
1. It is strictly prohibited to wear clogs, slippers, high heels and safety helmet when entering the construction site.

2. It is strictly prohibited for all personnel to operate, stand and walk under the lifting rack, lifting basket, lifting derrick wellhead and lifting object.

3. It is strictly prohibited for non-professionals to start any construction machinery and connect, dismantle wires and electrical appliances without permission.

4. It is strictly prohibited to play, make noise and throw materials, tools, masonry, sand and mud and all objects from high places on the operation site.

5. It is strictly prohibited to dig deep foundation pits without support in earthwork.

6. It is strictly prohibited to work on the height without railings or other safety measures and walk on a single wall.

7. It is strictly prohibited to cross up and down at the same place without safety measures.

8. It is strictly prohibited to bring children into the construction site.

9. It is strictly pro


