


-Trumpets: You trying to run something 

 try: 尝试 run: 偷运


for those Wonder Breads you been running around with? 

 wonder: 奇迹 


-Franklin: No, it ain't even like that. 

 even: 甚至


-Trumpets: Tell me something, boy. 


Is you stepping, or is you fetching? 

 step: 快速移动(或行进) fetch: 拿来,取来


I thought I made myself clear when I said 

 clear: 清楚的,明白的


your punk ass was no longer in business. 

 punk: 无用的 ass: 愚蠢的人 


-Franklin: This ain't business, all right? 

 business: 生意


This is personal. 

 personal: 私人的


-Trumpets: What you got there anyway? Some kind of cleaner? 

 anyway: 不论以何种方式  cleaner: 清洁工


What you trying to clean up... 


Sergeant Franklin? 

 sergeant: 军士,中士


-Journalist: NEWS ANCHOR Correspondent Nancy Lou has the details. 

 detail: 详情

 通讯记者Nancy Lou 有详细报道



-Nancy: Rumors coming out of Vice President Reynolds' camp 

 rumor: 谣言 vice: 副的 president: 总统 camp: 竞选总部


detail a preliminary short list of running mates 

 detail: 说明详情 preliminary: 初步的 list: 名单 mate: 伙伴


should she, as expected, win her party's nomination.

 except: 期望 party: 政党 nomination: 提名


Perhaps the biggest surprise is the inclusion 

 perhaps: 可能 surprise: 惊讶 inclusion: 包含


of Illinois governor Frank Tancredi. 

 governor: 州长

 伊利诺斯的州长Frank Tancredi 

His consideration is attributed to his reputation for being tough on crime. 

 consideration: (作决定时)应该考虑的事;理由 attribute: 把…归因于 reputation: 名声 tough: 强硬的 crime: 罪犯


And some point to his recent refusal to grant clemency 

 point: 点;程度 recent: 最近 refusal: 拒绝 grant: 批准 clemency: 仁慈,宽恕


to Lincoln Burrows, 

 对Lincoln Burrows网开一面

the murderer of the vice president's brother, 

 murderer: 杀人犯


which was welcomed with deep appreciation 

 deep: 深深的 appreciation: 赏识


from within the Oval Office. 

 oval: 椭圆形的


-Journalist: Thanks, Nancy. Locally, a jackknifed big rig 

 locally: 在本地,当地地 jackknifed: 折刀似启闭(转动)的 rig: 钻探用具;钻井架

 谢谢 Nancy 本地新闻,一架钻井机...

-criminal: What the hell are you doing, John? 


-John: The Lord's work. 

 lord: 上帝


-criminal: The Lord wants you to spread horse crap 

 spread: 传播 crap: 粪便


all over your mattress? 

 mattress: 床垫


-John: It's not our place to question His will. 

 will: 意愿


Are we clear? 


-prison guard: Let's cut the chatter, convict. 

 chatter: 聊天,谈话 convict: 囚犯


-prison guard: Open on 88! 


-David: Yo, what's that? 


Avocado's gear 

gear: 工具,装备


-prison guard: He's getting out of the infirmary tonight. 

 infirmary: 医务室


-David: Tonight? 


-prison guard: So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake. 

bake: 烘烤 




I heard you were asking Patterson about Bellick. 

 我听说你和Patterson 说起Bellick.

Said you thought you saw him this morning? 


-David:Yeah. I was. 


No, it was yesterday. 


That's when I saw him. 


-prison guard: You sure 




You know, time just sort of blends together up in here. 

together: 一起


-prison guard: All right 


Close on 88! 


-Fernando: What am I supposed to do with this? 


-Michael: Pour it in the toilet. 

 pour: 倒 toilet: 厕所


-Fernando: You got C-Note to steal some peroxide 

 steal: 偷 peroxide: 过氧化物


from the kitchen so we can clean the toilet? 

 kitchen: 厨房 toilet: 厕所


-Michael: We got to get all of us into psych ward tonight 

 psych=psychiatric: 精神病的 ward: 牢房


to access the pipes. 

access: 进入  pipe: 管道


A bunch of cons wearing their prison blues 

 bunch: 群 con: 犯人 blue: 蓝色服装


would stick out like a sore thumb. 

sore: 疼痛的 thumb: 拇指


But the inmates in the psych ward 

 inmate: 同监狱犯人 psych=psychiatric: 精神病的 ward: 牢房


-Fernando: all wear... White. 

