流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 7·Unit 2·Part 3·Video 3·On Machine Intelligence 3

On Machine Intelligence 3

I have a friend who developed such computational systems to predict the likelihood of clinical or postpartum depression from social media data. 


friend朋友; 友人; 赞助者; 支持者; 自己人; 同志; 同伙; 同盟者; <诗>与…为友

developed发达的; 高度发展的; 先进的; 成熟的; 成长,发展,壮大; 开发; 研制; 患; 出现; 开始侵袭; 开始影响; develop的过去分词和过去式

computational使用计算机的; 与计算机有关的

systems体系; 方法; 制度; 体制; 系统; 身体; system的复数

predict预言; 预告; 预报

likelihood可能; 可能性

clinical临床的; 临床诊断的; 冷淡的; 无动于衷的; 无同情心的; 简陋的; 无装饰的

social media社交网络媒介

data数据; 资料; 材料; 数据资料; datum的复数

The results are impressive. 

Her system can predict the likelihood of depression months before the onset of any symptoms -- months before. 


predict预言; 预告; 预报

likelihood可能; 可能性

depression抑郁症; 精神忧郁; 抑郁; 沮丧; 消沉; 萧条期; 经济衰退; 不景气

months月; 月份; 约30天的时间; 一个月的时间; 数月; 很长时间; month的复数

before在…以前; 在…面前; 在前面; 到…为止; 到…之前; 以免; 不然; 以前; 过去; 已经


of any在所有的…当中

symptoms症状; 征候; 征兆; symptom的复数

No symptoms, there's prediction.

 She hopes it will be used for early intervention. a


hopes希望,期望; 希望; 期望; 希望的东西; 期望的事情; 被寄予希望的人; hope的第三人称单数和复数

will谈及将来; 愿,要,会,定要; 烦劳别人做事时用; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; 意志; 毅力; 自制力; 意愿; 心愿; 遗嘱

be used for用于

early早期的; 初期的; 早先的; 早到的; 提前的; 提早的; 在早期; 在初期; 在开始阶段; 提早; 提前; 先前; 早些时候; …之前

intervention干涉; 干预

Great! But now put this in the context of hiring.


Great大的; 巨大的; 数量大的; 众多的; 很; 非常的; 很多的; 极大的; 名人; 伟人; 伟大的事物; 很好地; 极好地; 很棒地

put放; 安置; 猛推; 用力插入; 将…送往; 使…前往

hiring租用; 租借; 聘用; 录用; 雇用; 临时雇用; hire的现在分词

So at this human resources managers conference, I approached a high-level manager in a very large company, and I said to her, "Look, what if, unbeknownst to you, your system is weeding out people with high future likelihood of depression? 


human resources人力资源; 人力资源部,人事部

approached靠近,接近; 接洽; 建议; 要求; 接近; approach的过去分词和过去式

high-level级别高的; 高层的; 位置高的; 在高处的; 高级的; 高等的

what if如果…怎么办


weeding除杂草; weed的现在分词

people with<文>使充满

They're not depressed now, just maybe in the future, more likely. 

What if it's weeding out women more likely to be pregnant in the next year or two but aren't pregnant now? 


What if如果…怎么办

weeding除杂草; weed的现在分词

womenwoman 的复数

more likely适当的; 有希望的; 很可能的; 很像真事的; 多半

be pregnant怀孕

next year明年


pregnant怀孕的; 妊娠的; 饱含; 充溢着

now现在; 目前; 此刻; 从现在开始; 表示厌烦; 既然; 由于

What if it's hiring aggressive people because that's your workplace culture?" 