 都穿... 白色

-Michael: Peroxide acts as a bleach. 

 act: 当作,充当 bleach: 漂白剂



 camouflage: 伪装,伪装物


-Fernando: Just a few more hours now 


Looks like we got everything we need... 


Everything except your brother 

 except: 除了


-Michael: You worry about the suits. 

 suit: 衣服


I'll worry about Linc. 


- President: Could you, uh, give us a couple of minutes? 


-women: Of course, Mr. President 


-Caroline: You probably know why I'm here. 

 probably: 可能


- President: If I were a betting man, 

 bet: 打赌


I have a pretty good idea where I'd lay my chips. 

 pretty: 相当地 lay: 放置 chip: (作赌注用的)圆形筹码


-Caroline: The energy bill, Richard

 energy: 能源 bill: 法案


Why did you change your mind? 

 change: 改变


You've been saying for months 


it's so full of pork the damn things 

 pork: [美国口语]政客假公济私给手下人的好处(如金钱、职位等) damn: 该死的


ready to squeal, and now all of a sudden... 

 squeal: [俚语]告发,告密 sudden: 突然


- President: Yes, the bill is flawed, but it's better than doing nothing. 

 bill: 法案 flawed: 有缺陷的 


Frankly, I find it a little curious 

 frankly: 坦白地说 curious: 好奇的


that you're here, telling me to veto a bill 

 veto: 否决 bill: 法案


you voted in favor of. 

 vote: 投票 favor: 支持,赞同


-Caroline: You're on the way out. 


Some of us need to think ahead. 

 ahead: 向前


- President: Actually, I've been doing some thinking ahead as well, Caroline 

 actually: 事实上 


specifically, about my endorsement. 

 specifically: 特别地 endorsement: (商业文件、票据等的)签署


-Caroline: What?! 


- President: I'm considering making a switch, 

 consider: 考虑 switch: 转变,转换


throwing my weight behind Senator Challis. 

 throw: 扔 weight: 重量


-Caroline: You can't do that. 


- President: Can't I? 




you are everything that's wrong with politics. 

 politic: 政治


You vote not to legislate change, 

 legislate: 制定法律,立法


but to profit. 

 profit: 利润


-Caroline: You run not to make a difference, 

 difference: 不同


but to make demands. 

 demand: 要求


You put me on your ticket 

 ticket: 选票


not because I share your views, 

 share: 共享 view: 观点


but because I didn't share your gender. 

 gender: 性别


So don't take the moral high ground. 

 moral: 道德的


We all know how this game is played. 


Richard, please, I... 


- President: Good day, Caroline. 


-Caroline: Richard!


R Richard! 


- Louis: You know what I got my wife for our anniversary? 

 anniversary: 周年纪念


-Pope: What? 


- Louis: A scarf 

 scarf: 围巾


-Pope: Well, this is a big one for me. 


I had to do something special. 

 special: 特别的


Okay, let's get this thing down to the car. 


We'll do it all together on three. 


Ready? One... 


two... three. 


Upside Oh, no! Oh, no! 

 upside: 上面

Put it down, put it down, put it down. 


All right, get Scofield up here right away! 


-Fernando: It's working. 


-Michael: All right, get 'em out and get 'em dry. 


We got to get 'em on under our clothes 


before tier time, which is in... 45 minutes. 


-Fernando: You think everyone else will be ready? 


-Michael: We don't have a choice. 

 choice: 选择


As soon as the gate's open, we go. 


We're going to need every second. 

 need: 需要


-prison guard: Open on 40 


Scofield, Pope needs to see you, ASAP. 

 pope: 教皇,这里指监狱长 ASAP=as soon as possible: 尽快


-Fernando: Now? 


-Michael: What for? 


-prison guard: A Bar Mitzvah Let's go


-Fernando: It's 6:18, bro. 

 bro=brother: 兄弟


You can't... Now. 


-Sarah’s father: Excuse me a minute. 


Sara, to what do I owe the pleasure? 

 owe: 应给予 pleasure: 快乐


-Sarah: I guess to congratulations. 

 congratulations: 恭喜


Can't believe I had to hear about it on the news. 