What if如果…怎么办

hiring租用; 租借; 聘用; 录用; 雇用; 临时雇用; hire的现在分词

aggressive好斗的; 挑衅的; 侵略的; 富于攻击性的; 气势汹汹的; 声势浩大的; 志在必得的

people人; 人们; 大家; 人民,国民; 民族; 种族; 居住在; 把…挤满人; 住满居民; person的复数

because that因为,由于


culture文化,文明; 文化; 培养

You can't tell this by looking at gender breakdowns. 


tell告诉; 告知; 提供; 说明; 显示; 讲述; 说; 表达; 台形土墩; 讲的话; 谈话; 传闻

looking at看; 考虑

gender性别; 性

breakdowns故障,损坏; 破裂; 失败; 数字细目; 分类; breakdown的复数

Those may be balanced. 

And since this is machine learning, not traditional coding, there is no variable there labeled "higher risk of depression," "higher risk of pregnancy," "aggressive guy scale." 


machine learning机器学习;机器改进能力

traditional传统的; 习俗的; 惯例的; 因袭的; 守旧的

coding编码方法,编码系统; 为…编码; 把…译成密码; 编程序; 编码; code的现在分词

there is有

variable多变的; 易变的; 变化无常的; 可更改的; 可变的; 可变情况; 变量; 可变因素

depression抑郁症; 精神忧郁; 抑郁; 沮丧; 消沉; 萧条期; 经济衰退; 不景气

pregnancy怀孕; 妊娠; 孕期

aggressive好斗的; 挑衅的; 侵略的; 富于攻击性的; 气势汹汹的; 声势浩大的; 志在必得的

guy男人; 小伙子; 家伙; 一群男人; 伙计们; 兄弟们; 盖伊模拟像(英国每年11月5日庆祝篝火之夜焚烧的身着古装的人体模型); 牵拉; 固定; 开…的玩笑; 取笑[俚语]逃亡; 逃走; 乱演某角色

scale规模,范围,程度; 等级; 级别; 等级体系; 攀登; 到达…顶点; 去鳞; 刮除牙石

Not only do you not know what your system is selecting on, you don't even know where to begin to look. 

It's a black box. It has predictive power, but you don't understand it.

"What safeguards," I asked, "do you have to make sure that your black box isn't doing something shady?" She looked at me as if I had just stepped on 10 puppy tails. 


safeguards保护; 保障; 捍卫; 安全设施; 保护措施; safeguard的第三人称单数和复数

do you你愿意吗

have to必须; 不得不; 劝告或建议时用; 表示一定真实或肯定发生

make sure that一定要;设法保证; 查明;核实;弄清

black box黑匣子; 黑盒; 飞行记录仪; 未知框

shady背阴的; 阴凉的; 多阴的; 成荫的; 可疑的; 鬼祟的; 非法的

as if好像…一样,仿佛,似乎; 好像,仿佛,似乎; 好像,仿佛,似乎

stepped迈步; 踩; 踏; 行走; step的过去分词和过去式

puppy小狗; 幼犬; 傲慢小子; 自负无礼的青年

tails尾; 尾巴; 有…尾巴的; 尾部; 后部; 跟踪; 尾随; 盯梢; tail的第三人称单数和复数

She stared at me and she said, "I don't want to hear another word about this." And she turned around and walked away.

 Mind you -- she wasn't rude. 

It was clearly: what I don't know isn't my problem, go away, death stare.

Look, such a system may even be less biased than human managers in some ways. 


Look看; 瞧; 寻找; 寻求; 注意; 留心; 留神; 查找; 眼神; 表情; 神情; 脸色; 喂,听我说

such这样的,那样的,类似的; 这样的,下述一类的; 这样,非常,如此程度

even甚至,连,即使; 甚至更,愈加,还; 甚至可以说,其实,实际上; 平滑的; 平的; 平坦的; 变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的; 相等的; 均等的; 平; 相等; 变平

less较少的,更少的; 较少; 较小; 更少; 更小; 没那么多; 少; 减去; 扣除; 小的; 比较小的; 可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的; 年幼的; 幼小的; little的比较级

biased有偏见的; 倾向性的; 片面的; 偏重; 偏向; 使有偏见; 使偏心; 使偏向; bias的过去分词和过去式

human人的; 显示人类特有弱点的; 人本性的; 有人情味的; 通人情的; 人

managers经理,经营者,老板; 经理人,经纪人,个人经理; 主教练; manager的复数

in some ways在某些方面; 在某种程度上; 在一些方面

And it could make monetary sense. 



sense感觉官能; 感觉,意识; 理解力; 判断力; 感觉到; 意识到; 觉察出; 检测出

But it could also lead to a steady but stealthy shutting out of the job market of people with higher risk of depression. 


lead to通向

steady稳步的,持续的,匀速的; 稳定的; 恒定的; 稳的; 平稳的; 稳固的; 使稳; 使平稳; 稳住; 恢复平稳; 稳定下来; 使平静; 使冷静; 使镇定; 稳定地; 持续地; 稳固地; 哎,注意点; 注意,当心,小心

stealthy偷偷摸摸的; 不声张的; 秘密的

shutting关闭; 关上; 合上; 停止营业,关门,打烊; shut的现在分词

out of从…里面;离开; 从…的状态中; 越出…之外

people with<文>使充满

higher高等级的; 级别较高的; 较重要的; 在高处; 向高处; 高; 大; 音调高; high的比较级

risk危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; 借款人,保险对象; 使…冒风险; 冒…的风险; 冒险做; 大胆做

depression抑郁症; 精神忧郁; 抑郁; 沮丧; 消沉; 萧条期; 经济衰退; 不景气

Is this the kind of society we want to build, without even knowing we've done this, because we turned decision-making to machines we don't totally understand?


kind of稍微; 有几分; 有点儿

want to应该

build建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; 体形; 体格; 身材

knowing会意的; 心照不宣的; 知情的; 知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定; know的现在分词

've(=value engineering)价值工程学; 同“have”

done完毕; 了结; 结束; 煮熟; 熟了; 合乎礼仪; 合乎规矩; 得体; 行,好; 做,干,办; 做; 行动; 表现; 进展,进行; do的过去分词

turned转动,旋转; 转身; 扭转; 翻转; 翻动; 把…翻过来; turn的过去分词和过去式


machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

totally完全; 全部地; 整个地


1.Why does Tufekci refer to machine learning as a black box?

People can see the results but not the internal process.


2.why did the manager refuse to answer her question?

she didn't want to address the potential ethical issues with the system.

3.To weed somebody out means

to get rid of them.

4.What example does Tufekci give as a potential consequence of using machine intelligence for human hiring?

People with higher risk of depression would be less likely to be employed

5.what does the system develop her friend do?

it predicts the likelihood of depression.

6.to be at the onset of something means to 

be at the beginning of it

Fill in the blanks:

Not only do you not know what your system is selecting on, you don't even know where to begin to look.It's a black box. It has predictive power, but you don't understand it.

Another problem is this: these systems are often trained on data generated by our actions, human imprints. 


Another又一; 再一; 另一; 不同的; 类似的

problem棘手的问题; 难题; 困难; 逻辑题; 数学题; 找麻烦的; 成问题的; 惹乱子的

systems体系; 方法; 制度; 体制; 系统; 身体; system的复数

often时常; 常常; 往往; 大多

trained训练; 培训; 接受训练; 进行…训练; 进行体育锻炼; 教育; 培养…的能力; train的过去分词和过去式

data数据; 资料; 材料; 数据资料; datum的复数

generated产生; 引起; generate的过去分词和过去式

actions行动; 行为过程; 所做之事; 行为; 诉讼; 起诉; 务必做,确保处理; action的第三人称单数和复数

human人的; 显示人类特有弱点的; 人本性的; 有人情味的; 通人情的; 人

imprints产生重大影响; 铭刻; 使铭记; 印; 压印; 印记; 痕迹; 持久影响; 出版商名称; imprint的

Well, they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us, while we're telling ourselves, "We're just doing objective, neutral computation."