-Sarah’s father: Oh, the VP thing well, that's just talk. 


-Sarah: Is it? 


-Sarah’s father: Yeah. What was it your mother used to say?


"It's always nice to be invited to the dance, 

 invite: 邀请


even if you don't have the right shoes. " 


-Sarah: She also used to say," You're father's a lying bastard," but I figured 

 lying: 骗人的,说谎的 bastard: 私生子 figure: 认为,理解

 她还经常说 "你父亲是个骗人的混蛋"

that was just the booze talking. 

 booze: 豪饮


-Sarah’s father: You know, it's always nice to see you, Sara. 


Is there something that you needed, 


or did you just come by to... 


-Sarah: Just tell me something.


Did you... did you look at the information I gave you 

 information: 信息


from Lincoln Burrows' attorneys? 

 attorney: 律师 


-Sarah’s father: Sweetheart, move on.

sweetheart: 甜心


The man's attorneys had a window 

 attorney: 律师 window: 最佳时机


to present new evidence they didn't. 

 present: 现在的 evidence: 证据


Now that window is closed. 


-Sarah: I just need to know, did you look at the information? 

 information: 信息


-Sarah’s father: Come on, Sara. 




-Sarah: Answer me.


-Sarah’s father: I swear, working at Fox River has changed you. 

 swear: 发誓 change: 改变

 我相信Fox River监狱改变了你

You're always saying you want to make a difference? 

 difference: 不同


At that place It's too late. 


You should be a teacher, so that you can get to these people 


before they become... 


-Sarah: Did you look at the information?


-Sarah’s father: I didn't need to. 


I supported the findings of the court. 

 support: 支持 finding: 判决,裁决 court: 法院


If you have a problem with the verdict, go after them. 

 verdict: 判决 


But before you do, I suggest you look at the guy's rap sheet 

 suggest: 建议 guy: 家伙


and ask yourself if the world will be a better place 

 问问自己放Lincoln Burrows这种人出狱

with Lincoln Burrows walking the streets. 


-Sarah: Just tell me one thing did they promise you 

 promise: 承诺


the vice presidency before or after 

 presidency: 总统职位


you signed his death warrant? 

 sign: 签署 warrant: 授权令


-Sarah’s father: I will not discuss morality with an addict and a thief. 

 morality: 道德 addict: (吸毒)成瘾者 thief: 贼


You want to talk reality, Sara? 

 reality: 现实


How many times did I use my influence to keep 

 influence: 影响


you and one of your junky boyfriends out of jail? 

 junky: 品质低劣的 jail: 监狱


How many? Was it three, four times? 

 多少次? 3次,4次?

I swear, Sara, it's funny, you know? 

 swear: 发誓 funny: 有趣的

 我发誓,Sara 有趣的是...

You have no trouble whatsoever with me bending the law... 

 whatsoever: 无论什么 bend: 随意歪曲 law: 法律


especially when it's bent in your direction. 

 especially: 尤其 bent: 弯曲bend的过去分词 direction: 方向


Grow up. 


-Patterson:You talk to that Tweener kid? 


-prison guard: Yeah, he says he got his days mixed up, 

 mix: 混合


but I don't know. 


-Patterson: What?


-prison guard: Something about the way he said it


-Patterson: Oh, come on, man, Bellick's just taking a personal. 

 personal: 本人的;亲自的


I don't want to get the guy busted. 

 bust: 逮捕,拘捕


-prison guard: And if he's not


I'm just saying, it's 6:30 and no one's heard from the guy. 

 我是说已经6:30 还没人见过他

We got to tell Pope. 

 pope: 狱长


-Patterson: Okay. I'll tell him. 


-Veronica: Did you call the cab for the airport? 

 cab: 出租车 airport: 飞机场


-Nike: No, not yet. 


-Veronica: Why not?


Come on, the flight leaves in an hour. 

 flight: 航班


-Nike: Yeah. Yeah. 


I'm starting to think that us going to Montana might not be a good move. 

 move: 行动


-Veronica: What are you talking about? 