reflecting反映; 映出; 反射; 显示,表明,表达; reflect的现在分词

biases偏见; 偏心; 偏向; 偏爱; 特殊能力; 斜裁; 使有偏见; 使偏心; 使偏向; bias的第三人称单数和复数

and these形形色色

picking选择; 挑选; 采; 摘; 摘掉,剔除,掐去; pick的现在分词; 采摘; 掘; 撬开; 采得物; 赃物

amplifying放大,增强; 阐发,充实; amplify的现在分词

ourselves(we的反身形式)我们自己; (用于强调或代替we或us)我们自己,亲自

objective目标; 目的; 物镜; 客观的; 就事论事的; 不带个人感情的; 客观存在的; 基于事实的; 宾格的

neutral中立的; 持平的; 无倾向性的; 中立国的; 中性的; 不含褒贬义的; 空挡的; 中立者; 中立国; 素净色; 中和色

computation计算; 计算过程

Researchers found that on Google, women are less likely than men to be shown job ads for high-paying jobs. 

And searching for African-American names is more likely to bring up ads suggesting criminal history, even when there is none. 


searching深挖细究的; 认真彻底的; 搜索; 搜寻; 搜查; 查找; 搜身; 思索,细想; search的现在分词


names名字; 名称; 名誉; 名声; 名气; 有…名称的; 以…著名的; 有…名声的; 命名; 给…取名; 说出…的名称; 叫出…的名字; 确定; 说定; 准确陈述; name的第三人称单数和复数

more likely适当的; 有希望的; 很可能的; 很像真事的; 多半

bring up养育; 抚养; 养大; 谈及; 提出; 呕吐; 咳出

suggesting建议; 提议; 推荐; 举荐; 使想到; 使认为; 表明; suggest的现在分词

criminal犯罪的; 犯法的; 涉及犯罪的; 刑法的; 刑事的; 道德上错误的; 不道德的; 罪犯

even when即使当

there is有

none没有一个; 毫无; (与the加比较级连用)一点都不,绝无; (与too加形容词或副词连用)绝不,不怎么

Such hidden biases and black-box algorithms that researchers uncover sometimes but sometimes we don't know, can have life-altering consequences.


Such这样的,那样的,类似的; 这样的,下述一类的; 这样,非常,如此程度

hidden难以看见的; 隐藏的; 隐秘的; 藏; 隐蔽; 躲避; 隐匿; 遮住; 遮挡; hide的过去分词

biases偏见; 偏心; 偏向; 偏爱; 特殊能力; 斜裁; 使有偏见; 使偏心; 使偏向; bias的第三人称单数和复数

algorithms算法; 计算程序; algorithm的复数

researchers研究员; 科研工作者; researcher的复数

uncover揭开盖子; 发现; 揭露; 揭发

sometimes有时; 间或

know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

consequences结果; 后果; 重要性; consequence的复数

In Wisconsin, a defendant was sentenced to six years in prison for evading the police. 



defendant被告人; 被告

sentenced判决; 宣判; 判刑; sentence的过去分词和过去式


years年; 日历年; 一年时间; 与某事相关的一年; 年度; year的复数

in prison在狱中

evading逃脱; 躲开; 躲避; 逃避,规避; 回避,避开; evade的现在分词

police警察部门; 警方; 巡查; 维护治安; 监督; 管制

You may not know this, but algorithms are increasingly used in parole and sentencing decisions. 


may not不得

know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

algorithms算法; 计算程序; algorithm的复数

increasingly越来越多地; 不断增加地

used习惯于; 适应; 用过的; 旧的; 二手的; 使用; 利用; 运用; 消耗; 说,写,使用; use的过去分词和过去式

parole假释; 有条件的释放; 言语; 有条件地释放

sentencing判决; 宣判; 判刑; sentence的现在分词

decisions决定,抉择; 决断; 果断; 作决定; 决策; decision的复数

He wanted to know: How is this score calculated? It's a commercial black box.

 The company refused to have its algorithm be challenged in open court. 


refused拒绝; 回绝; 推却; 拒绝给; refuse的过去分词和过去式

have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

algorithm算法; 计算程序

challenged伤残的,有残疾的; 对…怀疑; 拒绝接受; 向挑战; 强烈建议; 考查…的能力; 考验…的技巧; challenge的过去分词和过去式

in open court公开审讯,公开庭审

But ProPublica, an investigative nonprofit, audited that very algorithm with what public data they could find, and found that its outcomes were biased and its predictive power was dismal, barely better than chance, and it was wrongly labeling black defendants as future criminals at twice the rate of white defendants.


audited审计; 稽核; 旁听; audit的过去分词和过去式 audited英 [ˈɔːdɪtɪd] 美 [ˈɔːdɪtɪd] v.审计;稽核;旁听(大学课程)audit的过去分词和过去式

that very当

predictive power预测力

dismal英 [ˈdɪzməl] 美 [ˈdɪzməl] adj.忧郁的;凄凉的;惨淡的;阴沉的;不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的派生词: dismally adv.

better than比…好

wrongly不公正地; 不道德地; 错误地

defendants被告人; 被告; defendant的复数

rate of【财】汇率

So, consider this case: This woman was late picking up her god sister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers. 


consider this设想一下; 思索一下

woman成年女子; 妇女; 女子; 女人; 来自…的女子

late接近末期; 在晚年; 迟到; 迟发生; 迟做; 近日暮的; 近深夜的; 迟; 晚; 临近日暮; 接近午夜

picking选择; 挑选; 采; 摘; 摘掉,剔除,掐去; pick的现在分词; 采摘; 掘; 撬开; 采得物; 赃物

god上帝; 天主; 真主; 神; 极受崇拜的人; 被崇拜的偶像

sister姐; 妹; 姐妹; 护士长



running down全熔化

hers她的; 属于她的

They spotted an unlocked kid's bike and a scooter on a porch and foolishly jumped on it. 


spotted有花点的; 有斑点的; 看见; 看出; 注意到; 发现; 让分,让子,让步; spot的过去分词和过去式

unlocked未锁的; 开…的锁; 发现; 揭示; 揭开; unlock的过去分词和过去式

kid小孩; 年轻人; 小山羊; 小山羊皮革; 戏弄; 开玩笑; 欺骗; 哄骗; 妹妹; 弟弟

bike自行车; 脚踏车; 摩托车; 骑自行车; 骑车; 骑摩托车递送

scooter小型摩托车; 滑板车

porch门廊; 门厅


jumped跳; 跃; 跳跃; 跳过; 跃过; 跨越; 快速移动; 突然移动; jump的过去分词和过去式

on it大量喝酒

As they were speeding off, a woman came out and said, "Hey! That's my kid's bike!" 


werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

speeding超速驾驶; 超速行驶; 快速前行; 快速运送; 加速; 促进; speed的现在分词

off离开; 距,离; 用以表示除去了某物; 起跑; 从落下; 离,距; 偏离; 从…去掉; 从…移开; 不新鲜; 变质; 不礼貌; 不热情; 冷淡; 不能接受; 难以容忍; 不行; 杀死

woman成年女子; 妇女; 女子; 女人; 来自…的女子

came来; 来到; 到达,抵达; 来做; 来取; 来拿; come的过去式

out出来; 不在家; 不在工作地点; 外出; 出去; 离开边缘; 回避的方法; 托词; 出路; 揭露,公布

said说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述; say的过去分词和过去式

Hey嘿,喂; 嘿; 就这样,怎么样,你说呢

kid小孩; 年轻人; 小山羊; 小山羊皮革; 戏弄; 开玩笑; 欺骗; 哄骗; 妹妹; 弟弟

bike自行车; 脚踏车; 摩托车; 骑自行车; 骑车; 骑摩托车递送

They dropped it, they walked away, but they were arrested.