-Nike: What if you are right, and the smoking gun is in that house? 

 smoke: 冒烟 gun: 枪


You think they're just gonna let us walk in there 

 gonna: <美> 将要(=going to)


and make a citizen's arrest? 

 arrest: 逮捕 citizen: 公民


-Veronica: Look, Nick,


I don't know what your deal is lately, 

 deal: 协议 lately: 最近


but I'm getting on that plane with or without you. 


-Nike:I can't let u do that 


-Veronica: All this time you were one of them? 


Who's pulling your leash, Nick? 

 pull: 拉 leash: (拴狗用的)绳索(这句话,直译就是谁在拉着你的绳索,比喻Nick个狗腿子,有人在幕后控制着他)


Steadman Kellerman? 


Look at me. 


I want you to remember 


my face when you do whatever the hell it is you're gonna do. 


Look at me! 


You're a coward. 

 coward: 懦夫


-secretary: Ah, Scofield's outside, sir. 


-Pope: Okay. 


I want you to try every number we have 


for Brad Bellick try his home first. 


His mother usually answers. 

 usually: 通常地 answer: 接(电话)


-secretary: Mrs. Bellick? 


Hi. Uh, one moment, please. 


I have Warden Pope here for you. 

 warden: 监狱长


-Pope: Mrs. Bellick? 


No cause for alarm, no, no. 

 alarm: 警报


We just... we haven't seen him, and we were wondering 

 wonder: 想知道


if he might be home under the weather. 


So Brad called you when he pulled in this morning? 

 pull: 拉,拽 


And he said he was here? 


Okay, well, uh, 


thank you, Mrs. Bellick. 


We'll keep you posted. I'm sure he's fine. 

 post: 通告


Radio Mack 

 找Radio Mack

Have him check the parking lot for Bellick's truck. 

 check: 检查 lot: 小块土地


If he finds it, have him call me immediately. 

 immediately: 立刻,马上


-secretary: 457 


This is base. 

 base: 总部,根据地


What's your 20? 


-Maricruz: I'm pregnant, Fernando.

 pregnant: 怀孕


I'm gonna have your son. 

 have: 生育,生(子)


But all I know is that I'm really scared. 

 scared: 害怕的


I'm really scared to do this alone. 

 alone: 单独


-Reverend: John, it's never too late. 


If you'll agree to accept Christ into your heart 

 agree: 同意 accept: 接受


and turn from your sin, He will forgive you 

 sin: 罪恶 forgive: 原谅


and save you in eternity. 

 save: 拯救 eternity: 永远


-John: Where's Fibonacci?

Fibonacci 在哪?

-Michael: I'll give you Fibonacci 


when the time is right. 


-John: The time is right now. 


-Michael: No, the time is right when you and I 


are both standing outside those walls. 

 both: 两者都


-T-Bag: I'm gonna get out of here someday, and when I do... 

 gonna=going to: 将要 someday: 总有一天


...don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like, 

 front: 前面 


-Franklin: I'm... being shipped back off. 

 ship: 船运


-avocado: You only got one thing I need. 


-doctor: I've got some bad news, Charles. 


Your daughter's got esophageal cancer, 

 esophageal: 食道的 cancer: 癌症


and she wants to see you while there's still time. 


-Franklin: How long does she have? 


-Westmoreland: Hospital says a week. 

 hospital: 医院


-Pope: I read somewhere where the actual Taj Mahal 

 actual: 真实的


appears pink in the morning, milky white in the evening, 

 appear: 呈现 pink: 粉色 milky: 乳白色的


and golden when the moon shines. 

 golden: 金色的 shine: 光泽


The changes, they say, 


depict the different emotions of woman. 

 depict: 描述 emotion: 情绪


I can tell you something, if we don't get this thing fixed tonight, 

 fix: 修理


I don't want to know what kind of emotion my wife is gonna have 

 emotion: 情绪


if I walk through that door empty handed


It's strange I mean it just gave way 


We lifted it up, and the support beam snapped. 

 beam: 横梁 snap: 突然断掉


What's this? 


-Michael: The support 

 support: 支持


The one that holds up that beam 

 hold: 支撑 beam: 横梁


-Pope: You took it? 


-Michael: I'm sorry... 


but I needed to get back in here. 


-Pope: I II don't understand, why would you... 


-Michael: I'm breaking out. 


And you're gonna make sure my brother goes with me. 




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