She was wrong, she was foolish, but she was also just 18.

 She had a couple of juvenile misdemeanors. 


a couple of一对

juvenile英 [ˈdʒuːvənaɪl] 美 [ˈdʒuːvənl] adj.少年的;未成年的;幼稚的;不成熟的;孩子气的n.少年

Meanwhile, that man had been arrested for shoplifting in Home Depot -- 85 dollars' worth of stuff, a similar petty crime. 

ps:与此同时,这名男子因在家得宝(Home Depot)商店行窃被捕——价值85美元的东西,类似的轻微犯罪。

Meanwhile同时; 与此同时; 其间; 对比之下; 其时,其间

been曾经到过; are的过去分词; be的过去分词

arrested逮捕; 拘留; 阻止; 中止; 吸引; arrest的过去分词和过去式

shoplifting冒充顾客在商店行窃; 在商店行窃; shoplift的现在分词

dollars元; 一元; 美元; dollar的复数

worth有…价值; 值…钱; 值得,有价值; 值得; 价值(十元、40英镑等)的东西; 能用的东西; 价值; 意义; 作用

stuff东西,物品,玩意儿; 活儿,话,念头,东西; 基本特征; 特质; 根本; 基础; 原料; 填满; 装满; 塞满; 灌满; 把…塞进; 在里填入; 给…装馅

similar相像的; 相仿的; 类似的; 类似物; 相像的人; 相似物

But he had two prior armed robbery convictions. 


prior先前的; 较早的; 在前的; 优先的; 占先的; 较重要的; 在前面的; 院长; 会长,副院长

armed robbery持械抢劫

convictions判罪; 定罪; 证明有罪; 坚定的看法; 深信; 坚信; 坚定; 肯定; conviction的复数

But the algorithm scored her as high risk, and not him.


 Two years later, ProPublica found that she had not reoffended. 

It was just hard to get a job for her with her record. 

He, on the other hand, did reoffend and is now serving an eight-year prison term for a later crime. 

Clearly, we need to audit our black boxes and not let them have this kind of unchecked power.


Clearly清楚地; 清晰地; 明白地; 易懂地; 明显地; 显然地

need需要; 必需; 有必要; 必须; 特别需要; 迫切要求; 需要的事物; 欲望

audit审计; 稽核; 审查,检查; 旁听

black boxes黑匣子; 黑盒; 飞行记录仪; 未知框; black box的复数

not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不

have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

them他们; 她们; 它们; 指性别不详的人时,用以代替him或her

kind of稍微; 有几分; 有点儿

unchecked不加约束的; 不受限制的; 放任的

power控制力; 影响力; 操纵力; 统治; 政权; 能力; 机会; 驱动,推动; 迅猛移动,快


1.Why is it important to audit machine intelligence ?

to make sure its decisions are accurate and objective.

2.To audit something is

 to closely examine it.

3.why might machine intelligence be biased?

 It is trained on data generated by humans.

4.what was the result of audited by ProPublica?

the outcomes of the algorithm were biased against black people.

Fill in the blanks:

these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us.

Put the sentences into correct order:

This woman was late picking up her god sister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers. They spotted an unlocked kid's bike and a scooter on a porch and foolishly jumped on it. As they were speeding off, a woman came out and said, "Hey! That's my kid's bike!" They dropped it, they walked away, but they were arrested.

Repeat and read the sentences:

1. these systems are often trained on data generated by our actions, human imprints.

2.we need to audit our black boxes and not let them have this kind of unchecked power.

3.What if it's weeding out women more likely to be pregnant in the next year or two who aren't pregnant now? 

4.they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us.

5.algorithms are increasingly used in parole and sentencing decisions. 

6.Such hidden biases and black-box algorithms that researchers uncover sometimes but sometimes we don't know, can have life-altering consequences.

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